
Friday, August 24, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + Probation!?!

Every Man Is On Probation
Before The Holy God!
Every Man Is On Probation
He, Of His Own Will
Chooses Either
To Displease His Creator
The Eternal God 

Please The God-Fraud!

Why Would Man Want To Displease
The Living All-Seeing
All-Knowing Ever-Present
Feeling All Things God?!
Where's The Profit In That Can Of Worms?!

Put Like That
It Sounds Really Silly Foolish Misguided
It All Comes Down To Will ... And Choice!

Free Will And Free Choice!

Freedom Is A Sharp And Double-Edged Sword!

The Word Of God Is Sharper!

The Problem Is That ...

Many Men Think Consider Believe That
Almighty God Is Chicken Because 

He Bears Long With Man
That He Loves Man Too Much
That He Must Save All Mankind
Can Be Persuaded Cajoled Into Non-Action
That God Is Like Man

I Won't Wish You "Good Luck" With That Lost Cause!

No Problem! I Don't Expect Any!

There Is No Get-Out Of Jail Free Card ...

Being On Heavenly Probation

Just Like Work Probation
Ex-Con Probation
Which Has Consequences
Only Difference Being Is That These Are 

Multiplied To Infinity
Aka Eternal Consequences
With The Heavenly Probation Officer
Having Life And Death Power!

I'd Say That That Truly Ups The Ante!

I'd Say That We'd Better Look To Our Own Soul's Salvation
Stop Playing Footsie With Sin And Satan
Unwisely Courting Damnation!

Hear, Hear!

Know This ...

To Them That Perish
The Word Of God Is Foolishness!
To Them That Believe
It Is The Power Of Salvation!

So How Does One Bridge That Divide?!

During The Sweet Hour Of Prayer
For The Moving Of The Holy Ghost!

You Pray And Share
Another Will Teach Or Preach
Almighty God
By His Holy Spirit
Will Give The Increase
As Sin From The Soul Does Leach!

You Know, This Has Me Thinking!
Failed Probation In The Economy Of Almighty God
Equals Fiery Indignation!

Remember Noah's Flood
The Tower Of Babel Dispersion
The Complaining Disobedient Hebrews 

Excluded From The Promised Land
The Jews Going Into Babylonian Captivity
AD-70 Destruction Of Jerusalem ...

... Next Stop
The Second Coming!

May Almighty God Have Mercy Upon Us!

If He Wasn't Having Mercy Upon Us
We'd All Already Have Been Consumed!

Brethren,It Is Time To Wise Up
Rise Up ... Against Sin!
Now Is Not The Time To Say
If I Perish, I Perish!

I Wanna Live!

Then You Must
Your Heart To Jesus Christ Give!
He Will Never By Force Take From You! 
You Must Willingly, By Certain Faith
Hand It Over Humbly 
In Gratitude, For Love, Mercy And Grace!

Sounds Reasonable!

It Is Reasonable
You Desire Of Christ's Redemption To Taste
The Heavenly City With Your Presence To Grace! 

Time To Stop Being Base!

It Is Time, Brethren
To Have Jesus Christ Set Our Pace!
It Is Time, Brethren
To Tie On The Gospel Boots
With The Saved By Grace Shoe Lace
Get To Stepping On Vile Satan's Face!

May The Living God
Grant Us His Favor
So That We As Living Sacrifices
Be ... In His Nostrils
A Pleasing Savor!


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