
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

IMPUDENT OR IMPORTUNATE: Paying Dues To The Lord Christ!

Impudent Sinner
Importunate Prayer
Are As Unlikely A Pair
As It Is Possible To Meet In The Kingdom Of Grace!

Impudent Sinner Is Bold In His Iniquitous Ways
Sincerely Contemptuous Of All Attempts
To Cause Him To Give The Lord Christ His Daily Dues
Which Are Owed By All The Citizens Of The Realm
Be They Young Or Old
Believer Or Nay
Rich Or Poor
Free Or Bond
Righteous Unrighteous
Thankful Unthankful
Holy Unholy
Clean Filthy
Just Or Unjust!

None Were Exempted From Paying The Necessary Dues!

Importunate Prayer
- By Stark Contrast -
A Humble Christian
Waiting For The Consummation Of Her Hope
For Faith To Be Made Sight!

Importunate Prayer Had Learned To Pray 
To Sincerely Petition From Her Old Granny-Ma
Who Had Had Cause To Appear In Court Before
- Of All People To Be Avoided -
The One And The Only
Unjust Judge!

Unjust Judge Did Not Fear Almighty God
He Had Not Even Common Respect For The Local Citizenry!
He Was Law Unto Himself ... Or So He Thought
He Did As He Pleased
To And For Whomever He Pleased
As And When He Saw Fit
Until He Butt Upon Granny-Ma Able Prayer
Who Had Cut Her Teeth In Her Mudda's, Raisah Prayer, Home!

Unjust Judge
Prided Himself On Having A Hard Heart
A Dead Conscience
A Face Of Flint
The Harshest "No!" Ever Uttered
To Those To Whom He Refused Justice!

Impudent Sinner Is His Well-Beloved
Some May Even Say
Favorite Grandson!

Importunate Prayer Loved Impudent Sinner 
With A Love That Would Not Let Him Go To Hell 
In A Hand-Basket Without A Fight
Impudent Sinner Was Quite Content To Let Her Swing In The Wind
While He Dallied With Heat Enda Night!

What He Did Not Know Or Expect
Was That Importunate Prayer
Intimately Knew The Lord Of Light
Had Personally Received Of His High And Holy Hand
The Living Word
Which Was A Lamp Unto Her Feet
A Sure Light Unto Her Path! 

As Long As She Had And Used That Living Word
She Could Never, Ever, Go Astray From Truth
By So Doing
Miss Entering Eternal Life!

Importunate Prayer Desired 
- With Her Whole Heart -
To Have Impudent Sinner Join Her In Eternal Life
In The Realm Of The Blessed
The Place Of Peace And Rest
In The Kingdom Of Glory!

Only Overcomers Of Sin May Enter There!

Only Those Who Wear The White Linen Robe
The Robe Representing The Righteousness Of Saints
- The Lord Christ's Righteousness -
Have The Right To Enter There
By Walking Through The Twelve Pearl Gates
Into The Glorious City
Wherein Is The Tree Of Life
The River Of The Water Of Life!
Angels Excelling In Strength 
Will Be The Companions Of All Who Enter There!

Impudent Sinner Thought He Had Importunate Prayer On Lock-Down
Check-Mated With No Options 
To Wait On Him Until He Was Good And Ready To Come-To!

He.  Thought.  Wrong! 

Impudent Prayer
- Through The Blessing Of Experiential Worship -
Knew And Waited ... Patiently
On Her God
The Eternal God Of The Universe
The God Of All Graces
The God Who Saves And Seals
Helps And Heals
Leads And Feeds
Provides For And Protects
Guides And Chides
Teaches And Tests
Commands And Corrects
Oh, So, Very Much More!

Importunate Prayer Had Placed Impudent Sinner
On The Altar Of Sacrifice! 
He Was At The Top Of Her Prayer List!
She Prayed For Him!
She Prayed for The Salvation Of His Soul!

She Prayed That He Would Come To Jesus Christ
As His Forever Friend 
His Savior Lord And King
That He Would Repent Of His 
Willful Wayward
Sinful Selfish Ways
She Prayed For Him Without Ceasing!

Without Words Of Acrimony
With Kind And Gentle Ways
She Spoke Kindly To Him
Every Conversation They Had Together
She Ended The Same Way:

I Love You
But I Love Jesus Christ More! 

I Love You!
But Jesus Christ Loves You Best!

Time Passed As Time Does ...

Just As Water Against Stone Eventually Makes An Indelible Impression
Importunate Prayer's Living Example
Was Not Just Leaving Its Mark On Impudent Sinner
Also On Everyone Observing The Interactions
Their So-called Relationship
The Self-Same Importunate Prayer!

Brethren ...

He Who Teaches, Learns! 
He Who Learns, Shares And Teaches  ... Another! 
He Who Teaches ... Learns ...!

A Light Held In The Hand
Illuminates The Light-Bearer! 
Light Shining On A Path Mark's The Way For Self And Others!
Light Shed On The Word Illuminates Aka Edifies The Reader
Exposes The Handler
Informs The Observer! 

Shed Light Is The Silent Witness
Which Speaks ... Volumes!

The Fact Of The Matter Is That ... 

On All Participants In The Story
The Holy Spirit Was Doing A Good Work
Those Trees
- In No Way Surprising To The Heavenly Intelligencies -
Started Sending Down Good Roots
Which Led To Those Good Trees Sumptuously Blossoming
And, Ultimately
Bearing Good Fruit!

Impudent Sinner
- Uplifted And Transformed -
Changed His Name To Repentant Sinner
That One Now Known As Repentant Sinner
In The Very Day He Went Down Into The Watery Grave
- Which Symbolized His Sharing In Christ's Death
And Being In Raising Up To Share The Newness Of Life
Because He Had Forsaken The World
And Because It Demonstrated Outwardly
What Had Changed Inwardly -
Proposed Holy Matrimony To Importunate Prayer!

On The Day Of The Nuptials ...

When The New Family Was Officially Presented To The Congregation
The Pastor Announced Them Thusly:

Mr. And Mrs. Repentant Sinner-Saved!

Three Boisterous Cheers Of Felicitation
Were Energetically Raised For Importunate Prayer-Saved
Joyful Hallelujah's And Prayers Of Thanks 
Were Offered Unto The God For Whom
Nothing Is Impossible! 

The Sinners-Saved Gave All Glory To The Eternal God Holy!

The Congregation Humbly Said:


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