
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Jesus Christ For Joy: Hunting Happiness!?!

You Want To Be Happy!?!

Well, How About You Learn A Little Self-Denial!
Learn Self-Denial ... At The Foot Of The Cross
You Shall Never Know Loss!

Self-Denial Doesn't Suit Your Personality!?!

Haven't You Learnt Anything
In Your Long Life!?!
How Is It That You Still Don't Know That
Gaining The Whole World
Losing Your Christ-Bought Soul
Keeps You Outside Of
Jesus Christ's Safe 
Eternally Blessed Fold!?!

You're Not A Sheep!?!

Would To God That You Were!
You'd Be Following The Good Shepherd
To Green Pastures And Waters Still!
You'd Be Safe From The Raging Lion
Of Healthful Sustenance
You'd Always Eat Your Fill!?!

You're On A Diet!?!

Lord, Have Mercy, Please!
You'd Be Better Off Consuming The Diet That 

Weans You Off Of Sin
Instead Of Indulging The Sin Of Presumption
While Praying For Calm In The Midst Of
A Satan-Generated Gale Force Storm Of Wind!

Satan Ain't Real!?!

What, In The Name Of All That's Holy
Are You Drinking!?!
It's Obvious To Me That With Your Right Mind
You're Not Thinking
You Would The Office Of The High Horse Demit
Humble Yourself Before The Lord God
Stop Elevating The Ways Of The Fraud!

I'm The Only Fraud You Know!?!

For Loving You Enough
To Tell You The Truth
I'm Now Your Enemy!?!
Since You Came To Jesus
You Have Remained The Same!
You Refuse To Grow In Grace
You Make It A Habit To Accuse Others
To Hide The Shame In Your Face!

Since I Have Disturbed Your Peace
From This Telephone Call
I Shall Myself Release
Before I Do
I Shall Speak The Lord's Truth:

You Do Not Learn Christ
The Same Way Carnal Man Learns Technology
I Beseech You
- In The Name Of The Lord -
To Let The Lord Lead You
Plainly, Openly, Truly
Stop Permitting The Enemy Of Souls
From Leading You Into Gross Folly!

I Won't Detain You Further!
I'll Raise You Up In Prayer!
I'll Plead With The Lord To Open Your Eyes
Your Mind
Your Heart
So That From The Living Kingdom
You Will Not Be Left Outside
In The Encapsulating Dark!

Yes! God Is With Me
I'm Thankful To And For Him!
May The Lord Be With You
In Your Coming
Your Going
Your Thinking
Your Doing
Your Speaking!
I'm Very Sorry That
For You
I Could Not Personally Do A Blessed Thing
I Sincerely Pray That Those Things That
Are Your Earthly Hopes
Are Such As Can Be Transplanted 
To The Heavenly Paradise
To Hill Zion! 

Make Peace 
Be At Peace With The Holy God
In Whose Hand, Alone 
Is The Heavenly Reward!

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