
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

DO UNTO OTHERS: Character ... Assassination!?!

Character Assassin 
A Big-Up Christian
In The Old-Time Church!
Character Assassin Is Also A Paid-Up Member
In The League Of Doom
Who Thoroughly Enjoys His Part Full-Time Destructive Work!

He Cares Not For Facts!
He Likes And Enjoys Being The First One
With Breaking News
He Gives Not One Whit About
Getting Corroborating-Witness Views!

Character Assassin Should Truly Be Ashamed About
Calling Himself A Man Of The Book
I'd Venture To Spot You A Whollar
Aka A Whole Dollar
That He Doesn't Know How
The Inside Of The Good Book Looks!

You Done Know That There Is A Back-Story ... 

Character Assassin Grew Up With Appetite And Passion
Appetite And Passion Are Two Fiends
Who Get Their Own Way By
- I Can't Talk Too Hard -
Subversive Means! 

Those Two Non-Respecters Of The Holy God
Weak Man
The Damned Devil
- Were Working Overtime -
Encouraging Character Assassin
To Ever Always Satisfy His Base Appetite
No Body Could Convince That Wretch
To Submit His Will To His Maker
Before He Makes A No-Cancel Appointment
With The Funeral Parlor's Grossly Efficient Premier Undertaker! 

Hard-Ears You Won't Hear
Own-Day Yuh Got To Feel ... 

Every Self-Respecting Christian Knows That 
The Lord God Almighty
Kind Just Holy Blessing Faithful And True
Does Not Tolerate Those Who Are Quick To Indulge Tale-Bearing
Every Self-Respecting Christian Knows That 
It Is Upon The Evidence Of Two Or Three Witnesses
That A Matter
- Any Matter -
Is To Be Established!

Well ...

I Should Not Have To Tell You That
Wha' Ain't Pass Yuh Ain't Miss Yuh!
Wha' Guh 'Round Does Com' Round!
Payback Is A Female Dog ... In Noon-Day Heat!

One Glad Morning ...
(There's Always One Glad Morning)!

Character Assassin Rolled Up In His BMW
Aka Bringing Malicious Word Auto-Vehicle!
(He Thinks Calling His Transport A Car 
Is Beneath His Station And Trajectory In Life!)

Upon Exiting His Auto-Vehicle
If You Please
A Black Tar-Ball Aka A Juicy Piece O' Gossip
Hit That Scruffy Piece O'Work Character Assassin
Smack Dab In 'E Bread-Basket
Aka His Stomach
It Left Him Gasping For Air!

I Guess By Now You Understand That
Character Assassin's Chickens Had Come To Roost
Those Chickens Were Having Themselves A Field-Day!

Having Existed, Prior To Now
On Top-Loading Gluttony
They Were Now Experiencing
A Back-End Explosion!

It Was Quite The Explosion!

When The Affluent Effluent Was Finally Cleared Away
The Stench That Wafted Off Character Assassin
Made Dry Eyes Water!

Rank Bahoosie
Major Pifflers Abounded
Because They Covered That Well-Know Character Assassin
Nobody Cared That It Was A Compendium Of Foolishness And Lies!

Isn't It Amazing What A Lil' Payback
On The One Who Constantly Indulged In Dish-Out
Can Do For A Much Maligned People!?!

One Person Shouted:
How Do You Like Them Apples!?!

Another Said:
Tell Me More, Tell Me More, Tell Me More!
I Like What I'm Hearing!

Another Yelled:
Hot Topics In The People's News At 4!

Character Assassin Was Ripped Apart
He Could Hide His Misdeeds No More In The Dark
Because He Well-Knew What A False Tongue 
Against The Innocent Could Do
Character Assassin
- In A Heart-Beat -
Was Lost To Public View!

I Shall Tell You 
The Lord's Honest Truth ... 

When A Character Assassin
Gets His Character Assassinated
It Is Not Ever A Pretty Sight!

The Assassinated Character Assassin
Always Pleads Innocent
Wonders Boldly
Self-Righteously ... Coldly
What Has He Ever Done To Any Body
To Deserve In His Life
Such A Dreadful Blight!?!

The Living Word Is Starkly Plain ... 

Do Unto Others ... As You Want Done Unto You!
Love Your Neighbor ... As You Love Yourself!

Since You Claim Jesus Christ
As Savior Lord And God ... 

If Jesus Christ Won't Perform Such An Act
Then Neither Should You!
Since Jesus Christ Would Never
Speak Like A Tabloid Hack
Then Neither Should You!

Honesty ... Has No Faults!
Kindness ... Has No Step-Brother!
Truth ... Is A Solid Belt
Holding The Christian's Life Together
Any One Who Departs From 
Love's Known Pleasant And Precious Ways
Truly Deserving Of A Bull Pistle's Sharp Flail! 

As In The World
So In The Church
This Ought Not So To Be!

Instead Of The Church
Converting The World
As The Apostate Protestant Church
- Converted To The Ignoble Ways Of The Dying World - 
Energetically Indulges
In Ways Well-known To Be Decidedly  Ungodly! 

The Day Of Small Things
- The Day Of Reckoning -
Fast Approaching!
Is Jesus Christ The Righteous Your Lord And Master
Are You From The Damned Devil
Taking Personal Coaching!?! 

Please Help Us To Permit 
The Way To Life To Transform Our Hurting
Often Wayward Feet
So That At The Appointed Time
From The Conquering King
"Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant!"
Will Be The Words Heard
When Face To Face We Shall Our Dear Savior Meet!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Humbly Pray And Plead!

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