
Friday, March 8, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH: My Father Is God Almighty!

My Mother Is Not Called Nature!
My Father Is Not Called Time!
My Father Lives In Heaven, Above
He Is The Lord God Almighty
Blessing, Kind
Holy, Divine!

I Do Not Travel On Broadway!
Through Life, I Do Not Take Short Cuts!
By Faith, I Follow The Master
Through Obedience
I Do Not Gainsay His Word
By Indulging In What-If's, Maybe's And But's!

By Almighty God's Grace
I Am Pledged Not To Follow The Multitude
To Do Evil
Never Against My God To Confederate
The Lord Is My Shepherd ... He Leads
By His Guidance
I Intend, By Right
To Walk Through The Assigned Pearl Gate!

I'm A Pilgrim!
I'm A Stranger!
This Earth Is Not My Home!
I'm Treading The Boards Here Of
 The Straight And Narrow Way
On My Way To My True And Heavenly Home
Which Cannot By Created Beings Be Cloned!

As I Walk With Firm And Steady Gait
On The Road To Beulah Land
I Am Doing All The Good I Can
To Bless My Fellow Man!

I Will Not Begrudge A Fellow A Morsel
Nor Ever A Cup Of Water Clean
He Who Is My Lord, God, Judge 

Coming-For-Me King

Recording For All Posterity
All My Acts ... Good And Bad!

I Believe The Word Of My God And My King!
I Believe His Promises
His Praises I Joyfully Sing!

I Trust Him In His Care For Me
Even As I See He Cares For Others
I Will To Go Wherever He Leads
For He Is The Almighty
The One True God ... Never False
Always Giving, Truly Blessing!
Like Him, There Is No Other!

The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
My Comfort!
Jesus Christ The Righteous
My Savior, My Redeemer, My Friend
My Hope Until Life Ends!
The Holy Angels Are My Influencers For Good
And My Constant Protection
With My Cooperation With Their Ready Aid
Satan, By Me, Is Withstood!

The Word Of My God
My Strong Tower!
I Run To It And I Am Saved!
I Rest Upon It: It Is My Daily Food
I Can Tell You Truly, Friend
For The Faithful
The News Is, Indeed, And Most Assuredly, Good!

Wait, Work And Watch!
Believe And Receive!
Trust And Obey The Word Of The Living God
The Rock Of Ages
You Will Never Be Among
The Ones Called ... Deceived!

Take The Daily Grace!
Bathe In Free Mercy!
Confess And Repent Of Known Sin!
Accept Available Salvation!

Do Not Despise Almighty God's Ready Forgiveness!
Your Life 

In His Hand!
He Is The God Of All Creation!
Keep The Line Of Communication Open!
Remember That You Are A Fallen Human
It Is He, Alone
That Can Raise You Up By His Holy Hand!

Keep A Song In Your Heart
Be Constant, Instant, In Prayer!
Let This Be Your Pleasure
Your Forever Treasure!

1 comment:

  1. The Creator God, My Father In Heaven Whose Ways Are Past Finding Out, Does Not Sleep, Does Not Weary, Does Not Wear Dark Glasses, And Most Assuredly Does Not Have God-Children, Grand-Children, Step-Children, Nor Bastard Children!


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