
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

PRESUMPTION: The Great Lie! PRAYER: Lord, Please Grant Us Sin Relief!

... There Is A Level Of Presumption
In The Heart Of Every Man
To Go Where The Living God Sends Not
To Try To Usurp The Divine Plan!

Presumption Is One Of The Great Lies
Calling One To Override Almighty God's Authority
Calling One To Bait The Lord Of Life
To See If Finite Man
- By Dint Of Will -
- With Disobedience -
Gain The Obedient Man's Crown
AndLive With The Unchanging God
In Peace
For Eternity!

What Stands Out For Me
  1. The Obvious Lie
  2. The Thought Of Overriding The Unchanging God Will
  3. The Fallacy Of Finite Man Baiting The Eternal, And
  4. The Idea Of The Disobedient Man Getting The Obedient Man's Crown!

Point Taken! 
If Man, A Created And Dying Creature
Can Override The Will Of The Eternal Unchanging God
The Lie Is That There Actually Is
The Eternal
Omnipathic God!

Man ... Fallen, Dying
Would Be
God ... Standing Lying!

This Is Presumption ...

  • Aaron's Sons With Strange Fire On The Altar Of God
  • Korah And The Princes Challenging Moses' God-Given Authority
  • Achan Covetously Stealing Banned Treasure
  • Samson Indulging With Idolatrous Philistine Women
  • King Saul's Many Bold And Defiant Disobediences
  • King David With Uriah's Wife And Then Committing Murder

What Was The Result Of These Trips Into Presumption?!

In All Cases
Somebody Lost Their Life!

In King David's Case
Two Innocent Persons Lost Their Lives!

So What Saved King David?!
What Made Him Different?!

Of Note
There Is A Pattern Of Behavior
In The Others 
That Was Not Present In King David
He, Sorrowing
Immediately Acknowledged His Wrong-Doing
His Sin 
Against The Holy God
He Wholeheartedly Repented
- In Abject Humility -
When He Was Shown His Sin!

But What About Samson?!

Samson Repented
He Asked The Lord
To Give Him Recompense
Against The Philistines
For His Two Eyes ...!

... And He Died With Them!

Let's Get One Thing Straight!
- Presumptuous Sin -
Never A Good Idea!


But What About

What About It?!

Isn't That Protection No Matter What?!

I Am Sure That You Know Better
Than To Say That!

I Don't Understand!

Rainey, That Is A Promise For 
The Obedient Child Of God!
Satan Tried To Use That Promise Against The Savior
Calling Him To Indulge Himself In Sin ... For Bodily Comfort!

The Savior's Response Was:

Thou Shalt Not Tempt The Lord Thy God!


But What About

That Is Another Misapplication Of Living Truth!
How Are We To Look At God's Commandments?!

With The View
The Mindfulness
The Heart
Toward Always Obeying Them!

With That In Mind
How Does Willful Thievery, Covetousness
Idolatry, Making A False Oath
Committing Murder
Taking The Lord's Name In Vain
Flagrant Disobedience
Comport With Strict Obedience
To The Will Of God?!

They Don't!

But ...?!

No Butting!
You're Not A Goat
So Don't Disobey
Just Because You Can!
You'll Be Playing Satan's Game
You Will Not Win!

Satan Lost His Gamble Against Almighty God
So What Makes You Think
That You Will Win Yours?!

I'm Just Human, You Know!

Is That Supposed To Be Your Grand Excuse!?!

Well ...

Let Me Make This Plain ...

Your Being Human Is No Excuse For Disobedience!
Your Being Human Is No Reason To Tempt The Lord!
Your Being Human Makes You Important 
In The Eyes Of Your Creator
You, Being Human
Should Seek ... Avidly
To Do All That He Commands!

That's A Tall Order!

We've Got A Tall And Living God
So What's Your Point!?!

The Almighty God
Willing To Work With Us In Our Frailty
So The Least We Can Do
Endeavor To Work With The Almighty God!

Seek After The AlmightyGod And His Righteousness
All His Good Things Will Be Added Unto You!

He Makes The Way Plain!
His Truth Is Light!
He Feeds His People
He Gives Unto Them 
His Holy Eyesight!

Bottom Line ...

No Christian Called
No Converted Christian
Has Any Excuse
To Indulge In The Sin Of Presumption!


Other Than It Being Inherently Wrong
It Is Because 
Tomorrow Is Not Promised 
To Any Man
Because The Very Day 
In Which You Commit Your Presumptuous Sin
May Well Be The Very Day
That You Die ... In Sin!

There Is No Repentance In Death!


Please Let A Word To The Wise
Be Sufficient!
Do Not Follow The Multitude To Do Evil!


So Simple ...!

... But So Profound!


Heavenly Father,
Please Hear Our Prayer!
Let Not Presumptuous Sin
Have Dominion Over Us Today
Nor Any Other Day!

Please Help Us To Be Faithful
Honest And True
It Is Our Heart's Desire
To Live Forever
In Eternity With You!

Please Help Us, Lord
To Guard Our Hearts
Let Not The Issues Of Life
Cause Us
From The Way Of Truth
To Depart!

Lead Us, Lord
Help Us To Walk Wise
But Never In Our Own Eyes
Please Help Us
Not To Fall For The Sophistries
Of The One Who
Our Planned Destruction
Will Inordinately Delight!

Grant Us Your Grace!
Bless Us With Your Mercy!
Rest Us In Your Peace
Grant Us Sin Relief!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Humbly Pray And Plead!
We Love You, Lord!

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