
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving!?! Giving Thanks + PRAYER: I Bow My Heart Before You, Lord!

When I Am Giving Thanks To Almighty God
It Is Impossible For Me To Hate
To Lie
To Steal
To Envy
To Indulge Greed!

I'm Thankful To The Lord Christ, Who
With His Own Blood
For My Pardon Does Plead!

I Have No Time To Indulge Malice
And To Be Busy In Other Men's Matters!
I Have No Time My Ego To Inflate
When I'm Rattling Off The Myriad Blessings
That My God Holy Has Lavished Upon My Life
Upon My Plate!

My Season Of Thanks Giving
Is Not 
Just For A Grand Holiday!
It Is Day By Day
Hour By Hour
Moment By Moment
For A Sacrifice Made In My Behalf
The Price For Which I Can Never Repay!

I'm Thankful ...

For Food
For Shelter
For Life
For Hope For The Day
For Peace
For Rest
For How With Life Successfully To Cope!

I'm Thankful ...

For Mercy
For Eyes That See
For Buds That Taste
For The Hope That Has Me Looking Up To The East
And Thinking Upon That Spot In Orion
Out There In Deep Space!

I'm Thankful ...

For Protection
For Direction
For Correction
For Ever-Present Help
For The Leading Of The Holy Spirit!

I Know How I Feel
To Be By The Eternal God Totally Blessed
But The Words Can't Be Spelt!

I'm Thankful ...

For A Life Lived For Christ ...To Lose
For A Life To Live With Christ ... To Gain
For A Story To Tell To The Nations That Are Lost
Of The Blessed Savior
The Great Redeemer
Who For All Our Sins 
Was Cruelly Nailed On Calvary's Cross!

I'm Thankful ...

For Grace
For Faith
For Laughter
For Tears
For The Holy God
Who Surely Welcomes My Daily Prayers!

I'm Thankful ...

For Friends
For Family
For A Beloved Son Who Gives Me No Reason To Cry!

I'm Thankful ... Most Thankful

To My Creator God
For The Plan Of Salvation
For The School Of Jesus Christ
Where My Character Is Being Reshaped
Into That Of My Lord
In Whom Is My Soul's Only Saving Hope!

I'm Thankful ...

For The Kingdom Of Grace ... Now
The Kingdom Of Glory ... Soon To Come
The Blessing Of The Good Shepherd That
Personally Leads Me To The Green Pastures Of Living Truth
The Still Waters Of Eternal Life
Where I Will Not Have To Fear The Great God's
- The Only Judge -
Condemnatory Frown!


Father, Most Holy
I Will Not Offer To You Feigned Praise!
I Bow My Heart Before You
Utter Willing Prayers!

I'm A Child Of The Dust
And In Death
To Dust I Shall Return
In This Hour Of Giving Thanks
To You My Gift Of Life I Return
With You Leading
I Will Not Have To Fear
The Fire And Brimstone Burn!

I Thank You, Lord
For Causing Me To Be
For Placing Me In A Time Such As This
For Giving Me The Opportunity
For Your Living Kingdom To Work
To Help To Point My Brethren Known And Unknown
To The Holy God Who Loves His Children
Who Saves Men's Souls From The Second Death
Who Lifts Up The Fallen
Who Frees The Captives From Sin
Who Gives True Sight To The Blind
Who Blesses And Has No Desire To Curse!

I Am Thankful For A Mother
Who Saw Fit To Ensure That I Learned Of
The Holy Jesus
From A Tender Age
For A Grandmother
Who Kept Me On The Way Written
On The Holy Page
For All Those Persons Who Had A Hand
In My Spiritual Progress
I Am Truly Thankful For Your Holy Love
That Put It All In Motion 
So That With Enduring Faith
In The Great Day Of Small Things
I May Be A Kingdom Success! 
Dear Lord, Let It Be!

Let It Be, Lord
That My Thanks Giving May Turn Into Your
"Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant! 
Enter Into The Joy Of Thy Lord!" 
This Is My Soul's Desire!

I Love You, Lord
I Beseech You
To Please Remember The Praying People
Those Who Give The Trumpet Call Of Warning
It's True And Peculiar Sound!
Please Keep Me
In An Attitude Of Gratitude
For Your Myriad Gifts Of Sacrificial Love
This Day And Always
Even As I Offer Up My Heart's Prayer, Father
In The Glorious Name Of My Savior
My Redeemer
My Lord
My Master
My God 
My Soon Coming King
Jesus Christ The Righteous!
Remember Us Always
In Your Free Mercy
By Your Available Grace!

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