
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Consistent Life, Waffler And Straddler ...!

Consistent Life Is Caring!
Consistent Life Is A Key!
Consistent Life Is Steady On The Foot
Does Not For Any Created Being
Shift Focus
To Get Off The Enemy's Cruel Hooks!

Good For Him! He Must Be Real Strong!

Consistent Life Is An Idiot
And The Only Key I Desire Or Need Is
The Key To My Creature Comforts!

What Did You Say Your Name Is?!

I'm Waffler, And This Is My Brother, Straddler!

I've Heard About You Guys!
You're Famously Infamous!

I Guess You've Seen Our Work!

Yes, I've Seen Your Work
You're Both Very Bad Examples!
You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourselves!

Of What!?!

You Should Be Ashamed 
For Encouraging Gullible People
To Not Hold A Position
Because It Will Be Uncomfortable
Of No Personal Financial Benefit
And Things Of That Ilk!

Is There Anything At All
That You Will Stand Firmly For Or Upon!?!

Can't Say!
Give Me An Idea
And I'll Give An Answer!

Let's Try The Plain Truth!

How Much Are You Paying!?!

Who Stands To Gain?!
Will I Be Scoring Brownie Points?!
Will It Elevate My Name?!

Lord, Help Us!

You, Two, Are Incorrigible!

We Know!

Well, I Know That Consistent Life Is To Be Applauded!
Consistent Life Is A Steady Walker!
Consistent Life Lives For The Lord!
Consistent Life Will Gain The Heavenly Award
Consistent Life Is At One With The Holy God!

Consistent Life Is Boring!
His Life Is Truly Bland!
He Does Not Know How To Have A Good Time
And We Can't Even Get Him To Hang Out With Us ...!

... Or Even With Us To Pick A Lime
Or, Just For A Day
To Do A Powder And Go On The Lam!

Obviously, That's Because Consistent Life Has Morals!
Consistent Life Lives By The Eternal Plan!
Consistent Life Does Not With The World Curry Favor
Best Of All
He Does Not Find The Will To Sin
To Be Of A Sweet Savor!

He Doesn't Know What He Is Missing!

A Lil' Sin Never Killed Anybody!

Is That Right?!

Sure Is!
It's Just Like A Lil' Piece Of Candy
Doesn't Give One A Rotten Tooth!

Wait A Minute, Though!
Who Are You?!
And Why Are You So Gung Ho Over Consistent Life?!
Are You His Press Agent?!

I'm Holy Living, His Mother!

No Wonder He Acts So Uptight
Always Having To Do Right
Walk Right
Live Right
Speak Right
Walk In The Light
Staying Out Of The Dark Night!

Since He Is Doing All That Is Good And Right
What Do You Two Have To Say For Yourselves?!

Whatever Get's Us Gain And Gold!

So, You're Saying That You Have Your Souls Sold Out?!

Who Said Anything About Selling Souls?!
Straddler, Did You Do That?!

Not Me!

Me Neither!

This Is Mighty Interesting!
A Straddler And
The Waffler
Who Cannot For Anything Good Firmly Stand
Who Give Willing Allegiance To The Hand
That Is Not The Holy Son Of God
The Redeeming Son Of Man!

Not To Be Rude, But
What Are You Talking About?!

A Double-Minded Man
Is Unstable In His Ways!
He Can't Be Trusted! 
He Is Like The Sea Tossed By The Storm Wind
He Will Receive Nothing From The Lord
So In His Condition
He Shouldn't Even Think To Ask! 

Lady, We Asked You A Question! 
What's With The Selling Souls Jibe!?!

It's No Jibe, Fellows!
It's A Statement Of Fact!
You Choose Not To Walk As Those Wise
And, Obviously
Are Creatures Called The Demonic Device!

You Lift Up The Liar! 
You Denigrate The Good Lord
Your Actions Say You Walk With Satan
And, That
In Lively Accord!

I Don't Know No Satan!

But You're On His Pay-Book!

I DON'T Know No Satan!

How Interesting, Since
You're Playing By His Play-Book!

What Foolishness You're Talking!

To Them That Perish
Truth Is Foolishness!

Please Give Us A Straight Answer!

If You Are Not Walking And Working For The Lord
You're Walking 
Working For The Devil!

But We Didn't Sign Up To Do 
No Low Mean Office For The Devil!

You May Not Have Said It
In Too Many Words
But You're Doing Vile And Gross Deeds
If You Do Not Change Your Sinful Ways
You Shall Damnation's Fire Feed!

But, But, We're Not That Bad!
We Just Have A Need For Speed! 

You Are Doing Bad Things
Leading People Astray
Walk In The Wrong Way! 


Yes, Straddler!?! 

I Think I'm Going To Be Sick!

You May Think
But I Know For Sure That
I'm Going To Be Sick!

Consistent Life's Mommy
Will You Help Us Get Clean!?!

You've Come To The Right Person
If You Really Want
A Holy Life!
It's Time To Stop Playing Charades
Belly Up To The Cross
Or Be Forever Lost!

We'll Do It!

What's Our First Task!?!

Confess Your Sin To God
In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Repent Of Your Wicked Ways And Evil Deeds
Take A Christ-Like Position 
And .... Hold It!
Deny That Base Liar Satan
Trust And Obey Jesus
Willingly, Faithfully, Go Where He Leads!

And ... 

In The Name That Is Holy
Take Name, Gain, Gold And Glory
Off The Throne Of Your Heart!

Jesus Christ Is Gain! 
Jesus Christ Is Glory! 
Jesus Christ Is Profit
Gives Heavenly Gold
No One Faithful Suffers Loss
Jesus Christ 
His All
The Things Of This World Are
Given The Toss!

Not To Be Nosy Or Anything
But, Consistent Life's Mommy 
If You Are Holy Living
What Is His Daddy's Name!

His Father Is Glory N. D. Cross
Son Of Walk N. Holy
Son Of D. Lords Our Rock
Son Of Look Up N. Live
Son Of Trust N. Obey
Son Of Faith First N. Last!

Wait A Minute! 
I'm Seeing Something Here! 
Give Me A Minute! 
I Think I've Got It! 
Straddler Watson!?! 

Yes, Sherlock Waffler!

Mummy Will Finally Be Proud Of Us Today! 
Listen To This ... 

With Faith First. Last
Fallen Man Can Trust N. Obey God! 
Take Time To Look Up N. Live!
D. Lord's Our Rock!
By Walk N. Holy
You Show That You Glory N. D. Cross!
Holy Living Is Modeled 
And Is Apparent To Onlookers
When You Live A Consistent Life!

Wow! I Believe You're Right!
Mummy Will Be Glad To Know That
We Have Finally Gained Insight!


Who Is Your Mummy, Boys!?!

Leaning On Jesus!

I Know Her! A Good Woman Indeed!
Please Do Your Best
Walk Right
Avoid Damnation's Dark Night!

Thanks, Kindly, Consistent Life's Mummy!

We Sincerely Appreciate You!

Blessings, Boys!
Blessings Be Upon You!


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