
Monday, December 17, 2018


I Was Minding My Own Business!
I Didn't Have A Single Care!
I Heard A Distinct Knocking At My Door
And, Then
A Voice Speaking Quite Clear:

Greetings To You In The Matchless Name Of The Dear One!
Blessings Be Upon You This Bright And Beautiful Day!
I Come To Proclaim That The Door Of Mercy
Leading To Eternal Soul-Salvation
Is Still Wide Open
And To Enquire If You Have Made Your Appointment As Yet
So That You Can By Right Enter There!

I Was Stunned By The Bold Approach Of This, This, Seller!
Never Before Had Anyone Accosted Me This Blunt Way!
I Wondered If He Had Lost His Mind
Or If He Was A True Believer
Before I Proceeded To Give Him A Piece Of My Mind
Like I Had Some To Spare!

Who Are You To Get All Up In My Business!?!
It's A Bit Too Early For You And Your Foolishness!
What's Between Me And The Dear One Doesn't Concern You
And I Would Appreciate Your Departing My Sphere!
Get Out Of Here!

No Offense, Dear Lady!
I Am On A Mission Raising Awareness That
The Beloved Son Of God Almighty Is Very Soon To Come!
I Am Here To Tell You That We Are Sitting Between
The Book Of Revelation's Sixth And Seventh Trumpets!
Final Movements Are Going To Be Rapid Ones!
Time To Get Ready
So That To The Rocks And The Mountains For Refuge
You Will Not Uselessly Have To Run!

You People Always Setting Dates For The Master's Returning!
Don't You Read That Bible That You're Preaching From!?!
Do You Take Perverse Pleasure In Alarming People Just For Fun!?!

Begging Your Pardon, Madam
That Is Not My Intention!
I Am Just Stating The Facts!
Time Is In The Eternal God's Hands
He Did Say We Will Know The Season
So I'm Just Giving The Warning Message Of 
The Eternal Kingdom!

Since I Was Knee-High To A Grasshopper
The Lord Was Coming!
I've Now Got One Foot And Four Toes In The Grave!
The Lord Is Going To Come When He Is Good And Ready
So, Excuse Me
And Have Yourself A Good Day!
I Can't Say That Making Your Acquaintance Has Been Fun!

My Sister, Please Hear Me!
I Meant No Offense!
Someone Has To Give The Warning Message!
That Is My Only Intent!
What You Do With The Information
Is, Indeed, Your Business
For Sure
The Cost Of Your Blood On My Head Will Not Be Spilt!

When The Gospel Message Into All The World
For A Witness Is Given
When All Mankind Has No Excuse To Say:
"I Did Not Know!"
The Door Of Mercy!
The Way To Salvation
The Kingdom Of Grace - Available Grace - 
Will Decidedly, With Finality, Close!

The Lord Jesus Christ Will Put In His Appearance
There Is Nothing That Anyone Can Do
To Save The Deniers Of His Free Mercy!
I Pray That That Will Not Be You!
I Pray That You Are Not One!
For The Love Of The Lord
I Am Calling Upon You!

Now Is The Acceptable Time!
Now Is The Day Of Salvation!
Now Is The Time That The Holy Spirit Is Calling!
Now Is Your Opportunity To Covenant
With The God Holy True Faithful Divine
The Great God Whom I Can Mine!

What Is Covenant!?!

A Covenant Is A Contract!
An Agreement Between Two!
The Lord For You Has Made Eternal Provision!
When, By Faith, You Accept The Offer
He Takes Your Sin!
You Take His Salvation!
Your Life Belongs To Him!
His Life Belongs To You!
He's Responsible For You!
He Will Take Care Of You!

I Could Do With Somebody Being Responsible For Me
All Like Right Now!

Jesus Christ Is Waiting!
Please, By Prayer, Send Him Your 
I-Accept-The-Offer Word!
Confess Your Sins!
Repent Of Your Transgressions Against The Holy God!
Turn Away From Sin And Sinning
And Choose, My Sister
Choose Daily ... Moment By Moment
To Walk With The Living Faithful Blessing Eternal God!
Defiantly Step Away From That Old Serpent, Satan
The Known And Bold Fraud!

Do Not Depend Upon Feelings!
Do Not Trust Your Lying Eyes!
Do Not Make Man Your Strong Arm
Do Not Listen To Satan's Gross Lies!

Put Jesus Christ In Front Of You!
The Holy Angels Protect You ... That's Fact!
Invite The Holy Spirit To Indwell You
To Teach You All Things
And Do Not Let Satan's Minions Encourage You
To Run After The Other Jesus
The Other Gospel
The Philosophical Jesus
The Feel Good Gospel
The Lights Camera Action Sow-A-Seed Gospel
The Jump-Up And Wave Emotion-Filled Gospel
That Gospel Of Self
Which ... To Known Sin
Will Make You A Chained Slave!

Jesus Christ Saves!
Jesus Christ Sets Men Free!
Jesus Christ Saves Every Willing-To-Commit-To-Christ 
I-Need-The-Lord Body!

Do Not Look Back At What Was!
Do Not Look At What Is Happening!
Trust The Holy God Who Knows All
Who Can Save You In 1,000 Ways!
He's The Ancient Of Days!

The Living God Is The God Of Order!
The Living God Does Not Want People
Who In Fear Desire To Be Saved!
The Living God Invites You To Come To Him
To Reason With Him
He Can Take Your Sins And Made You Wholly Clean!
He Has Already Done All To Save You
So That On The Mount Zion
At The Appointed Time
You, Crowned ... Rejoicing
Shall Be Robed In Righteous White
By The Interested Universe Seen!

That Truly Sounds Wonderful!
Ahhhm, I'm Sorry That I Was Mean To You!
It's Just That I'm Tired Of 
All The Grand Promises Made By Others
And To This Very Day Left Unfulfilled!
I'm Tired Of The Constant Disappointments!

Oh, No, My Sister!
The Holy Jesus Is Truth, Light And Life
All That He Has Promised That He Will Do
He Will Do!
I Implore To Take Time To Believe That He Is Present
That He Is Real
That He Loves Us
Trust That He Will Magnificently Reward All Those
Who Diligently Seek Him!
He Is Worthy Of His Praise!

You, Know
I Can Remember A Verse
That My Old Granny Used To Say:

"As For Me
I Will Behold Your Face In Righteousness!
I Will Be Satisfied
I Awake With Your Likeness!"

With All My Heart
I Tell You The Truth
I Desire Above All Things That
This Is The Gospel!
I Desire For This, In My Life
To Be The Whole Truth!

Send The Lord Jesus Christ Your Honest Word
Accept The Holy Hand Right Now Extended To You
Start Walking ... By Faith ... With Endurance
Toward Zion!
Make The Step, Beloved!
The Lord Will See That You Arrive Safely There!
Cast Upon Him Your Every Care!

I've Changed My Mind!
I Like The Cut Of Your Jib!
Would You Like To Come In And Take A Load Off!?!
I Was Just Going To Have Some Pickled Cucumber And Avocado-Pear
With Some Crispy Eclipse Biscuits
And A Nice Slice Of Coconut Bread With A Boat-Load Of Raisins
And All That With Some Strong Lemonade Over Cracked Ice!
I Can Give You A Nice Share!

Those Vi't'als Sound Mighty Nice!
Thanks, Dear Lady!
I Gladly Accept!
This Midday Sun Is Quite Brutal Out Here!

In That Case
Please Enter My Castle
And Pull Up A Chair!

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