
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

JESUS CHRIST: Do You Know What You Have!?!



The Standard Of Righteousness
The Traits Of Character ... Necessary
We Will Stride ... Blessed Forever
In The Courts Of Glorious Heaven Above!


The School Of Jesus Is In Session! 
The Students Are Assembled For Prayers
To Give Praise

To Build Character
To Learn To Walk In Wise Ways!

The Great Teacher, Himself
Has Set For Man The Example
Those Who Will To See Life Everlasting
Do Not With Soul Salvation
Ever Have To Gamble!

On Any Given Day ...

As With All Things Good For Man
There Is A Naysayer!
As With All Things Right That
Bring Light To Man
There Is A False-Oath Taker!

Brady Brix-Stone Was A Very Wicked Person
And, That Dear Brethren
Was Something Upon Which
Everybody In The Know Could Agree
To The Uninitiated In The Classroom
He Was High-Brow Elegant
Fastidious Noble
A Man Of The Book
With The Clothing To Match!

Brady Brix-Stone Considered Himself An Artist
He Liked To Sign His Name As

With Many Flourishes!

On An Aside ...

The People Who Had Felt The Sting Of His Public Excesses

Have Saddled Him With 

A B. B. S. Appellation 
Which Is Not At All Polite!

Knowing Where You Are Going ...

It Should Be Noted Here That
The Students In The School
- The Committed-To-Christ Students In The School -
Were Not There To Play Games!
They Were On The Upward Way
Marching To Zion!
They Were Using One-Way Tickets To Glory!

By Contrast
Brady Brix-Stone Had Taken To Making Friends
Influencing People
Improve His Bottom Line
To Expand His Waistline
No Surprise There
He Felt That This Was Compatible With His Mission Of 
Being A Missionary On A Mission!
He Could Not See That He Was The Whole Point Of Salvation
Completely Missing!

Don't Get Me Wrong ...

There's Nothing Wrong With Money!
It's The Love Of Money That Makes Men's Hearts Grow Cold!
There's Much Wrong With Money
It Causes Your Love For The Lord Christ To Wax Cold
Causes You To Depart Truth
To That Serpent Satan ... Sell
Your Already Bought And Redeemed Soul!

So That You'd Know ...

Brady Brix-Stone Was Normally Nasty On Monday And Tuesday
Naturally Nice On Wednesday And Thursday
Downright Syrupy
On Friday Saturday And Sunday
As This Was When The People Had Lil' Change In Their Pockets That
He Could Syphon Off!

There Was An Old Teacher
- A True Man Of God -
Who Had A Burden For Souls
Who Was Willing Warrior For The Lord!

He Was Brady's Uncle On His Mother's Side
Once Removed!
Everybody Called Him Faithful Fred
That Is ... Everybody Except Brady!

Heads Up, People ...

Our Greatest Adversaries
At The Time Of The End
Will Be Those Of Our Own Households
Our Families!

Faithful Fred Taught Truth
With Compassion
In Love
For The Love Of God In Christ
In Season
Out Of Season
For Doctrine
For Reproof
Until That Wastrel, Brady, Succeeded ... Magnificently
In Turning The People 
- Who Should Have Treasured His Labors For
The Eternal Kingdom -
Well And Truly Against Him!

Things Got So Bad That
Faithful Fred Started To Doubt
Never His Jesus
Never The Word Of Truth
Never His Salvation
He Started Doubting His Usefulness
To The Cause Of Christ!

Brady Was In His Glee
In His Cups ... He Was An Undercover Drunk
He Was Frenetically Caressing His Golden Brown Bank Book!
His Future ... Now Assured
Was Sound!

You Need To Know That ...

When We As Ingrates
The Blessings That Almighty God
Gives Into Our Hands
To Accrue To The Saving Of Our Own Souls
He Removes Them!
He Permits Them To Be Removed!
They Are Taken Away!!

Case In Point : Enoch Of Bible Fame!

On A Quiet And Misty Day
Old And Faithful Fred Closed His Eyes
For His Long Sleep:
He Went To Sleep In The Faith Of His Lord Jesus
Assured By His Maker That
Those Who Die In The Lord
Will Rise Up To The Lord
To Live Forever With The Lord!
He Went To Sleep At Peace!

Not Long Thereafter ...

Truth Was Cast Down Into The Street!

Brady Brix-Stone Came Down Like A Ton Of Bricks
On The Side Of Sin
The Word Was Soon Heard:

If Only Faithful Fred Were Here! 

If Only Truth For Today Was Heard! 

If Complacency
Were Not Found At Our Core 
We Would Not Now Be Longing
For Things To Be As They Were Before!

Too Late Shall Be The Cry ...

Let Us Take Heed To Ourselves
And Not Our Lord God Defy!
When We Despise Truth
We Will Suffer Under Lies!

Looking Good Doesn't Mean Doing Good!
Speaking Truth Doesn't Mean Living Right
Or Walking In The Light Of Life
The Living God Eternal Ever To Delight!

Do You Appreciate What You Have!?!

With Jesus Christ The Lord
We Always Know What It Is That We Have
What We Shall Get
When Where And How! 
We Already Know That Our Gifts Are From Christ Jesus!

I Beseech You, Brethren ...

Let Us No Err Like Judas
Sell Eternal Gold
To Buy Destructible Silver!

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