
Saturday, March 16, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Buying Rams And Bulls Is Not Cheap!

What's My Motivation!?!

Doing The Will Of God Pays More Than It Costs!
Heaven Awaits The True And Faithful!


Okay! Here Goes Everything!!

Disobedience Is A Debit Card!
It Costs!
It Cannot Pay!
It Subtracts From The Credit Side Well-Called Obedience!
It Tells Lies For Convenience!
It Indulges Evil Concupiscence!
It Travels In The Company Of The Nuisance
Does Not Give Tuppence For Your Purchased Soul
Who Is Soon To Get His Comeuppance
Encouraging All To Indulge Unsafe
Damnable Play
His Black Heart's One Goal!

Do Not Sacrifice
True Honor, Justice And Humanity
To Your Over-Arching Pride And Ambition
Dismissing Conscience
Embracing Guile!
The Lord Will Not Your Base Behavior Abide!

Do Not Make An Agreement With Death
Nor A Covenant With Hell
By Being A Practicing Idolater

Worshipping Self
Through Ignoring The Laws Of The Lord
And, Thereby

Ending Up Like King Saul Of Old
Seeking Out Familiar Spirits

Against The Author Of Life
Your Heart Has Grown Cold
He Has Left You 
To Take Your Own Unregenerate Soul's Advice
You - Against Satan - Are Left Signally Alone!

The Cheapest 
The Best Sacrifice That
A Man May Make To The Eternal God
To Sacrifice Self And The Willingness To Willful Sin
To Rid Oneself Of Jealousy And Greed
To Make Petition For Our Will

His Divine Will To Ever Obey
For Lasting Endurance
To Walk On The Holy King's Straight And Narrow Way!

It Is Best To Bend
To Be Broken
Than To Stand Boldly, Brazenly
In Willful Disobedience
Embracing Known Sin
And, Then
For Our Rush To Lawlessness ... 
Until Completely Consumed! 
Do Not Against The Lord's Mercy Presume!

Do Not Justify Self:
You Did Not Create The Creator! 

Do Not Justify Self:
You Are In The Wrong! 

Apologize ... Now
There Will Be No Need For Tears
For Illimitable Fears
For The Tempests Of Torment
Flooding The Perjured Soul
Who Chooses Not, By The Lord
To Have Any Correcting Words Told!

Be A Lamb!
Be A Wooly Sheep!
Rest In Christ Jesus!
Enjoy Peaceful Sleep! 

Look Up In Love!
Take The Extended Hand
After Death
- At The First Resurrection For The Just -
Behold The Shining, Glorious, Face Of 
The Holy King
The Returned Son Of God
The Faithful Son Of Man!

This, Brethren
The Can't-Fail, Blessed, Known-Worthwhile Plan!
We Will On The Mount Zion
- Joyously Welcomed Home -

Reach Out And Take The Extended Holy Hand
Take Your Stand!
Take The Hand Of The God-Man
Who, Alone, On Zion Hill
Can Cause You In Triumph To Land!
Trust The Righteous Son Of Man!
Take The Hand... And Obey!
Take The Hand ... And Pray!
Take The Hand ... And You Won't Be Satan's Prey!

I Pray That Almighty God
Will Help Us To Understand Our Problem
Give Into Our Hands The Strength
To Recognize And Accept The Only Solution!

I Thank You!

Follow After
Christ's Righteousness
Each And Every Day
For Your Own Sin
You Will Never Have To Pay!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Help Me To Guard My Heart So That I Am Not Led Astray By The Things That Tickle And Tempt One To Indulge Sin Which Always Costs But Never Pays! Help Me To See Jesus Christ As He Is And To Love Him For His Love Toward Me And Not For What He Is Able To Give Into My Hand!


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