
Saturday, April 20, 2019


I Cannot Take This Anymore!
I Have Had Enough!
I'm Sick And Tired Of These Trials
And I Feel Like A Dog Being Carried By The Scruff!

Come On, Lacey!
You've Got To Hold On To Hope!
The Lord Is Our Shepherd
It Is Only Through His Merits
That We Shall Safely Reach Home!

Trust Him!

Oh, Just Shut Up Already And Leave Me Alone!
I'm So, So, Very Tired That
Right Now
This Very Minute
I Don't Even Care If ...!

... Please Don't Say That!

Why Shouldn't I!?!
It's How I Feel!

Lacey, Aren't You Forgetting Something Very Important!?!

Like What, Ms. I Don't Have A Care In The World
No Bug In My Salad
No Bee In My Bonnet
No Broken Nail In My Shoe!?!

I'll Act A Though You Did Not Say That!

Big Whoo Who!

Since You Are Intent On Feeling Your Feelings
Are Enjoying Permitting Satan To Color Your Rainbow
I Shall Tell You A Testing-Time Story
You Shall See From It How A Life
Lived For And In Jesus Can Go!

Oh, Goodie!
A Story To Put Me To Sleep!
At Last! I Shall Get Some Rest!

Please Have Mercy On Your Dear Child, Lacey!

Aren't You Supposed To Be Telling Me A Story!?!

Help Us, Dear Lord!

There Was Once A Girl Named Rainey ...!

... You!?!


Rainey Had A Good Life!
Chairs Under The Table
Food On The Plates
Beverage In The Cups
Water In The Taps
Lit Bulbs
Clean Clothing

Warm Bed
Level-Heeled Shoes
Engaging Work
Love Of Almighty God

Joy In Christ Jesus
Comfort Of The Holy Spirit

Protection Of The Angels
When Suddenly
The Dark Horse Reared Up
Let Loose A Vicious Kick
Every Last Thing In Her Life Was On Fire
Not In A Good Way!

Rainey's Life Was Having A Hit Parade!

Poor Rainey ... I Can Relate!

Hit In The Pocket Book
Hit In The Head
Hit In The Hope
Hit In The Heart
Hit In The Faith
Hit In ...!

... Belief!

Rainey's Foundations Were Being Shaken
She ... I ... Was Being Tested
Tried, Shaken, Stirred
Fileted, Fricasseed
Milled, Pounded
Pushed, Prodded
I Was Feeling Things
Feeling, Feeling, Feeling Hemmed In
Coccooned ...!

... Inside A Dark Cloud!?!

Why, Yes!

Uhh, Huh!

The Light Of Hope ... GONE!
The Light Of Life ... ABSENT!
The Light Of Truth ... AWOL!

The Electrician ...!


Wait A Minute!
I Thought I Was Telling The Story!?!

You Are!
You Were!
You're Taking Too Long

Okay, Ms Suddenly Found Her Voice
Know It All!
You Tell The Story ... If You Can!

I Can And I Will!
I Suddenly Feel ... The Power:

Satan Was Doing His Boss Act!
He Was Watering Doubt!
He Had Installed Black-Out Curtains
And He Was Short-Circuiting The Channel Of Hope
The Channel Of Peace
The Channel Of Light
The Channel Of Mercy

He Had Seemingly Blocked
The Grace Notes Station!

I ... You ... We Were All Alone
Cut Off
Listing ... In A Holey Boat

In The Raging Sea
At The Mercy Of The Storm Of Wind
Programmed To Destroy Us
Unless ...!

... In Faith, Nothing Wavering
We Plead For Patience
Not To Be Removed From The Crucible
To Receive Strength To Endure
In Almighty God's Providence
The Dark Cloud Be Lifted Up
We Emerge ... Renewed
Blessed ... Substantially Blessed ...!

... Until The Next Time ...!?!

Until The Next Time!

This Makes Me Think Of The Divide
Between The Egyptians And The Hebrews
The Chosen People Of God!

I Don't Get The Link!
What Do You Mean!

The Cloud Over The Hebrews
Provided Protection From The Heat
Direction In The Day!
It Provided Light At Night!

In The Day Of Impending Disaster
It Was A Shield Of Light For The Hebrews
A Wall Of Darkness To The Egyptians!
It Protected The Hebrews
It Frightened The Egyptians!

I Get It!
There Is A Great Deception
Being Perpetrated Against The People Of God!
Satan Counterfeits Everything That The Lord Does
Because He Can't Create Anything
And Because He Has No Desire That 

We Should Find Our Peace, Our Rest
Our Blessing In The Lord!

The Blackness Ain't Real!

Don't Trust Your Eyes!
Trust Your Faith
On Jesus Christ Rely!

Suddenly, I Am Feeling Blessed!

I Wonder Why!
Nothing Has Changed In Your Life
In The Last Thirty Minutes!

You're Wrong, Sweets!
I Have Just Enjoyed
A Major Attitude Adjustment
And All Because Of A Lil' Thing Called Insight!

Insight Gives Foresight
Foresight Provides Perspective
Perspective ... Gives Light
Light ...!

... Gives Life!

Jesus Christ Is Light!
Jesus Christ Is Life
When We Boldly Trust In Jesus
- Not In The Sight Of Our Eyes
Nor The Feeling On Our Skin -
We Receive Both Light And Life
Will Survive Satan's Inflicted Strife!

Jesus Christ's Light And Life
Our Survival Knife!

Remember ...

Word ... Way ... Walk ... Wise!
The Word Points The Way That
We Shall Walk Wisely Upon!

Don't Look In: Look Up!
Don't Feel For Self: Fear God!
Don't Cry Over The Lying Circumstance: 
Let The Light Of Life
The Word Of Truth
Constantly Edify
See That You, Always
By The 

"It Is Written!" The Lost Liar, Deny!
Deftly Defy!

Rainey, Please Pardon Me
For Behaving Like A Bear
With A Thorn In His Paw!

Of Course, Lacey!

Thank You, Kindly!
Now, Will You Tell Me 
What Was It In The Word That
Changed Everything For You!?!
What Is It That Makes The Difference To You!?!

I Stood ... I Stand
On A Simple Promise Of The Lord:

Where Did You Get Such Faith!?!

The Same Place You Should Be Getting Yours:
From Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Savior, Lord, God And Soon-Coming King!

Do You Realize That There Is A Whole Bunch Of
Intertwined Things That We Must Participate In Daily!?!

Like What, Pray Tell!?!

Daily Grace!
Daily Faith!
Daily Strength!
Daily Blessings!
Daily Trials!
Daily Confession!
Daily Repentance!
Daily Growth!
Daily Dying To Self!

I Hate, Hate, Hate, Daily Trials!
They Are So Very Trying
And They Put Me In A Really Bad Mood!

Lacey! Stop It!
Jesus Said That We Are To Take Up
Our Cross ... Daily
Follow After Him!

Indeed, He Did!

And, He Also Said
That It Is By Tribulation That ...

... We Shall Enter The Kingdom!
No Cross ... No Crown!

It's Amazing When You Think About It!
Wearing A Cross Is So Very Easy
Bearing A Cross
A Whole Different Kettle Of Fish!

Tell Me About It!

Chin Up, Old Girl!
The Lord Overcame
We, Too, By His Grace
Shall Do Likewise!
I'll Leave You With One For The Road:

1 comment:

  1. I Accept, Father, That The Trying Of My Faith, Will Produce Patience: Help Me To Patiently Wait Upon You For My Deliverance Through The Storms Of This Life!


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