
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dare ... To Delight!!

Dare To Be Different
Make A Christ-Like Life Difference In The World!
Dare To Be Strange
Not A Stranger To The Truth!
Dare To Be Wise
That Is, Wise Unto Salvation
Wisely Separating Yourself
From Satan!
Dare To Not Be His Prize!

Dare To Teach
That Is, The Good News Gospel Story!
Dare To Tell The World That
Jesus Christ Died For Them
But That Satan Tells Them Lies!

Dare To Buck Man's Concocted Traditions
And InsteadTake Bold Hold Of The Doctrines That Preserve Souls
Shedding Light In The Encroaching Darkness
Causing Satanic Forces To Release Those Upon Whom 
They Have A Hold!
Chase Away The Blight!

Dare To Be Anna, Not Absalom Not Ahab
Dare To Be Deborah, David, Daniel
Date To Be Enoch, Elijah, Elizabeth
Dare To Hannah, Hezekiah Not Haman
Dare To Be Philemon, Peter And Paul
Dare To Be Joseph, Joshua, Never Jezebel!

Dare To Like Christ Jesus:
Bear Your Cross
Wear Your Own Glorious Gold Crown!

Dare To Believe The Lord!
Dare To Trust His Word!
Dare To Receive His Bold Promises!
Dare To Stand Alone!

Dare To Pray!
Dare To Care!
Dare To Hope!
Dare To Help!

Dare To Wear The Banner Of Jesus!
Dare To Walk Away From Those Who
Encourage You To Do What Is Wrong!
Dare To Tell The World
Show The World
Live Before The World
As A Committed To The Lord Christ Christian
Walking In Your Gifts Of
Daily Grace
Daily Faith
So That You Will Sleep The Sleep Of The Just
In Your Day-To-Day Living
When You Fall Asleep
On That Last Night Of Your Mortal Life!

Delight To Follow The Lord, The Good Shepherd!
Delight To Please The Lord, The Shepherd Of Rest!
Delight To Worship The Shepherd Of Our Souls
Above All Things
Delight To Obey The Lord Of Life
In The Great Day Of Small Things
He'll Receive You As Your Redeemer
Your Welcoming King
Not Reject You As Your Frowning Judge!

Dare To Bow, Today, And Always
Before Shiloh, The Prince Of Peace
The Glorious Lord Who Gives To His Children
His Eternal Life!

In His Holy Name, I Assure You
You Shall Survive The Mortal Strife!

I Have Need Of A, Uh, Ahmm ...!

... You Want A Guarantee!?!
Fair Enough!

One Iron Roman Hammer
Three Iron Nails
One Wooden Cross:
One Innocent Jesus Of Nazareth
The Son Of Almighty God
- Who Became Flesh
And Dwelt Among Us -
Forcefully Applied To The Wooden Cross
Physically Attached There To
By The Strategic Application Of
One Nail Through Each Hand
One Nail Through Two Bundled Feet
By The Aggressively Malicious Swing
Of The Dreadful Roman Hammer!

That Sounds Positively Awful And Decidedly Bad!

It Gets Worse! Much Worse!

The Weight Of Your Sin
My Sin
The Sin Of Everyone Who Ever Lived
- Or Will Live -
Broke His Heart
Crushed The Life Of The Giver Of Life
Out Of Him!

This Makes Me Very Sad!

It Should!

Love For You Sent Him To The Cross!
Love For You Kept Him On The Cross!
Love For You Laid Him In The Grave!
Love For You Kept Him There Three Days! 

Love For You Caused Him To Get Up
To Rise Up To Heaven
Where He Is Now Interceding
For Those Who Shall Inherit
The Eternal Life
Which He Shall Give To Those
Who Are His And His Alone!

Was He, For Me, Truly Willing To Die!?!

Yes, My Friend!
For Your Personal Sins
No Matter How Petty
No Matter How Egregious
No Matter How Abominable
He Willingly Did Atone! 

He, By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Calling You, Personally
To Come Home!

A Forever Home!?!

Yes, Indeed!
It Is As Long As Eternity!

Very Well! 
I Shall Answer His Call
And I Shall Go To Him
... Even If I Go Alone!

Thank You, Jesus!
Welcome To The Family Of God!

1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, Never To Turn Away My Ears From Hearing, Nor My Mouth From Speaking The Truth As Found In The Living Holy Word!


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