
Friday, April 19, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + REBELLION: A Beautiful Jewel!?! + PRAYER: Thank You, Father, For The Gifts!

The Judgment, Sight And Hearing
In The Jealous, Envious And Rebellious Heart
All Who Take This Path To Power
Shall See Their Grass Wither
Never Having Produced 
A Goodly All-Glory-To-God Pretty Flower!

Korah, Of Hebrew-Exodus Fame
Was As The One Called Lucifer
Who Was Elevated Among His Brethren
Was Desirous Of The Position Of The Leader
Ended Up Being Cast Down Into Hell
Neither Having His Own Place
Nor The Place He Coveted
Which Led To His Eternal Disgrace!

Jealousy Touts Itself A Beautiful Jewel!
Envy Is The Setting In Which It Is Framed
Rebellion Is The Rich Attire
Polished And Aglow
Bright And Bold
By Which The Heart Hardened
Puts On A Sold-Out
Spectacularly Foolish
Against-Almighty-God Cabaret Show!

Rebellion Is As Witchcraft
Known Denounced By The Living God
Beloved Beyond All Wisdom
By The Instigating God-Fraud!

Brethren, Beloved Listen Unto Me:

The Lord Does Not Play Mind Games
Neither Should We!

What The Lord Has For You
He Gives Unto You
Your Gift Should Never Be Trivialized
All The Lord's Gifts Are Useful ... As Given
In His Service
So Do Not Be Rebellious
Your Foot ... By Turning Away
Nor Your Heart ... Elevated With Sinful Pride
Against Almighty God Lift!

Punishment May Not Be Swift
It Is Always Sure!
The Perfect Cure!
Deny The Liar
Get Off His Deceitful Lure!


Heavenly Father,
Thank You For The Beautiful Gifts!
My Heart Is Grateful!
I Feel The Bliss!

Please Help Me To Be Satisfied
With What You Have Given Unto Me
Please Bless Me To Live With Contentment
Not Attaching To Myself
The Attitude Of The Ingrate, Ungodly!

I Am Your Child: I Am Truly Blessed!
I Am A Student Of The School Of Jesus:
I Seek Educational Success!
I Am A Worker In Your Vineyard:
Help Me To Be Faithful Steward!
I Am Wholly Yours:
All My Known Sins I Repent

Please Bless Me To Honor You, Always
All The Days Of My Life
When My Day In The Son
In The Sun
Is Over
Let Me Fall Asleep In Peace
Knowing That I Shall Awaken
When The Last Trumpet Shall Sound
When My Lord Christ Comes 
To Take His Faithful People
To His Eternal Home!

Please Help Me To Gain
The Promised Victory
Over Sin, Self, Satan
Death, Hell And That Cold Grave
So That I May With All The Saints Of
All Ages
Rejoice In The Glorious Day!

Please Remember The Brethren
Known And Unknown
Seen And Unseen
Already In The Faith
Soon To Partake
That Are In And Out Of The Myriad Flocks
This Dying World Around!

Oh, Lord, Send Help
To Teach
To Serve
To Bless
To Point The Way
So That They, Too
May Request To Have In Their Hearts
The Blessed Guest
The Holy Spirit Of Truth!
We Need You, Father!

I Thank You For Hearing
Always Answering Heartfelt Prayer
It Is In Jesus Christ's Blessed, Holy, Name
That I Humbly Pray
With A Contrite Heart, Plead!
 I Love You, Father!
Please Come Soon!

1 comment:

  1. I Am Blessed Because I Have Not Physically Seen Jesus Christ But I Nevertheless Believe The Testimony Of Those Who Have Gone Before As Written In The Living Word!


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