
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

LIFE IN TIME: From Time ... To Eternity

My time
Tea Time

On your time
By this time

In Time
High Time
Time to go
Time to say

High time
Low life

God's time
New life

Holy time
Quitting time

Me time
To live
time to die
to plant
to pluck up what was planted
Time to kill
Time to help
Time to heal
Time on target

Life Time
Crying Time

Time flies ... when you are having fun
Time slows ... when you're having none

What do you know?
All in all
You need to know
In the Beginning - Alpha knows
At the End - Omega shows
No mystery
God is The Lord
End of The Story
Home to His Glory!

Life is a clock you cannot stop
Your clock will stop - how when you don't know
Appointed Time - your shop doth close
Then you will wear open-backed travel clothes
Having died with Love For Jesus because of Grace
You will Wake Up on The Great Day
To Rise Up ... Immortalized
To Meet Him In The Air
Along with The Saints of All Times
To Take Up For Eternity
In His Presence
Your Reserved Place!

Alone Time
With The Lord Jesus
Will Never End In Disgrace!

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