
Thursday, February 14, 2019

PRAYER: Father, I've Counted The Cost: I Love You!

I Love You!
Please Help Me!
Hear My Call!
I Need You, How I Need You
To Protect Me From Wily Satan
The Known And Consummate Fraud!

I Do Not Trust My Eyes
And Neither Do I Trust My Feelings
So, I Am Asking You, Please
In My Life, Every Day, To Do The Leading!

I Am Not Complaining, Father!
I Am Sharing With You My Heart
For There Are Times, Father
When It Seems That I Do Not Care
Whether Sunday Comes On A Monday
And I Find No Delight
In Always Having The World To Fight!

Oh, That There Will Be Peace In The Valley!
Peace In The Valley For Me
So That I May Even Momentarily Catch My Breath
Instead Of Always Having To Struggle Constantly!

Change Happens!
Please Help Me To Forbear
I Know And I Truly Accept And Understand
That For A Caterpillar To Be Transformed
He Must Enter That Dark Place Unknown
Rest In His Creator's Love And Care
That At The End Of The Time Appointed
With The Necessary Struggle
He Shall Emerge
On The Wing
Able To Soar To Heights Unknown
In His Former Iteration
He Could Never Know Or Go!

I Beseech You, Father
In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Your Beloved And Only Begotten Son
My Savior
My Redeemer
My One True Friend
Please Help Me Not To Kick Against The Pricks
But To Trust Your Known And Sure Love
- Your Will For My Life -
So That I, Obedient
To The Blessed Will
Will, At The Day Appointed
After My Trial Of Endurance
Made Anew
To Be Like My Jesus
The Embodiment Of You!

I Need You, Father!
I Need The Comforter
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
To Comfort And To Guide Me
To Teach And To Chide Me
To Bless Me To Do Your Will! 

Please Help Me In Your Holy Love
To Be Quiet
To Be Still!

I Know How To Wait On You, Father!
Teach Me How To Wait!
I Know How To Follow You, Father!
Lead Me And Help Me To Follow You Ever!
Help Me To Rest In You
By All That Is Around About
Or That Tries To Assail Me! 

Please, Lord!
Shore Up My Faith
So That I Do Not Turn To The Left
Nor To The Right
So That I May Be To Your Loving Heart 
A Blessed Delight!

Jesus Christ Paid My Costs!
Please Help Me To Be Faithful
Obedient And True
So That In The Great Day Of Small Things
I Shall Not Be Found Amongst Those
Who Are The Cast Out!
The Forever Lost!

Please Hold My Trembling Hand, Father!
I've Counted The Costs!
Please Help Me To Daily Bear
My Personal Cross!
I Accept The Gift Given!
I Yearn For Eternal Living!
Please Grant Me My Petition
According To Your Sovereign Will
In Your Holy Way
I Ask It In the Beloved's Matchless Holy Name!

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