
Friday, February 15, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Creeping Compromise!

I Saw You Last Night!


Who Was That Handsome Fellow
I Saw You With!?!

Oh, You Saw THAT!?!

Yes, Indeed, I Did!

Can You Keep A Secret!?!

I'm Not A Fridge But ...!

... Oh, Never Mind!

Who Is He!?!

Nobody Special! That's Just CC!

Is He From Around Here!?!

Kinda, Maybe, Sorta ...!

Ummm! Okay ... I'm Intrigued!
'Fess Up!

He's One Of Own Way's Children!

Father, Preserve Us!
Are You Mad!?!


Wait A Minute!
CC!?! CC!?!
Uh, Oh!
Umm ...
You're Not Telling Me ...
I Know You're Not Telling Me ...!

... I'm Telling You ...!

... Creeping Compromise!?!
How Could You!?!
Creeping Compromise
Beloved Progeny Of Presumptuous Own Way
Leads  Everybody He Captivates
On A Luxury Ride To Death Sentence!

I'm Sure That You Know That
So, Why
In The Name Of All That's Holy
Would You Fraternize With Someone Like That!?!

I Am Not Fraternizing!
We Like Each Other's Company
And We Are Looking To Make A Marriage Pact!

Lord, Preserve Us!
You, A Child Of The Household Of Faith
Would Get Into Bed With A Willful Sinner!?!
How Would You Reconcile Yourself To Jesus Christ The Lord
When You, Willingly, Wittingly
Choose To Fornicate With That Henchman Of King Fraud!

He Doesn't Work For King Fraud Any More!
He Wants To Walk With Me Faithfully!

Is That Why You Want To Keep Him A Secret!?!
As Far As I Know, Faith Is Upfront And Bold!

It's Just That I Am Not Ready
To Introduce Him To The Family!

She Knows He's Bad News
But She's Lying To Herself!

If He Is A True Convert To The Way Of Truth
The Life Of Faith
Walking The Course Of Obedience
You Should Have No Fear About 
Bringing Him Into The Fold
Even If Only As A Friend ...!

... I Have This ...!

... Creeping Feeling!?!

Please Don't Joke!

I'm Not Joking, Love!
You Have A Real Problem
It Starts With Your Attitude
Continues With His Name
Aka His Character!

I'm Working With Him ...!

... By Going Into The World With Him!?!
Don't You Know That Being Like The World
To Convert The Worldly
Always Leads ... Not To The World's
But To Your Conversion
Into Becoming A Worldling!?!

Do You Really Believe That
His Name Is Creeping Compromise For Nothing!?!

Let Me Enlighten You ...

When Own Way Had Him
She Made A Vow To Whirl Wind
That That Child Would Have Entree To All
The Homes And Businesses And Churches
And Kingdoms Of The World
Whether Rich Or Poor
Free Or Slave
With Strong Power To Attach The Minds And Manners
Of All The Citizens
All Who Are Careless Of Truth
Who Choose To Lockup Strict Righteousness
In Wayward Man's Clown-Picture Booth!

I Love Him!
He Pleases My Eye!

So Said Judge Sampson
Before Cut Hair
Led To Blind Eyes
Whereafter He Did Die!

Please Don't Say That!

I Did ... And It Stands!

His Soft Words Of Address Always Please My Heart!

So Did Satan's Words To Eve!
So Did Jezebel's Words To Ahab!

What Sweeten Goat Mout'
Does Bu'n 'e In 'e Behind!

I Really Have To Wonder 
How Much You Are Conceding
Compromising On
So That You Can Be With Him!?!
How Much Has He Given Up To Be With You!?!

Nothing ... Yet!

She Can Sing Hymn-A-Ton!
He's Never Going To Give Up Anything!
All The Concessions Have Been Her's!

Hear The Right ...

KJV Jeremiah 7

8 Behold, ye trust in lying words,
that cannot profit.

He's Lying To You
You Have A Choice To Make:

Love Him Or Love The Lord!
Love Your Own Soul Unto Salvation For Christ's Eternal Love
Or Sell Your Own Soul 
For Creeping Compromise's Lying And Temporary Love!

You Don't Know Him
So Don't Say That About Him!
He Loves Me!

Wow! He's Got You Good!

We're Working Toward The Common Good!

She Drank The Cool-Aid!

Look, There Are No Other Options
As Jesus Christ Himself, Said
If You Put Others Before Him
You Are Not Worthy Of Him
If You Are Not Sowing With Him
You Are Destroying!

Wise Up ...

Creeping Compromise
A Backdoor Operator
A Bottom Feeder
A Deceitful Bow
A Side-Winder
A Polite Liar
Who Takes Sturdy Oak Trees
Turns Them Into Kindling
For The Frowning Judge's Lake Of Fire!

You Need To Deny That Liar
Return Home!

Do You Know Who His Grand-Pappi Is!?!

Of Course!
His Grampi Is Shining Light!

Is That What He's Calling Himself These Days!?!

What Are You Talking About!?!

For Your Information, Loving Evangelism
Shining Light
Used To Be Known As The Light Bearer
Used To Be Called Lucifer
The Covering Cherub
Is ... Even As We Speak
Known As 
King Fraud
The Piercing Serpent
Satan The Bold ...!

... The Accuser Of The Brethren ...!!

... The Enemy Of Souls!

Lord Jesus, Save Me!

He Already Did!
He Paid Your Costs
You Got Off-Track
By Listening To Lying And Corrupt Words
That Please Carnal Hearts
Do Not Edify The Mind!
You Took Your Eye Off The Divine!
Feelings Have Made You Blind!

A Compromised Life May Be "Easy" To Live
It Has No Eternal Profit!

You Got Tripped Up By The Trivial
For Ignoring The Celestial
If You Continue On That Wayward Path
You'll Go To The Burn Colony Called Penal!
Damnation Wants, With You, To Set A Date!

Please, I Beseech You
Turn Away From This Folly
Walk Faithfully With The Lord Christ!
Your Life Will Be Regal!
Put Jesus Christ First!

Please Pray For Me!

Creeping Compromise Is Like A Cockroach:
Get Out The Repellant!
Read Your Bible And Pray
And Walk The Straight And Narrow Way!
Do Not Be By Sweet Words Swayed!


  1. Father, Please Help Me To Walk Rightly On The Straight And Narrow Way, Living And Loving Your Truth So That I May Be Blessed And Saved Into The Eternal Kingdom!

  2. Amazing Post.
    Please keep me in your prayers.
    Have a Blessed Sabbath

    1. Moonlight, I hope that your Sabbath was a Blessed Day as Promised by The Master! Thank you for the kind words! I will, indeed raise you up to The Throne Of Grace! Have A Blessed New Week ahead! Peace Be Unto You, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!

  3. barbadollies, Thank you very much for considering my request. I will also raise you up to the Throne of Prayers as well. I had a lonely Sabbath physically, but on the Spiritual, I was blessed to see and enjoy another day/Sabbath.
    Sending my well wishes for the coming New Week ahead as well.

  4. Dear Moonlight: I was pleased to hear you were Blessed in Your Sabbath! I had to smile at your phrasing concerning "a lonely Sabbath physically!" Beloved, You Are Never Alone even though there is no one physically at Your Side ... The Lord Is Ever Near, The Holy Spirit Is our Comfort And The Holy Angels draw near to every Child Of The Living God! Be At Peace In Our God for He Ever Cares For You! Please consider that this Alone Time is or may be a Learning/Training Ground for what is ahead for the People Of God when we shall be cut off from every Earthly Support and we will have no other choice but to stand in the Faith Of Jesus Christ and wholly depend upon Our Lord and the Promises given in The Living Word! Thanks kindly for your Well Wishes! I will continue to raise you up in Prayer! Blessings Be Upon You!

  5. Barbadollies, Good morning.
    I really appreciate your wisdom,and encouragement. It made me feel so much better, and has inspire me to keep pressing on.
    I Know that our Heavenly Father would continue to keep you, strength you, and blessed you always for the work you does in your ministry.
    I am very grateful that I could alease talk to you when Iam feeling down. I always give Thanks & Praises to
    God Almighty for you, because your ministry has kept me on solid ground over the years! and Iam very appreciative. I must say Blessings Be Upon You as well.
    Have a fantastic day/week to come.

    1. MoonLight, May The Father Be Glorified And Jesus Christ Be Praised! Please Feel Free To Reach Out Anytime! By Almighty God's Grace, I Will Answer!
      Remember To Trust In The Lord ... Forever ... For In Him Is Everlasting Strength!
      Blessings Await The Faithful!
      Have A Peaceful Night's Rest!

  6. barbadollies. Greetings,Good morning
    Yes, indeed I had a good night rest, I also hope you had a good rest also
    I Pray that a day will soon come when we will be able to hold hands, and prayer together to our Heavenly Father for his Grace & Merrcies that was given to us, that we was able to come before the throne of Grace. I just woke up, so I just say a prayer for thanks and prayers for a next day and to keep us,gaurd us, protect us,in our daily lives, still kind of early so i go back to bed, I prayer you have a blessed morning/day.


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