
Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Living God Is Not Into Fashion Nor Trends + PRAYER: Father, I See My Need!

The Word Of The Lord
Sealed And Settled In Heaven
So I See No Good Reason Why I Shouldn't
Take The Word Of The Living God Literally!

You Must Be Mad!
Times Change!
People Change ...!

... But The Living God Is The Same
Today And Forever!

The Eternal God 
Is Not 
A Man That He Should Lie
Or Be Fickle
Or Be Driven And Tossed 
According To The Winds Of Change
On A Stormy Sea!

You Need To Wise Up
And Get With The Program! 

Heal Thyself! 

The Eternal Word Says In Luke 4:4


In Luke 8:11, It Says 

Seeds Can't Change!
An Apple Is An Apple
A Pear Is A Pear
An Ackee Is An Ackee
A Hog Plum Is a Hog Plum! 

Yada, Yada! 
You're Obviously Not Keeping Up With The Times!
I Have A Code Word For You: Genetic Engineering!
Everything ... Including Seeds
Can Be "Fixed"
To Do More
Change Self
Improve Others! 

I'm Very Sorry For You!
Who Needs A Chameleon For A God!?!
Who Needs Fruit Punch For The Gospel!?!
You're Worshipping At The Altar Of Change And Decay
We Of The Household Of Faith
Know And Accept That
Change And Decay
Sin And Sinners
The Master Chameleon Himself
Are Headed For The Lake Of Fire! 

Simply Put
You Have An Unsettled Mind
An Unsettled Mind Is Dangerous To Self And Others
The Need For Constant Change
Instant Gratification
Never Ending Feels
Places You Squarely In Satan's Domain
Primed And Packaged
Tied Up In Shiny Chains!

You Say That You Believe
But, Then 
You Model The Fact That
You Have Not Come To
The Conclusion Of The Whole Matter!

If You Truly Believed Almighty God's Living Word
You Would Know Not To Mess With It
Adding And Subtracting From It
To Appease Your Carnal Monster!
You'd Know That There Is A Curse Attached 
To Adding And Subtracting From The Word!

Look, Bayley!
I'm Not Here To Give You A Hard Time!

I Just Wish That You'd Recognize
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Who Does Our Griefs And Burdens Bear!
I Sincerely Wish That You Will Come To Know
What A Privilege We Have
We Can Take Our Burdens
Our Sins
Our Sorrows
Our Hurts
Our Shame
With Just A Humble Offering
To The Living Lord ... In Prayer!

How Dare You Say That I'm Proud!?!

Excuse Me!?!
All I Said To You Was
Take A Humble Offering Of Prayer To God!

Oh, Never Mind!

Bayley, Pride Got Satan Cast Out Of Heaven! 
Please Don't Let Pride Keep You Out Of Heaven! 

I'm Not Proud! 
I'm Not ... PROUD! 

I Don't Have To Tell You That You're Proud! 
You Know Of A Surety That You're Proud
I Am Beseeching You
To Humble Yourself Under The Mighty Hand Of God
So That He Will Lift You Up
In His Time
In His Way
According To His Sovereign Will For You!

There Is No Blessing
- Just A Hard Fall -
For Those With A Proud And Haughty Spirit!

You Know That Our Creator Humbled Himself
Giving Up His Glory
His Honor
His Praise
To Come Down To Our Level
- Your Level - 
To Raise Us Up To His Level
We Should Be Able To Humble Ourselves Before Him
Because Of His Sacrifice
Reach Out And Take The Extended Hand
Which Did All The Work
So That We May Reap The Rapturous Sweets!

I Like Sweet Things!

Jesus Christ Is Offering Us 
The Best Kind That We're Told Off
Greatest Of All
He Has A Myriad Precious And Sweet Blessings 
Prepared For Us That
Man's Eyes Have Not Yet Seen
Nor Has Man's Ears Ever Heard The Story!

I Like New Things And Different Experiences!

Girl, Let Me Tell You Something! 
If You Truly Want New ... And Exclusive Things
Different ... Extraordinary
Spirit-Ennobling Experiences
Which Lead To That Place Where The Eternal God Resides
- Who Created Us And Painted The Rainbow
Which Stands Above His Throne
In The Land Where Glory Rolls
The Streets Are Paved With Purest Gold
Gold Crowns Are Every-Day Wear
Where Care Cannot Live There
Mansions Are In The Father's House
Where, For Us Who Will Jesus' Joy Share
Are Being Prepared - 
I Implore You To Try Jesus Christ
The Joy Of Living
The Richest And Most Loving Caring
Giving Blessing Friend
You Can Ever Know!

It Will Cost You
The Return On The Investment Is Immeasurable!

He Sees Everything! 
He Feels Everything! 
He Knows Everything
He's Always Available
Always Present!

I Need A Friend Like That!

So Did I
I Found Him
So Can You!
Give Him A Call! 
Utter A ... 

... Humble Prayer ...! 


I Now Truly See My Need!
I Need You! 
Please Help Me To Humble Myself
So That I May Arrive At That Place
Where I Am Never Alone
Where I Am Blessed And Loved
Where I Am Daily Face To Face
With Christ ... My Savior
In Whose Name
Because Of Present And Available Grace
Always Free Mercy
I ... Now Humble ... Do Gladly Plead! 

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