
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Contrition ... Pardon And Peace!?!

... And They're Bold Sinners!

Does That Mean That You're A Timid Sinner!?!

Uhh ... Umm ...!

Listen To Me Carefully, All Of You!
I Am A Sinner!
You Are Sinners!
We Are All Sinners
So Do Not Take Pleasure
In Pointing Out Another's Disgrace ...!

... But ...!

... There Is No But!
The Only Difference Between THOSE Sinners
US Sinners

That We Have Chosen To Acknowledge That
We Are Sinners
That We Need The Savior
Which Is Something That They Have Not Done!

The Operative Words In All Of This Are
Chosen ... Choice
Acknowledge ... Recognition
Need ... Necessity!

One Thing That We Should All Bear

If You Do Not See Or Feel Or Have The Need
If You Don't Acknowledge That You Are A Sinner
That You Don't Recognize That You Have A Problem
Are A Known Condemned Sinner
Needing Saving From - Not In - Sin
You Will Never Choose To Seek After
The Savior ... Our Only Savior
- I Can't Overstress This -
Satan, Old Experienced Deceiver Satan
Will Trip You Up
24/7 365 Days A Year
366 Days In A Leap Year!

Lord Almighty!
He Really Doesn't Take A Vacation!

He Can't Take A Vacation!
He Only Has A Short Time To Be The Adversary
The Accuser Of The Brethren
To Do The Dog
To Be The Raging Lion
To Be The Piercing Serpent
To Be The Heel-Biter
- For Once And For All Time -
Jesus Christ The Savior Of Every Man
Turns Out His Light
Crushes His Head
Burns His Vile Body
Until He Is Completely Consumed
Rendering Sin A Thing
Never, Ever, Ever
To Rise Up Again!

I Look Forward To That Day!

It's All Well And Good
To Say You Look Forward To Satan's Demise
That Will Only Happen
With The Lord Christ
To Eternal Life You Rise!

Do You Truly Know Yourself!?!
Do You Recognize That You Are A Sinner!?!
Do You Acknowledge That Only Jesus Saves!?! 

Do You Know That No Demon
That Not Even Satan Himself
Can Overcome A Sinner-Born
Now Repentant, Who
In Child-Like, Simple Trust
Casts Himself, Bodily, Boldly
Upon The Lord Jesus Christ!?!

The Lord Cannot Save ...!

... Anyone Who Is Not An Acknowledged Sinner!

No Sin ... No Salvation!

Better Put
No Acknowledged Sin ... No Required Salvation!

In Short, Brethren
No Contrition ... No Sorrow For Sin
No Pardon
No Peace
No Soul Relief
Damnation Going Unto
Coming Up Out Of The Grave!

Oh, Dear!
That Doesn't Sound Healthy At All!

Couldn't Actually Be Healthy Either!

What We All Need
New Mind
New Heart
New Motive
New Life ...!

... Create In Me A Clean Heart, Oh, God ...!
... And Renew ...!
... And Renew A Right Spirit ...!
... People Need The Lord!

Teach Me Thy Way, Oh, Lord!
Lead Me Gently Home!
Feed Me!
Guide Me!
Chide Me, Dear Lord
Dying In Sin
A Luxury I Cannot Afford!

Do The Math ...

Only A Step To Jesus
All That It Takes To Be Cleansed!
Only A Step To Jesus
The Life Lived In Sin Comes To Its Just End!

Trust And Believe!
Walk Right And Receive!
Cast On Christ Your Sin Today
Wing Your Way To Glory
After Enduring All For Him
One Bright And Glorious Soon Coming Great Day!

So, Brethren
What Do We Now Say!?!

Do Not Indulge In Own-Sin Self-Pay!

Get Thee Unto Jesus And Say:


I Come To You Confessing
I Am A Sinner Each And Every Day!
I Sin By Word 
By Thought
By Deed
And I, Contrite
Willingly Acknowledge That
You Are My Savior
It Is You
Your Forgiveness
Your Blessing
That I Sincerely Need!
Please Hear My Prayer!

Dear Lord, 

Please Take Me Over! 

1 comment:

  1. I Am A Sinner Saved By Grace And Heading To Glory All Because I Chose And Choose To Believe The Lord's Word As Told In The Good-News Gospel Story!


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