
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

PRAYER:Lord, Lead Me Home!

I Love You!
I Thank You!
I Bless Your Holy Name!
Please Give Me Utterance
Your Loving Goodness To Proclaim!

The Beloved Left Eternity
To Come And Dwell With Us In Time
To Personally Give To Me The Opportunity
To Dwell With You In Paradise:
The Thought, Lord, Is Sublime!

To Know My Father Loves Me
To Know He Wants Me To Live With Him At Home
To Know That I Have Forgiveness
For Me
My Jesus Did Atone
Is A Gift Beyond Measure
As The Price Paid Was Beyond Pain!
The Blessing Is Tremendous!
Help Me To No More Make You Of Me Ashamed!

I Desire Fellowship With You, Father!
I Desire Communion With The Lamb!
I Desire A Perfect Walk In The Spirit
Please Help Me, In You, For Love Of The Savior
Mightily To Stand!

I Cannot Ever Repay You For Your Sacrifice
I Can Place On The Altar Sacrifice 
My Stubborn Will To Sin!
I Can Give Unto You My Self!
I Can Cling To The Rock Of Ages
And Sing "Faith Is The Victory!"
As I To The Glorious Hill Zion Am Daily Walking!

I Cannot Say It Enough:
I Love You, Lord!
I Bless Your Name!
Please Help Me To Reach For The Holy Hand Extended
So That To Sin I Am Not A Dog Tame!

Forgive Me Of My Trespasses!
Forgive For The Times Your Name I Did Profane!
I Confess, Lord!
I Am Sorry!
Help Me Never Ever Again
Your Sovereignty To Disdain!

I'm A Child!
I'm A Student!
I'm A Servant Of God Willing
And I'm Determined, Dear Father
At The End Of All Things
To Claim That Most Precious Reward
For I By Grace Am Fighting
Against The Ways Of Satan
The Known And Wily Fraud!

Help Me To Tell A Brother
A Sister
A Child
A Friend
That Jesus Christ Saves
And That He Is Preparing Homes
In Your Beautiful House For Us
Who Love The Holy Name
And Endure All Things For Our Jesus!

Please Help Us To Him To Cling
Like A Limpet
To Bless Our Brethren And Not Curse
To Deny The Liar
To Never Place On The Altar Strange Fire
So That The Curse Upon Mankind
In Our Lives
May Forever Be Reversed!

Oh, The Joy Of The Thought:
Fellowship With The Father!
Fellowship With The Son
And The Holy Spirit Indwelling!
Fellowship With The Holy Angels
And, Personally
With The One Angel Who Was With Me
As The Race To Soul Salvation
I Did Run
Fellowship With The Family Of God
Of All The Ages!
The Lord Be Praised For
The Blessedness
Which Shall Never Be Called Done!

Lord, Lead Me On!
Lord, Lead Me Home!
Lord, Lead Me Day By Day!
I Need You
As I Have No Desire To Indulge The Folly Of
Own-Sin Self-Pay!

I Pray These Few Petitions
In The Name Of The Lowly Jesus
He About Whom Is The Gospel
The Good News Story
Who Was Obedient Unto Death
Is Now Alive Forevermore
The Judge Of All Men
The Blessed King Of Glory!

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