
Saturday, March 9, 2019


Dearest Laronde:


It Was A Pleasure, Indeed, To Hear From You, And I Sincerely Pray That All Is Well With You, And Your Beloved! Please Kiss Charlie And Chivonne For Me!

As Regards Your Inquiry, I Will Answer Your Questions As I Would A Person Who Has No Personal Knowledge Of The One About Whom I Speak: I Speak Of Him With Joy And Love!


I Have A Forever-Friend Named Christ Jesus!
He Is Also The Savior Of Man
The Redeemer Under The Plan
The Creator Of All Things Visible And Invisible
The King Of Heaven And Earth
The Judge Of Every Man!

Jesus Is My Friend
In Need And In Deed
He Sticks Closer Than A Sister Or Brother!
He Is Also The Holy God!
He Is Life, Light And Health To All
I Claim Him As Mine
I Desire No God Called Other!

I Am A Laborer!
I Bear Of Sin The Heavy Load
I Have A Carte Blanche With My Jesus
To Come To Him To Unload!

He Has Promised Me A Fair Exchange
He Is Almighty God And Can Do It:
I Freely Give Him And He Will Willingly Take
My Heavy Load
Give Me His Burden Which Is Light! 
I Did It
It Does My Soul Truly Delight!

He Asked In Return That
I Take His Yolk That Is Easy
Learn About Him
He Said That I Shall Have Rest For My Soul!
This Is A Work Ongoing!

My Friend
My Lord, My God, My King
This Jesus
Proved, For Me, His Great Love! 

He Left All His Majesty
His Glory, His Honor
His Worship, His Praise
Came Down To See Me
- To Save Me -
From His Glorious Home
In Heaven Above!

He Didn't Have To Do It!
I Didn't Ask Him To Do It!
I Didn't Even Know That 

From Time Immemorial That
That Had Been In His Heart
I Am Glad That He Did It! 

I Am Blessed Beyond Measure
He Looks Upon Me In Love
I, Grateful For His Bounty
Willingly Return His Love!

I, Here, Shall Tell You
The Lord's Honest Truth That
You Cannot Go To Him Dirty
Remain That Way!

He Is A Dirt Magnate
His Blood On You Is Detergent Zero
That Is, No Stains Remain
I Can Tell You Also
That He Gives All His True-True Friends
What Is Universally Called
The Garment Of Praise
Which Is Made Of Fire-Proof-Character Fabric
- His Character -
Which Will Withstand Unquenchable Fire
The Eternal Glory Of The Ancient Of Days!
The Lord Be Praised!

You Will Never Believe The Gift That He Gave Me
I Urge You That You Should!
He Gave Me Of His Innocent Blood
Which, Upon My Acceptance
Gives Me His Life
Gives Me His Grace
Gives Me His Mercy
Gives Me His Forgiveness For My Confessed
Repented Of Sin
Gives Me Hope
Gives Me Help
Gives Me Healing
Gives Me The Admit-One Ticket
To The Banquet Of The Blessed
After The Great Revealing!

Meanwhile, I Have Faith
Love Joy Peace And Rest
The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit
That Comforter That Teaches All Truth
That Guides And Lovingly Chides
The Protection And Good Influence Of
His Holy Angels
Who Take Care Of Those Who
By Him ... Choose
To Be Blessed! 
Eternally Blessed!

I Will Not Tell A Lie!
He Has Made It Quite Plain That
To Be His Forever Friend
Means That You Have At Your Heels
The One Who Shall Forever Be Known As
His Eternal Enemy
A Former Bright And Shining Star
Who, Without Cause
- Without Excuse -
Indulged In Killing Envy
Jealousy And Greed!

I Must Face His Enemy
Who Is Also Enemy Mine
My One Protection
The Whole Armor Of God
Which Starts With:
"Doth Saith The Lord!" Aka "It Is Written!"

His Enemy
- My Enemy -
Indulges In Shining-Light Fraud!
He Masquerades!
He's A God-Fraud!
He Indulges Deceit!
He Tells Bold Lies:
He's The Father Of Lies!

He's The Murderer!
He Leads Mankind Into Sin!
He Instigates Pain, Suffering
Horror And All Sorrows
He, It Is, Who Beguiled Our First Parents
Into The Sins Of Doubt And Disobedience!

That Enemy
- Our Enemy, Heart Cold -
The Piercing Serpent
The Dragon
The Devil
Beelzebub The Bold
The Lord Of Dung
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Adversary
The Raging Lion
Who Walks About ... Seeking
Whom He May Devour!

I Am Warned By My Jesus
To Be Sober
To Be Vigilant
To Stand Firmly On Living Truth
To Trust Him ... And Obey
To Walk Right On The Narrow, Strait, Way
To Keep A Song In My Heart
To Hold Him In Godly Fear
To Honor Him With My First Fruits
To Not Forget To Pray!

I Am To Do The Good That I Can
For My Fellow Man!
I Am To Tell Others Of The Straight
Good News Gospel Plan!
I Am To Live In His Light
Which Is Bright Blessed And Best
I Am To Rest On His Rest Day
The Seventh Day Of His Law Of Life
Not On The Adversary's Spurious Sabbath
On The Day Called The First! 

No Created Being Can Ever
His Holy Law Reverse!

Satan, The Adversary 

Cursed With A Curse
Never, Ever, To Be Reversed!

My Jesus Says That I Need Endurance
And, For This

He Gives Me ... Daily Faith
Daily Grace

Strength For The Day's Journey
Courage For The Way!

He Has Promised Me That
I Shall Never Walk Alone
That My Bread And Water Are Sure
He Asks That I Take An Easy Hold
On The Things Of This Life
Nothing In This Realm

Fire-Proof, Eternal, Or Tried Gold!

My Friend,
I Can Tell You So Much More
But, For Now, I'll End With This:

Jesus Christ Saves!
He Sets The Captives Free!
He Makes The Halt And Crippled Walk
He Causes The Known Blind To See! 

He Says: 

"Come, Let Us Reason Together!"

He Makes Scarlet Sins White Like Snow!
He Makes Crimson Sin To Be As Wool
He Gives To His Friends
- Who Are Also Called His Children -
The Cup
The Cup Of Blessing That Overflows!

Beloved, Believe Me!
That Cup Is Never Not Full!

Please Don't Just Take My Word Only
For All These Things That I've Said!
There Is Testimony Of More Than Two Or Three Witnesses! 
Let Your Soul Also By The Preserved Word
Under The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Be Safely Led!

Please Pray About What I've Told You!
Please Ask The Lord Christ Into Your Life!
Believe In Him
You Shall Be Saved
Life, For You, Won't End
When You Enter The Cold Grave!

The Faithful-To-Him Dead
On The Great Day
Shall, By His Loud Voice
Be Raised Immortalized
Forever Changed
To Be Like Him!
That's A Situation Called Win-Win!

Do Not To Sin Be Enslaved!
Only Preserved Saints ... Escape
The Second Death
Aka Eternal Separation From Almighty God
Aka Hell
Aka The Lake Of Fire Grave!

For His Friends, His Life He Gave!

Let John 3:16-17 The Way For You
Plainly, Clearly, Pave! 

  • 1 John 1:9 Proves That Satan Is The Knave!
  • Psalm 119:105 Turns On Your Search-Light!
  • Psalm 1:1-2 Is Your Head-Covering!
  • Philippians 4:13 Is The Rod For Your Spine!
  • Psalm 84:11 Is The Perfect Pillow For Your Bed! 
  • Psalm 143:8 Is Your Heart's Song! 

The Blessing Of The Lord God Almighty Makes You Rich! Very Rich Indeed!

I Look Foward With Delight To Seeing You During The First Week Of Summer!

Until Then,
I Close With Love, Hugs, And Kisses,



  1. I Have Set The Lord Before Me And He Is At My Right Hand: I Shall Not Be Moved!

    1. barbadollies.Sending my well wishes and Prayer.

      A Great,& blessed Post



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