
Saturday, January 12, 2019


I Don't Care!
I Live Under Grace!
I Can Do Whatever I Want
And I Shall Still Be Saved Into The Eternal City!

Get A Hold Of Yourself!
You Know That You Are Talking Rubbish
So Please Stop!

Why Should I!?!
Grace Is Unmerited Favor
So I'm Good To Gone Home!

Darcy, Let Me Ask You A Question!
Did Jesus Christ Die To Save You!?!

Of Course, He Did!

Why Did He Die To Save You!?!

He Died Because Me And My Kind
Broke The Law Of God!

Couldn't Someone Else Do That Job!?!

Of Course, Not!
Innocent Blood Was Needed
And Jesus Christ Was The One Truly Innocent!

So Does That Mean That 
You Can Continue To Break The Law Of God!?!

Sure Does!
No, Wait!

I'm Waiting!
Can You Break The Law Of God
- At-Will -
Since Jesus Christ Paid The Price
For Your Personal Sin!?!

I'm Not Under Law!
I'm Under Grace!

So ... My Unwise Friend
For What Did Jesus Christ Die
Did He Really Have To Die!?!

He Had To Die!
He Personally Had To Die To Save Me!

So Does That Not Then Make The Law Of God


Tell Him In Little Words, Willard!

Be Nice, Ferdy!

Why Should I!?!
He's Been Tormenting Us Forever
Calling Us Fools For Following The Law Of God!

Ferdy, Please Set The Example
That Is, Light A Candle For The Devil
Make It A Good One!
Never Follow Fashion
If You Hope To Live In Peace With The Lord!

I'm Sorry!
It's Just That ...!

... I Know!
Just Remember: 

Christ's Character
Comes Before
Redemption's Elevation!

I'm Sorry!

Back To The Topic At Hand ...

If Jesus Christ
Had To Die To Save Man
- To Return Man To The Bosom Of The Father -
For Breaking The Law Of The Eternal God
The Law Of The Eternal God
As Is The Eternal God
That Is, Immutable
Aka Eternal
No Matter What To Fallen Man
Says The Wily Fraud!

Lest You Who Elevate Yourselves
Above The Law Of God
Think That The Law Of God
Yeah Or Nay
As Becomes The Desire Of
The Satan-Inspired Demi-God
Please Recognize The Fact That 
Since The Plan Of Redemption
- Organized Before The Creation Of The World -
Had To Be Activated
It Should Tell All And Sundry That
In The Life Of Fallen Man
The Law Of God Should Always Ever Assuredly
Take Primacy
Take First Place!

Please, Tip Toe ...

Think Carefully  
You Who Decide Which Part Of The Law
"Works Best" For You
Know That The Transcript Of God's Character
Unequivocally Says:

Wait A Minute!
I've Never Heard That Scripture!

Well, My Brother
You Just Heard It
And, Now
You Are Without Excuse
- Before The Eternal God -
For The Contrary Path 
You've Heretofore Been Taking!

And ...

Just In Case You Decide 
In The Alexandrian Philosophers' Wisdom That
You Have Doubts
King Solomon, Himself, Said:

Jesus Christ, Himself, Asked His Father
In Behalf Of His Brethren, To:

I've Got A Question For You:

What Does Preserved Mean!?!

Anything That Is Preserved
Is Something Made To Last
Beyond What Is Considered A Normal Life Span!

In That Case
- And Based On Your Response -
You Should Know That
The Word Of God Is Preserved!
King David Said:

The Word Of God 
Just In Case You're Still Doubting
Hear King David, Again:

Would You Be So Bold
As To Denigrate The Word Of The God
Who Says That His Word 
Magnified Above His Name!?!

I Think I'm Going To Be Sick!

Just Try To Be Sick Of Sin!
You'd Get A Better Result!

Let's Just Cut To The Chaste!
Give Him Timothy!

Oh, Yeah!

Oh, Man!
There Goes My Old Neighborhood!

That's Good!
It Needed Razing To The Ground!

Let Me Give You A Word Of Caution:

What You Feel
What You Think Is Personally Right
What You Want To Do For Personal Comfort
Never Above The Word Of God!

God Said "It!"
Believe "It!"
Let "It" Be Settled In Your Heart
To Obey 
Better Than To Sacrifice!

Your Present Walk 
Leading You Toward A Monumental Sacrifice!
Avoid It Because It Is Avoidable!

Do Not Indulge In Presumptuous Sin!
You Are Not Against The Holy God Winning!
You Are A Pawn Of The Devil!
A Chess Piece In The Great Controversy
Be Wise Unto Salvation
Over To The Living God
Give Your Heart's Lease!
For You
He Is Sure Sin Relief!

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