
Sunday, December 16, 2018

ACTIONS: The Words

Hear D. Word
Speak D. Word
Do D. Word
Love D. Word
What A Lovely Clan The Words Were
Should Be!

ProbLEM ...

Hear D. Word Loved The Word
He Didn't Do The Heard Word!
He Was Too Malicious Minding 
Meddling In Other Men's Matters!

Speak D. Word Listened To The Word
Believed The Word
Lovingly Shared To The World The Word
He Had No Personal Love For The Living Lively Word!
Too Many Do's And Don'ts!
Too Much Set Aside Self!
Too Much Lift Up The Lord!
Too Much Follow The Shepherd!
Too Much Look After Your Brother!

Do D. Word Hooked Up With Love D. Word!

It Was An Interesting Relationship
Which Some People Called Strange
Do D. Word And Love D. Word
Had Blood In The Name Game
Some More People Went So Far As To Call 
Their  "Knowing" Relationship
Ever So Slightly ... Profane!

To The Public, It Was A Shame!
To Do D. Word And Love D. Word
It Was The Precursor To Heavenly Gain!

If You Will Step A Little Closer
My Brother My Sister My Friend
I Will Let You Eavesdrop:
Make Sure You Have A Pen!

Do D. Word!?!

Yes, Love!

I Tell You True:

The Word Is A Light
A Lamp
The Truth
And If You Will Walk Ever
In Its Glow Warmly Shed
You Shall Be A True Disciple Of
The One Forever Living
Who Was Once Good And Dead!

Love D. Word!?!

Yes, Do, Do, Darling!

I Tell You No Lie:

The Light Of The Word Shed Abroad
Will Mark The Way Home
When With The Lord Glorious
To Highest Heaven
We Shall On The Wings Of The Wind
Assuredly Fly!

How Sweet!

Slightly Sickening But ...

... Still A Tasty Treat!

Time Flies ...

With The Passage Of Time
Hear D. Word Got Tired Of 
Speak D. Word's Constant Carping About
Do. D. Word
Love D. Word
Speak D. Word Got Tired Of Seeing 
Hear D. Word Ignore The Spoken Word!

Speak D. Word ... That Self-Righteous One
He Couldn't See That He, Himself, Was 
A Regulation Hypocrite 
He Loved To Tell The People
"Do As I Say Not As I Do!"

Methinks The Brother Might Be 
A Border-Line Fool!

Calleth Not Thy Brother A Fool!

"The Fool Hath Said In His Heart:
There Is No God!"
I Distinctly Heard Speak D. Word
- When He Was Waxing Philosophical -
Denying The Need For God
Setting Aside The Blessings Of God
Saying In A Booming Voice:
"With God In Control, I Have No Voice!"
In A Pejorative Sense
As Though That Is A Bad Thing!

Almighty God Is In Control
So I Cannot See
What Making A Fool Statement Like That
Will Do For Any Christian Body!

What I Don't Understand
Is Preachers,
And Promulgators Of The Word
Who Do Not Believe In The Word
Or The Giver Of Word
Preaching Teaching And Promulgating The Word!

People Need The Lord!
Ask Your Questions!
Reason With The Lord
Who Asked You To Reason With The Lord
In Godly Fear
Come To The Conclusion Of The Whole Matter
Depart From Sin And King Fraud!

The Word Has Power!
It's Mighty To Save
It Is Only One Devoid Of Common Sense
- Misguided -
Who Will Set Aside The Word ... Of Truth
To Lies And Lying
- The Works Of The Devil -
Become A Locked-Down Slave!

I Will Tell You Plainly
I May Not Like The Sting Of The Truth
I Prefer To Know The Word Of Truth
The Truth Who Is The Word
Being Stung By The Truthful Word
Seek To Change
Than To Ignore The Word Of Truth
In The Great Day
When The Lord Christ Shall Come
Try To Hide
Running To The Rocks And The Hills
Calling Them To Cover My Head
Still Ending Up Dead!

I Hear You!

Better To Die To Sin
Than To Die In Sin
Then To Be Raised From The Dead
Only To Die Forevermore!

I Don't Want To Die More Than Once!

I Agree With You!

I Desire To Die The Death
Appointed Once To All Men!
After That
I Desire To Live ... Forever
With The Giver Of Eternal Life
Free ... Forever
From A Life Of Constant Strife!

There Is A Bottom Line ...

Preach The Word - It Is The Truth!
Love The Word - It Has Eternal Benefits For You!
Live The Word - In The Word Is Life!
Die In The Word
Rise And Live ... With The Word Of God
Jesus Christ The King
In The Sweet By And By!

Jesus Is Coming Again!
Let's All Joyously Sing ...

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