
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

PRAYER: I Thank You, Father, For ...!

I Am Alive Because You Made It So!
I Can See
I Can Hear
I Can Touch
I Can Feel
I Can Taste
I Can Walk
I Can Talk
I Am Blessed!
Thank You!

I Have A Roof Over My Head!
I Am Blessed!
Thank You!

I Have Food On The Table!
I Am Blessed!
Thank You!

I Can Think And Reason
I Have Free Will And Free Choice
I Choose To Do The Good And The Right 
Reverence Your Holy Name
Praise And Worship You! 
I Am Blessed!
Thank You!

I Can Do A Good Deed!
I Can Share A Good Word!
I Can Bless A Stranger With A Smile!
I Can Take Time To Make A Brother
A Sister Comfortable
As They Journey Life's Last Mile!
I Am Blessed!
Thank You!

I Thank You For The Beloved Jesus
The Unspeakable Gift That He Bought For Me
That Dread Day On Calvary!

I Thank You For The Comfort
The Guidance
The Chiding 

The Leading Of The Holy Spirit
That Brings Me In Holy Unto Thee!

I Thank You For The Protection
The Good Influence Of The Holy Angels
As I Walk This Life Daily!
Thank You, Lord, For Thinking On Me!

What Wonderful Blessings Are Placed In My Hand!
Blessings That Will See Me One Day
On Heaven's Table Land!
Blessings That Will See Me
Face To Face With My God!
Blessings That Are Mine
I Choose To Walk Faithfully With
Jesus Christ The Lord!

What A Friend I Have In Jesus
A Friend That Is Beyond Compare
A Friend That Sticks Closer Than A Brother
A Friend Who Does My Every Burden Bear!

I'm Thankful
So Very Thankful
That You Are God Almighty Upon The Throne

That Your Gifts Keep On Giving
Will Lead Me To My Forever Home!

Thank You For The Grace
- That Unmerited Favor -
The Mercy To Me That Is Free
The Joy
Peace And Rest That Comes Of
Heavenly Love, Alone!
I Am Truly A Child Blessed
Innocent Blood
My Personal Sin
Did Atone!

Please Accept My Prayer
That Comes From A Heart
Filled With Gratitude
And Because
I Pray All In The Name 
Jesus Christ The Righteous!
I Love You!

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