
Saturday, December 8, 2018

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: If Sinners Only Knew What Saints Of God Know

When He Was Born
He Was Seen To Be A Beautiful Child
When He Was Dedicated To The Lord
He Was Given A Beautifully Simple Name
Easy To Remember
A Breeze To Spell
Replete With Meaning:

Reach After God By Faith

As He Went Through The Early Life Stages
Grew Into His Majority
That Is ... Reached The Age Of Consent
The One Thing He Had Daily Heard From His Loving Parents

Marvellous Grace
Merciful Powers 


Expect Great Things From God!

Reach After God By Faith
Having Always Lived To Expect Great Things From God
Became A Man Of Faith
Set Up His Own Household With The Very Homely Looking
Oh, So Kind Lady

Grace Is Free

Odd Arrangements Call Forth Comment ...

The Proud And Pretty Girls
The Available Painted Ladies
Were Not Well Pleased
The Whole Village Knew It!

Faith And Grace, For Short
Were Contented In The Lord
Jesus Christ Was In The Family
They Had A Happy, Happy, Home!

I Should Tell You Here That
The Adversary Of Souls
Hated Everything And Everybody
Associated With
Called By
Attached To
Smelling Of Jesus Christ's Faith And Grace
With An Unmitigated Hatred
He Hated, Hated, Hated
Reach After God By Faith
His Wife, Grace Is Free!

Lil' Things Started Happening!

At First
The Occurrences Were Considered Happenstance!

This Is Life: Things Happen!
No Biggie!

But ...

As We All Know
- Having Previously Recognized The Hand Of Satan
As He Tormented The Lord Christ
From The Cradle To The Grave -
Evil-Doing ... Just Like Hatred ... Escalates
Because, Well
More Is More
More Is Always Better!

Soon ...

What Had Been Petty Annoyances
Started Shaping Up To Be Real Problems
At Least In The Eyes Of The Unbelieving Onlookers!

When You Know Truth
You Can Always Recognize Lie!
When You Live Love
You Can Always Recognize Hate!
When You Don't Have A Savior
Satan Satisfies!
When You Don't Have Salvation
You Just Live Like One Living Just To Die!

Fancy Ladies ... Dishabille
- Those Felonious Minions Of The Fraud -
Took To Following Faith Around His Property
At His Work
At Church
When He Was With Grace
When He Walked Alone
A Proud And Pretty Girl Got Him Fired From His Job!

A Tree Fell On The Roof Of Their Bedroom!
Three Mortgage Payments ... Already Paid
Were Suddenly Missing!
The Sewer Line Burst!
A Truck Ran Into The Corner Of The House!

Grace Is Free Then Lost Her Job 
- For Cause -
For Absenteeism And Bad Attitude
The Day After Winning
The Employee Of The Year Award For
Perfect Attendance
Product Knowledge
Customer Service
Willingness To Serve
Best Attitude
On-Time Performance!

A Painted Lady Got Faith Arrested For Doing A Thing

You See
Their Problems Came About 
They Were Not Into The Secular And The Worldly
Into The Sacred And The Heavenly!

Faith And Grace
Were In Thought, Word, And Deed
Friends Of The True, Holy, Living, Eternal, Faithful God!
They Were Friends Of Satan's Enemy
In The Warped Mind Of The Arch-Fiend
This Betrayal Could Not Be Allowed To Go Unchallenged!

This Betrayal Must On All Counts Be Answered
The Destroyer Was Well On His Way
To Accomplishing His Nefarious Goals
So. He. Thought!

Servants Of The Lord ...

When You Live A Life Of Love
Trusting In The Faithful God Of Love Above
Enduring All Things Against You As Badges Of Honor
You Do Not Before The Damned One
Bow Down 
In Fright ... Cower!

You Stand Up For Jesus!
You Live For The King!
You Follow The Shepherd
Trust In Him Moment By Moment
Day By Day
Hour By Hour!

The World
- That Is The Neighbors -
Was Watching ... Wondering
Amazed At The Strength
The Character
The Faithfulness
The Endurance
The Joy
The Peace
Exhibited By These Two Pillars Of 
The Great And Coming King!

The Proper Use Of Knowledge Is Power ...

If Only They Knew That
Great Expectation Is Not Just A Book Or A Song!
If Only They Knew That
Grace Is Free Is A Promise Of Almighty God
Not An Access To A Free-Sinning Bong!

Truth Be Told ...

Reach After God By Faith
Lived Out His Name
Inculcated Into His Life The Anthem 
- Expect Great Things From God -
Daily Sung To Him By Both His Parents
From His Birth Even Until Now!

Faith Leaned On Available Grace
Which Is Always Free
Available Grace Held Unto Free Mercy!

The Lesson Taught
The Lesson Learnt ...

Reach After God By Faith
Grace Is Free
Knew Truth And Understood That
As Faithful Followers Of The Lord Christ That
Followers Follow ... AFTER ... The Shepherd Faithfully!
Sheep Who Are Known Followers
Do Not Lead The Shepherd Who Is The Leader!

Reach After God By Faith
Grace Is Free
Showed To All Observing Them That
Grace Is Indeed Free When By Faith
Reach After God To Accept The Hand Of Hope
The Hand Of Help
To Accept The Gift Of Love
The Gift Of Life
From The Lord Of Life
The Giver Of Salvation!


Satan Only Goes After Those Who Are Not His
Or More Properly Stated
Those Who 
- By Word And Deed -
Belong To The Lord Christ!

When We Accept That Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Only Answer
Our Only Hope
Our Only Help
Our God
Our Lord
Our King
Our Savior
Our Redeemer
Our Shepherd
Our Peace
Our Rest
The Only One By Whom The Believer 
Truly Blessed
Satan Cannot
- Will Not - 
Win In The War That He, Roaring
Angrily, Aggressively, Waging
Against The One That The Lord Christ
By Innocent Spilt Blood 

Trust Jesus Christ To Deliver
He Has By His Death, Burial, Resurrection
Intercession For You
Has Already Delivered You!
All You Need To Do Is Open Your Eyes
Your Heart
To Recognize That Fact!

Jesus Christ Saves!

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