
Sunday, March 17, 2019

IT'S NOT A GAME: Cooperating With Almighty God

Almighty God
Has A Helping Hand
Upon The Planet Earth!
It, My Friend
The Hand Of Man ... Working
As Evidenced By Those Who Are Possessors Of
The New Birth Now
Shall Be Inheritors Of That That Is Called 
The Eternal Life On The New Earth!

Those Who Work Faithfully
In Cooperation With The Good King
Have Jesus Christ's Righteousness
Aka Right-Doing
Going Before Them
Working In Them
Caring For The Sick
Feeding The Poor
Succoring The Widow And The Orphan
They Do Not Consider It To Be A Chore!

The Obvious Outcome Of Partnering
With The Divine Majesty
Having Him Protecting Our Rear!
He Is Our Rereward
- He Covers Our Back -
It Is His Glory
That Shields Us During Satanic
Demonic Attacks!

Christ In Us
Our Hope For Glory!
Let Us Let His Character Be Competently
Replicated In Us!
Let Us, In Him, Live The Life Of The Just!

The Faithful Few ...

We Are Not Ashamed To Be Called
The Holy Children Of God
We Have No Converse
With The Unfruitful Works Of Darkness
And, As Such
- For This Against-The-Wise-World Departure -
We Land In The Crosshairs Of The Fraud!

But ... 

Our God ... Almighty
Almighty God
The One To Whom We Give Glory, Laud And Honor
He, Being Faithful
Just, Loving, Kind And Ever True
Keeps His Holy Promise
Will Honor Our Faithfulness To Him:
That's The Truth!

The Deal ...

Cooperation With The Lord
A Contract Written In Innocent Red Blood
On A Parchment Of Character Clean, Bright And White
You Can Rest Assured That He Who Signs
Your Contract
Will From Your Attaining Unto His Salvation
Never, Never, Ever Turn Back!

It Won't Be Long ...

Be A Good Steward!
Please Bear The Weight Of The Work
As He Bears Your Weight
As He Graciously Carries You
Know Of A Surety
- No Doubting ... Nothing Wavering -
He Will Always Take Care Of You!

Spiritual Eyesight ...

The Eyes Of Faith 
Do Not Need Corrective Lenses
The Way To Eternal Life To See!
Let Not The "Yeah!" And "Nay!"
According To Worldly Wisdom Move You!
Let The "YEAH!" And "AMEN!" Of The Holy God
Move You Faithfully All Your Life Long!

Walk Faithfully ... In Perfect Accord
With The Living Holy God!
He Is To Trusted
He Sacrificially Loves Us
He's Not The Fraud!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jesus, I, My Cross, Have Taken! Bless Me As I Follow You Today! Please Help Me To Live My Life Patterned After Your Example, And Bless Me To Follow You To The Heavenly Home, All The Way, Is My Heart's Humble Prayer!


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