
Monday, April 29, 2019

JESUS CHRIST THE LORD IS KING: Will You In His Glorious Presence Sing!?!

He Who Calls You
Will Bring You Through!
He Who Sends You
Will Equip You To Get You Through!
He Who Asks Of You Faithful Service
Is Faithful To Help You To Serve
He Will Not Accept Service
That Is Performed On
The Convenience Curve!

Our Master
The Lord Christ
The Creator, The Savior
The Redeemer
The Forever Friend
Who Took Off His Royal Robes
Left Behind His Glory, Honor, Worship, Praise
The Visible Love Of All In The Heavenly Realm
To Come Down To Earth To Live 
- And To Die -
To Show Us How To Live Right
In The Realm Of Mortal Men!
On His Living Example We Can Depend!

First Appearance ... A Cattle Stall!
Next To Final Appearance
In A Corrupt And Wicked Ruler's
Judgment Hall!
He Died A Spectacle
Washed In The Words Of 
A Myriad Evil Tongues!
Before He Closed His Eyes In Sleep
He Could Have From That Cross Of Shame
With Power Stepped Down!

He Loved Us Then!
He Loves Us Still!
He Desires That We Live Abundantly
Because He Walked Our Walk
Died In Our Shame
He Can
He Will
He Does Us Teach
The Way To The Heavenly Father
How To The Forever Home
We May Safely
Victoriously ... As Blessed Overcomers
Rejoicing Reach!

Grace And Faith
Light Of Truth
Peace And Rest
Forgiveness And Blessing
Prayers And Petitions
Honest Laboring
Are Helps For Us
To Become The Spiritual Success!

Confessed Sin Is A Necessity
Repentance For Known Sin, Too
An Enduring And A Consistent Walk
With Him, Dear Brethren
Not To Be Eschewed!

His Walk Was Not On Rose Petals!
His Bed Was Not A Puffy Cloud!
His Adversaries Were Many
His Last Garment Was A Burial Shroud!

Who Should Have Loved Him
Hated Him!
Who Should Have Praised Him
Who Should Have Lifted Him Up
Nailed Him Down
Glory Be To The Father
They Could Not Keep Him In The Ground
And, So
We, Today, Who Choose To Hear Him
Believe Him
Are Blessed Beyond Measure
As We Willingly Walk Behind Him
The Shepherd
Faithful, Loving, Kind, True
Who, Alone, Points The Way
Makes The Path
Procures The Grass
Causes Pure Water To Gush Out Of The Flinty Stone
Is The Guiding Light To Get Us Home
Has Promised Us ... In His Blood
To Raise Us Up To His Glory
When In Him We Die
Wrapped Up In The Gospel Story!

So ...

I Appeal To Us All
Summer Spring Winter Fall
In Peace, At War
In Plenty, In Need
In Sickness, In Health
In Penury, In Wealth
Stick For Dear Life To Jesus Christ
Whose Life And Love
Is Stuck To Me, To You!
It's True!

Do Not Doubt!
Do Not Fear!
Do Not Get Bent Out Of Shape
Your Life Is Being Harassed
By A Raging Lion
An Achy-Toothed Bear
A Piercing Serpent
Locusts Foraging!

Your Sea May Be Boiling!
The Waves Billowing May Roll!
Your Ship May Have Holes!
Your Shoes May Lack Soles!
You May Be Faint From Hunger!
Your Best Friend Is Your Worst Enemy!
Your Child May Be A Scorpion
Your Spouse's Love Is As Poisoned Honey!

Do Not Look Left!
Do Not Look Right!
Do Not Live In Carnal Eyesight!

Look Up To Jesus!
Lift Up Your Heart To Him!
Pray Without Ceasing
Do Not In Him Cease Your Believing!
Reach For His Beckoning
Outstretched-To-Receive Hand!

The Devil Is The Liar Supreme!
Jesus Christ The Righteous 
King, Ruler
Lord Of Everything:

His Home Is Your Promised Home
Available For The Taking!
In Your Life Crown Him King
In Eternity
His Praises
You, Glorified
Shall Enraptured Sing!

Make His Love Your Everything
So That In The Appointed Day
You Will Be Amongst The Redeemed
Who Shall Make Heaven's Portal Ring!

No Force Is Required:
Make Jesus Christ Your King
Receive The Reserved For You
Heavenly Portion!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, Strengthen Your People And Bless Us With Your Holy Peace!


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