
Friday, November 23, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + Incinerators, Bananas And Eclipse Biscuits!?!

True Confession
Powerful Influence
Practical Godliness
Particular Sin

It Is Down To These Four!
It Is Now Or Nothing!
If Our Matchups Fail
We Are Doomed!

Each Of Us ... Personally
Has A Ministry ... Publicly
Has A Task ... Specifically
A Singular ... Message
A Certain ... Hope!

We Are A Peculiar People
Serving The Holy God
Who Does Not Play Favorites
By Excusing Sin!

Sin Is Sin
Some Sins Are Abominable
Are Delineated By Almighty God's Most Severe Punishments!

Save For Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit Of The Eternal God
By Whom We Are Sealed Against The Day Of Vengeance
All Sin
All SinAll Sin 
Is Forgiven
If And WhenGenuine Repentance
Placed Upon The Altar Of Sacrifice!

The Punishment For Blasphemy
The Punishment For Unrepented Sin
The Second Death
Which Is Final! 

Recovery Is Impossible
All Those Who Enter The Lake
Burning With Fire And Brimstone
Are ... Consumed!

An Analogy Is In Order ...

You Live Off Of Bananas And Biscuits
You Live In A Building With An Incinerator
To Which You Have Full And Free Access!
To Access ItYou Just Need To Walk
- In Any Direction -
Seven (7) Steps!

You Always Have In Your Possession
A Hand Of Ripening Bananas
- Undisposed, The Skins Are Sin -
A Box With 24 Packs Of Eclipse Biscuits
- Undisposed, The Wrappers Are Sin -

You Know The Rules!
You Accepted The Rules!
You Live By The Rules
Maybe ... Sorta ... Kinda ... Probably Not
- Truth Must Be Told -
You Are A Raw-Mout' Sinner!

You Have Racked Up Many Building Code Violations
You Are Exerting A Deleterious Influence
Upon Your Neighbors!

People Are Complaining
Flies And Cockroaches And Mice
- Known Imps On Speed -
Are In 
Escaping From Your Domain!

Things Have Finally Reached A Head!

The Chief Financial Officer Aka The Son Of Man ... Appealed To You
- You Killed Him
- He Rose Again
The Chief Operating Officer Aka The Holy Spirit Of Truth ... Pleaded With You
- You Threw A King Rat In His Face
The Chairman Of The Board Aka The King Of Glory ... Will Soon Step In!

You Consume Your Biscuits!
You Leave Sin Behind!
You Consume Your Bananas!
You Leave Sin Behind!

When You Put Your Sin In The InSINerator
It Is Consumed!

When Your Apartment
Your Cup
Becomes Filled With The Detritus Of An Ill-Spent
Profligate Life
The Building Control Finally Has To Intervene
You Will Not Turn Away From Cherishing Sin
The Final Outcome
SINner In The Incinerator!
You Are Consumed!

While The Weight Of Punishment 
According To Sin
The Outcome Is Nonetheless The Same:
Nothing Remains!
There's No Eternity In Pain!
It's Over!
There's No Purgatory!
There's No Do-Over!

On The Other Hand ...

When We Confess ...


Let Us Not Be Blind
As The Blind Leading The Blind!

The Lord God Is Holy!
He Is Glorious!
He Is Divine
To Fallen Man
The God Eternal
Forever Kind!

Let Us Not The Hand Of Hope
The Heart Of Love
Presumptuously Decline!
Come To Jesus Christ ... Now!
Start The Journey To Mount Zion!
Climb, Brethren!

Let The Powerful Influence
In Your Life
Be From The Just One Who
Will Cause You
To Forsake Your Particular Sin!
Let True Confession
Lead You To Live A Life
Practical Godliness!


Godliness Has Its True Reward!

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