
Thursday, December 20, 2018


Too Proud To Be Taught
Teachable Spirit
Were Squaring Off!

Well, Actually, Too Proud To Be Taught
Was Squaring Up
Teachable Spirit Was Walking Off And Away!
Far, Far, Away ... From Folly!

It Has Always Been Like That!

This Is Not To Put Too Fine An Edge On It
Too Proud To Be Taught Had A Real Penchant 
For Putting His Stinky Foot In His Big And Loud Mouth!
He Is The Needing-Tutoring Student Who Teaches
Who Certifies The Professor In His Skill-Set!

Please Don't Ask Me How That Came About
Because I Can't Answer That Question!
Sometimes Some Things Just Are!

Put Another Way
That's Just Like Asking Me Why A Perfect Angel
In The Perfect Realm
Thought It Perfectly Normal
To Envy His Creator
- The Perfect God -
Being Perfect Foolish
Avidly Sought
- Is Still Seeking -
To Take His Place!
That's An Imponderable Thing!

By Contrast
Teachable Spirit
Gentle, Meek, Seeking Wisdom
Seeking To Cooperate With The God Of Grace
Seeing His Need
Humbled Himself Under The Mighty Hand Of The Eternal God
Asked Of Him Who Gives To All Men Liberally
The Wisdom Of The Wise!

His Request Was Not Rejected
Instruction ... He Did Not Despise!

Too Proud To Be Taught
Teachable Spirit Too Stupid To Live
Sought To Put Spanners In His Works 
At Every Opportunity!

Let's Be Intelligent Here ...

Make No Mistake About It
Too Proud To Be Taught
A Real Tool Of Satan!
A Disposable Tool
But A Tool Nonetheless!

He Does Not Heed Warnings
He Considered Instructions
Instruction Manuals
Are For Saps
Whom He Thought Were
Seeking Always To Prove Something!

Don't Get Me Wrong ...

I'm Not Telling You That Teachable Spirit
Is A Paragon Of Virtue!
Far Be It From Me To Tell Such A Gross Lie!

He's A Man!
He Makes Mistakes
Nature And Nurture Sometimes Rear Up Their Heads
All Told
Because He Desires His Heavenly Father's
"Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant!"He Continually Bows His Head In Prayerful Supplication
To Him Who Shepherds And Leads
Guides And Feeds
Saves And Seals
Heals And Reveals!

He Sought
He Seeks After Christ And His Righteousness
He Pleads For The Holy Spirit's Indwelling!
Faith Leads Him In The Living Way
Grace And Mercy Ensure That For Own-Sin
He Does Not Have To Pay!
He Is Given Over To The God Of Truth

Too Proud To Be Taught
Bent On Having His Own Way
He Is So Careless Of His Own Soul's Salvation That
His Daily Prayer Would Do Balaam Of
The Talking Ass Fame
Mightily Proud:

He Boldly Asks Almighty God 
For Insight On How To Circumvent
The Sovereign God's Stated Desire!
He Asks For Permission To Curse
Whom The Good Lord Blesses
Pleads For The Lord To Raise Him Up So That He May
- Over Others -
Have Substantial Power!
He Desires To Be On The Upper Bench
Above The Unprofitable One's Stench!

Pssst ...

May I Tell You, Truthfully
That He Is Going To Be Facing In His Near Future
Economic, Spiritual, Social And Physical
Harsh, Harsh, Reverses!?!

You've Been Warned!

Please, Please, Please ...

Do Not Tempt The Living God Holy With Folly
You Are Going To Be Sorry!

Remember ...

Against A Meek And Gentle Spirit
There Is No Law!
Man ... Being Human
Fallen Short Of The Glory Of God
Filled With Flaws!
Get Wise And Harken To The Call Of
The Holy Spirit
Who, To Righteousness
Does Your Soul ... Draw!

Self Is A Sinner!
Obedience To Truth
Makes You A Winner!

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