
Saturday, February 16, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: SATAN HAS A LOT TO ANSWER FOR: TBS Miracle Workers!?! + PRAYER: Help Us Father, To Stay In The Book Of Truth!

I Heard About The Program

I Had To See It For Myself
I Was Neither Blessed Nor Edified
For, Here, Again Bandied About
Is The Fruit Of Satan's Bold Lies!

Lord, Help Us ...

Mankind Is In Serious Trouble!
I Am Telling You The Truth!
It Cannot Be Other Than This
When For Entertainment For The Masses
The Proffered Concept Of The Holy God
An Untidy Silk-Robe, Shawl-Wearing
Beer-Drinking, Swearing
Illiterate Inept
Childish Worm-Butt-And Head-Eating
Intolerant Imbecilic
Seed-Money Receiving
No Savior-Son Having
CEO Of An Archaic Understaffed
Corporate Operation
Hiring Attitudinal Lazy Careless
Inattentive Coffee-Drinking
Burger-Eating Happy-Hour-Attending
Clique-Engaging Misfit
Unbelieving Workers 
Executives ... As Angels!

The Arch-Angel
A Corporate-Ladder Climbing
Effeminate Executive
Who Gleefully Committed Mass Murder
To Acquire His "Promotion"
As "God's" Right-Hand Man!

Impossible Prayers Are Not Answered
"God" Says They're "Impossible!"


Because "God" Is Inept
Not At All All-Seeing
Needs A Monitor-Bank To Keep Tabs
A Remote Control To Navigate His Dark Domain
The "Silly" Prayers That Are Eventually Answered
Inevitably Lead To Gargantuan Disasters
Involving Lost Lives And Destroyed Property!
His Employees Disrespect, Even Dislike, Him!

If This Is "God"
I Do Not Desire To Know Him!

If That Concept Of Heaven Is Heaven
I Do Not Desire To Go There!

If Those Persons In "God's" Employ Are Angels
They Do Not Excel In Strength
They Are Surely Not Capable Of
Influencing Me And My Kind
To Do The Good And The Right!

I Sincerely Pity The Writer Of This Pig Swill
I Pity All Who Thought That Its Production
Into "Entertainment"
Was A Good Career Move
The Profits Thereof 
Good To Leave In Their Will!

I Also Cry, "Shame!"
Plead To Almighty God To Have Pity
On The Leaders And Executives Of The Organization
That Thought This Was Worthy Entertainment
For Thought ... Good Food!

We Live In A World
Where The Wonder 
The Faith Of The Living God
A Thing To Be Pooh-Poohed
Where The Truth For The Ages
Denigrated Denied
Where The Blessing Of The Lord Jesus Christ
Considered Burnt Biscuits
Should As A Hockey Puck
Be Energetically Skied!

Please Let Us Be Wise Unto Soul Salvation
Let Us Not Sacrifice
Bodily Health
Spiritual Peace 
Eternal Happiness
On The Altar Of Ambitious Ignorance!

Let Our Words Edify! 
Let Our Actions Bless And Not Curse! 
Let Us Bless The People Of The Living God
Out Of The Blessings Upon Us
Which He So Graciously Bestows!
Let Us In Almighty God's Grace
Through Jesus Christ's Faith
Under The Agency Of The Holy Spirit
Influenced By The Holy Angels
Who Have Kept Their Place
Seek Daily To Grow! 

Jesus Christ, The King, Saves! 
Let The Whole World Know! 

May The Lord God Almighty ... In His Great Mercy
Have Mercy Upon Us
Who Sigh And Cry

Over The Abominations On The Earth!


Oh, God
Thou God Of Order
Who, High And Lifted Up
Dwells In Unapproachable Light
By Faith
In The Love Of The Holy Jesus
I, Believing, Come!

Forgive Us Our Folly
Our Very Foolish Ways!
Forgive Us Our Trespasses!
Please Help Us Not To Follow
Satan And His Minions
And Indulge Their Deceitful Doings
Disrespectful Ways
Which Surely Shorten Our Few Days!

You Are The God Holy
Kind Just Faithful Blessing True
We, Your Believing Children
Cry: "Holy, Holy, Holy!"
To Honor Bless Praise
To Exalt You!

Help Us Not To Follow The Multitude
Doing Those Things Which Satan Encourages!

Bless Us, Father
To Walk In Wise Ways
So That We Shall Have At Your Hand
Immortality And Eternal Length Of Days!

Help Us To Stay In The Word Of Truth
That Book That Blesses Day In And Day Out
Give Into Our Hands
Faith And Strength For The Day
So That Your Holy Praise
With Grateful Thanks
We May Sing About And Shout!

I Could Say Of The Bold Unbelievers
Forgive Them
For They Know Not What They Do
I Would Be Praying To Bless A Lie
These Are Amongst The Many
Who Willfully Choose
To Disbelieve The Obvious
To Deny That You Rule And Reign
To Deny That You Are Creator
Redeemer Sustainer
Provider Savior
King Judge And Friend!
These Are Among Those Who Choose
To Deliberately Minimize
And Even Deny
The Incarnation
The Lordship
The Sacrifice Of The Lord Christ
And, Yet
They Enthusiastically
Even Lovingly
Raise Up Satan
His Personhood
They Glowingly Glorify!
These, Lord
Are Amongst Those
Who Do Not Even
The Holy Spirit
- Our True And Only Teacher -
How Can They Survive!?!

The Day Is Coming!
The Day Is Coming, Soon!
The Day When All Men
Great And Small
Rich And Poor
Free And Enslaved
Believing Unbelieving
Repentant Unrepentant
Faithful Doubtful
Trusting And Distrustful
Will Stand At The Judgement Bar Of
The Lord Jesus Christ
For Or Against Their Own Souls
The Record Of Their Lives Lived
- For Salvation Or Damnation -
Will Loudly Definitively Directly
- Without Fear Of Contradiction -
Surely Testify!

You Are The Promise-Keeping God
So Please Keep Your Promise Made
To The Children Of The Household Of Faith
Bless Us With Redemption's Salvation
So That We Shall Nevermore Die!

You Are God Almighty!
You Are Our Father God!
Your House Is Where The Lord Christ Has
Prepared Mansions For The Blessed:
Bless Us To Arrive There
White And Clean Linen-Dressed
Saved And Forever Blessed!

Our Victory Over Sin 
Is In Christ Jesus!
Our Comfort Is In The Holy Spirit Of Truth!
Our Protection And Influence For Good
Is In The Holy Angels Excelling In Strength
The Word Of Truth Is Our Food!

Thank You For The Blessing Of
Peace And Rest
Forgiveness And Salvation
Mercy And Grace
Provision And Redemption
Best Of All
Your Unfailing Unchanging Truth
Your Unchangeable Character!
Thank You For Being You!

Please Hear My Prayer, Oh, My Father
Bless Me
And All Your True Children
To Praise The Holy Jesus 
Glorify Your Great Name
For It Is In Jesus' Holy Name 
That I Humbly Pray!
Great Is Your Faithfulness!
Please Come Soon!

1 comment:

  1. I Know That Jesus Christ, The Righteous One, My Only Redeemer, Lives ... And Is Even Now Making Intercession For Me! Thank You, Jesus!


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