
Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I Was Walking To Nowhere, Real Fast
Supremely Pleased About It
Until ...!

Until He
Giving The Heads Up ... Showing Grace
You Know ... Unmerited Favor
Stopped Me On The Way And Said:

Dead End Up Ahead!
Do A U-Turn
Go Right
To Where The Obedient Sheep
Are Graciously Fed!

This Notice From The Good Shepherd
Was, To Say The Least, Unexpected
Perhaps, Unconsciously Unconsciously
I Avoided That Particular Shepherd
He Had The Way ... By Reputation
- In Truth And In Fact -
Of Making One Smell One's Self
And, Thereby Acknowledging The Stench Of Personal Sin
Acknowledging That One Was In A Mortal Strife
Acknowledging That The Sin-Life Was Not Nice
Acknowledging That Sin, Itself, Was A Satanic Device
Acknowledging That The Only Way To Eternal Life
Was Through The Lord Jesus Christ
Acknowledging That Salvation Was Life
Acknowledging That For One To Get Out From Under Sin
One Needed Christ To Use His "Knife"
- His Innocent Blood Red -
That Washes The Sinner Clean
Making His Sin Known Scarlet
To Be As White As Snow
His Sin Known Crimson
To Be As Wool!

Oh, Yes!
I Knew Of The Good Shepherd
But ... Previous To NowI Had Had No Real Need
- No Over-Arching Desire -
To Get To Personally Know Him!

Until Now ...!

I Was In A Bind
A Pickle
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea!
I Was On A Rotten Limb Over A Shark Tank!
I Was Living In A What Could Only Be 
Euphemistically Called A House
The Roof Had Windows
The Floor Had Doors
The Sides Were Made Of Crackled
And Pocked-Marked Glass
It All Stood On Sinking Sand
Far, Far, Far From Rock Solid Ground
Out Of Ear-Shot Of Fair-Weather Friend
Friend With Benefits
Family Always Needing Finance
Not Far From The Friend Who Sticks Closer Than A Brother
The Good Shepherd
- That Good Shepherd -
Who Always, Always, Always
Seemed To Appear
Whenever I Had Indulged In One Of My Cock-Ups
And, As UsualWas Now Saying
Lovingly Saying:

Please Give Me Your Burden! 
Give Me Your Hand! 
Follow My Direction
And You Shall Arrive Safely
In Beulah, The Beautiful Land!

I Looked Up!
I Saw Light!
I Was Tired
I Was Finally Ready To Fail At Sinning
To Take The Way To Live-Way To Life Test!

I Swallowed My Vaunted Pride!
I Acknowledged My Fair Shame!
I Untied My Gross Back-Pack Of Sin
I Gave It All To Him Who Carries The Burden
For All Who His Holy Name Claim!

I Cried Out!
I Laughed!
I Sang!
I Lifted Up Unweighted No Longer Weary Arms
I Reached For The Hands Reaching For Me
I Triumphantly Praised The Only One Perfect
The One God Holy!

I Had Been Blind
I Plainly Now See That
Satan Is The Liar
That Jesus Christ The Righteous Sets Fallen Man Free!

But, Then ...

I Asked That Question:

Why Did It Take So Long!?!

Said He:

You Were Not Ready!
You Needed To Want To Be Saved!
You Needed To Desire To Be Blessed! 
You Had To See Your Condition
In Its True Light
Of Your Own Free Will
Call Upon God Almighty
To Get You Out Of The Dark Night
Where You Had Adjusted 

To Being Able To See
Without Perceptible Light!

It Is Only When Your Corrupted Sight
Cuttingly Challenged
Convicted Of Darkness
Convinced That There Is True Light
Is Begging For Pure Light
That The Light Of Life Is Welcomed
You Become Willing To Walk By Faith

Not By Lying Eyesight
As Encouraged
By Your Deceitful Man's Heart!

You Removed The Scales!
You Unstopped My Ears!
Would You Please Now Shod My Feet
To Go Share The Gospel, The Truth
So That My Joy May Be Complete!?!

Take A Moment
And Rest A While
And Learn From Me
All You Can About Me
And Soon You Will Don
Your Helmet Of Salvation 
Your Breastplate Of Righteousness
Your Belt Of Truth
Your Sword Of The Spirit 
- The Word Of God -
Your Shield Of Faith 
In Daily Communion
- Praying Without Ceasing - 
With The Throne Of Grace
Go Off To Tell Others
That Jesus Christ Alone Saves!


Brethren,Believe It Or Not
We Have To See
To Be Able To See
That We Need Him
Who Provides For Our Real Needs!

Many See But Are Blind!
Many Are The Blind Who See!
Would That We All Will Humble Ourselves
Getting Off Of Our Pedestals
Whereon We Placed Our Selves As Gods
Lifted Up
Unable To Save
But Looking Pretty ... On Grandly Decorated Shelves!

Please Do Not Wait Too Long
To Humble Self
To Set Dear-Self Aside
The Day Shall Come
- When You Least Expect It -
When You Shall Embark On The Bark
That Departs For The Last
The Only
Soul Damnation Destruction
One-Way Can't-Return-From Ride
On The Lake Burning With Brimstone And Fire
Set As Sin, Sinner, Satan
Death, Hell And The Grave's
Everlasting Consuming Pyre!

Do Not Be By Sin's Ease Beguiled!
Look To Jesus Christ
In His Everlasting Arms ... Hide!

Jesus Christ Always Saves!

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