
Monday, March 18, 2019

POTHOLES ... On The High Way Of Truth!

There Are Potholes On The High Way
The High Way Of Truth
For Those With The Wherewithal
There Are Preferential Detours
So That Their Cherished Wheels Do Not Come Loose!

On The High Way Of Truth
There Are Travelers Proud And Vain
There Are Also Travellers
Who Humbly, Joyfully, Proclaim 
The Coming Great King's Fame!

What Many Travelers Do Not Realize
That The Potholes Are There For
Their Own Soul's Preservation
The Drop Into The Pothole
Snaps One Out Of Complacency
Awakens One From Sleep
Causes One To Question Their Idea Of Reality
Rattles One's Teeth Against Temptation
Tears Off The Wheels Of 
The Chariot Going Confidently The Wrong Way
Blows Out The Air Of The Proudly Overfilled Wheel Of 
The One Too Proud To Pray
Bends The Chassis Of The One Too Rich To Be Humble
Too Arrogant To Pay Attention
To The Small Thing Big Called Truth 
Aka The Lord's Delight
Whether It Is Day Or Night!

Brethren, Beloved
Do Not Despise The Truth!
Do Not Despise The Challenges 
On The Way Of Life
Do Not The Call To Salvation Refuse!

Truth Was!
Truth Is!
Truth Always Shall Be
All Those Willing And Obedient
To Travel The Way Godly
Shall Have Truth For A Garment
A Shield
A Sword
A Helmet
A Girdle
Shoes Indestructible
Assuring Entrance
Into The Eternal City
The New Jerusalem
The City Of God
The City Of Purest Gold!

Keep Truth In Your Inward Parts!
On Truth Take A Strangle Hold!
Speak Truth Always
Be Uncompromising!
Be Anchored-In-Christ Bold!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, Please Cleanse Me And By The Holy Spirit Of Truth, Please Rid Me Of The Mortal - Carnal - Man's Penchant For Deceit!


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