
Friday, December 21, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + Wither The Holy Spirit!?!

Let Us Consider This Statement:

When The Lord God Removes
The Comfort Of His Holy Spirit
From The Human Vessel
Strange Things Happen
The Human Heart
Becomes Vile And Very Cruel!

King Saul Comes To Mind!
Herod The Great!

There's Also The Situation With Samson The Strong
Who Became Samson The Weak! 

Good Point Indeed! 

Now ... Wouldn't The Reverse Be Also True
As In When The Lord Pours Out His Spirit?!

Take For Examples Such Saul-Apostle Paul


With The Spirit Of The Living, Loving, Holy God
Men ...! 

.... And Women And Children, Too!!

Point Taken! 

With The Spirit Of The Living God
Men Women Children
All Who Will To Believe
Love Trust Honor Worship And Obey
Have ... Given Into Their "Hands" 
To Walk Right And Live Holy Lives
On The Glorious King's Highway! 

Now, Let's Go Forward One More Step:

Have You Ever Thought About
What It Means To Quench Something!?!

I Quench My Thirst With Ice Cold Water On A Hot Day!
It's Totally Refreshing!

If You Quench A Fire
A Candle
A Coal
What Does That Mean!?!

To My Understanding
It Means That You Kill The Flame
Extinguish The Fire
Turn Off The Light
Get Rid Of The Heat
Make It As though It Has Not Been
Send It Into Nothingness!

So Does That Not Mean That 
Quenching The Holy Spirit Of Almighty God
Putting Out The Light
Excluding Him ... By Whom We Are Sealed
Against The Great Day Of God's Vengeance
To All Intents And Purposes
Cutting Ourselves Off From Truth

Light Life Hope Help Healing
Direction Correction Protection
Grace Faith
Salvation Redemption
Peace And Rest!?!

That's A Mighty Long List
And From Where I Stand
There's Nothing On It That 

We Can Afford To Give Up
Under Any Circumstance!

Well Said!

Let's Go For A Walk ...

I Wonder How Many Of Us Realize That
The Holy Spirit In Us
The Actual Power 
The Actual Presence Of Almighty God
That That Is Why It Is The Unpardonable Sin
To Blaspheme The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Why There Is No Forgiveness For This Sin!?!

We Are Treading On Dangerous Ground
When We Self-Indulgently Ignore 
The Promptings Of The Holy Spirit!

We Are Treading On Exceedingly Dangerous Ground
When We Chase Away The Holy Spirit From Our Lives
By Wittingly Choosing To Listen To Satan!

We Can Take For Our Examples Balaam And King Saul
Disciple Judas
Korah And The Princes Of Israel
Achan ... The First Child Born In The Desert

I Have Often Wondered Why Jesus Said
All Manner Of Blasphemies May Be Forgiven
But Never, Ever, Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit!
Now I Have The Reason!

I Had Never Thought About It Like That
But Now I Truly Understand That:

"I Have The Power!"

I Truly Have Almighty God In My Heart
And I Can Withstand The Wiles Of The Devil
Almighty God With Me Makes The Majority!

We Really, Truly, Have An Amazing Blessing
And We Do Not Appreciate How Great It Is!

Imagine ...

Almighty God
In The Person Of His Holy Spirit
Available To Me
A Child Of The Dust
A Repentant Sinner
A Child Of The King
A Servant Of The Father
A Student Of Christ
A Traveler To Zion
I Believe
I Love
I Trust
I Have Faith
I Walk With Hope
I Pray
I Give Praise
I Honor Him
I Obey!

I Can Endure Anything At All
I Can Say With The Saints

Live Out Thy Light Within Me

Thou, Jesus, King Of Kings!
You Are Indeed The Answer
To All My Questionings!

I Just Now Made The Connection
To Jesus Christ Saying To His Disciples
And The People ...

Good Catch!
It's Good To Know That Even Now
We Can Still Learn Something From The Word
Not Become Complacently Inured To Its Treasure Store!
Get Used To It
We Will Be Learning For All Eternity!

We Are Blessed ... And Don't Even Know It!
We Are Loved ... And Don't Even Show It!
We Are Growing ... And Don't Even Seem To Know It
How About We Let Us Grow Up To Show Up
In The Kingdom Of Glory
So That We Don't By The Laziness Of Unbelief
Blow It!

It Is Time For A New Page!

It's Time To Write A New Chapter
- With Real Understanding -
Showing ... For Real
That We Believe That

We Are The Temple Of The Living God

That We Are Bought Without Silver Or Gold
That We Have Hope
That We Have A Home
That Jesus Christ Truly Belongs To Us
That We Are, Indeed
Part Of The Family Of God!


We Have To Be Family
There Is No One In Their Right Mind
Who Will Willingly Choose 
To Live With Strangers!

We Are God's Family
It Is Time That We Start Acting That Way!

Lord, Help Us!

He Will Help Us
We Need To Step Up To The Always Blessed Plate
Take A Satisfyingly Big Bite Of 
The Always Good-For-You Food!

You Know, Brethren
The One Take-Away We Should All Have From This
That Faith Places God Almighty In Us
- Our Hope For Glory -
We Can Defeat Any And Every Enemy
We Act With Holy Boldness
In The Faith Received Of
Our Lord Christ!

Perhaps This Is Why So Many Of The Martyrs
- Burned At The Stake -
Went To Their Graves ... Singing!

They Had The Power
They Used It!

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