
Sunday, April 28, 2019

SALVATION vs. SELF: Kings, Crowns, Kingdoms

Two Kings
Two Scepters
Two Crowns
Two Lights
Two Weights Of Glory
Two Peoples Striving In The Throng!

One Jewel-Encrusted Crown
Bears The Eternal Light
The Surpassing Weight Of Glory!

One Crown
Holds Finite Fame And Fortune
Prospers The Recipient
Of A Less Than Truthful Story!

One Crown Is Offered
By That Great King!

One Crown Is Offered
By The Old Piercing Serpent
He Who Lives To Blight
Venomously Sting!

Most People
Want Desire Need
Fame And Fortune
So That Amongst Carnal Men
They Shall Be The Toast
Ever Willing
To Kill, Deceive
Doubt God
Truth Disbelieve
Instead Of
Taking The Good King's Imperishable Crown
After A Short Day Of Personal Denial
Physical Suffering!

Sad, So Sad!

So Sad And Yet, So True!

Instant Gratification
Profits ... In The Short Term
The Known-Carnal Crew
Who Will Deny Self To Keep A Pound
Who Will Deny Family To Keep A Penny

Who Will Deny The Lord Christ
He Says Deny Self
Trust The Lord
Be Faithful Faithful
One Chooses To Receive
- In The Living God's Time -
The Crown Of Christ's Glory That
Shall Eternally Shine
In The Land Beautiful

Would You Give Up Glory
Just To Own A Property With Brass Gates!?!

Would You Give Up Eternal Peace
Just To Imbibe A Gluttonous Feast
That Ends In Relief By A Bathroom Release!?!

Would You Choose To Dwell In Time
Just Because You Cannot
Envisage Eternity
Choose To Live In Bondage To Known Sin
You Are Fearful Of Trusting
The Lord Who Demands The Obedience Of Faith
Promises Unyielding Love And Provision
Truly Blessed Liberty
Without The Truth Or Dare Division!?!

Brethren, Beloved
The Kings Are Jesus Christ The Righteous
Satan The Willing Murderer

The Known Father Of Lies!

The Kingdoms Are
Heaven With The Lord Of Life And Light
Where Sin, Self, Satan, Fallen Angels
Unrepentant Sinners
Face The Last Mile ... Alone
As They Are Burned With Unquenchable Fire
Utterly ... Forever ... Consumed!

If We Will Lift Up Our Eyes
Just A Wee Bit Higher
We Will Not Choose The Path Of Convenience
Which Always Leads
To The Fire And Brimstone Lake
Funeral Pyre!

Self Is A Sinner!
Satan Ain't A Saint!
Jesus Christ Delivers The Repentant Sinner
So That He Won't Suffer
Satan's Just Fate!

All Crowns Are Not Created Equal
Not All Kings Care For Their People!

At Last, I Get It!

You Would Do Well To Try And Keep It!

Are All Tied Up In Self!
Theirs Is A Consenting Relationship
And With Them 
Self Is Acquiring Some Heft!

You Mean He Is Getting Fat!

Well, Yes!
But I Was Being, You Know
Kinda Polite!

Waste O' Time!
He Head Swell Big!
He Pocket Bulging Large!
He Carnal House Obscene!
He Car  ... Hum
And That Thumb That He Always
Pressing Down People With
Is Seriously Enlarged!

Let's Not Forget That 
He Also Has A Real Big Mouth
And A Razor Sharp Tongue
And ...!

... No Fear Of The Living God
None For Man Like Himself
And Definitely None For The Damned Devil!

Alright, Fellas!
We Know All The Downs!
Are There Any Ups To This Disaster!

I Could Kill Him
And The Problem Is Solved!

If You Kill Self
Where Does That Leave The Rest Of Us!?!

We Are Not Thinking Straight
We Are Not Looking At The Big Picture!

What On Earth Do You Mean!?!

If You Kill That Sinful Self
Do Not Replace It With Something Good
All That You Have Left 
A Shell Of A Man Available ...!

... For Satan To Have One Of His Bully Boys
To Take Over And Inhabit!

In That Case
We Are Better Off With Self!

Not Really!
Satan, Self And Sin Are A Chorus!

Alright, Alright!

Look At This:


Spelt Backward
It Is  F L E S!

F or Fullness Of
L ife
E scape
S elf

All That Is Missing Is H!

H For Hope In Christ
H For Help From Christ

H For Healing By Christ

H For Home With Christ
H For The Indwelling Holy Spirit Of God And Christ!

H For Hallelujah!

Jesus Christ Saves From Sin
From Self
From Satan!

The Crux Of The Matter ...

We Have A Challenge
That States Clearly That

F or Fullness Of
L ife We Must
S elf By
H oping In Jesus Christ Who Saves!

In Short, Brethren
It Is Time Rid Self Of Self
Seek After Christ's Eternal Life!
We Must Give All, Everything
To The Lord Jesus Christ!

When Jesus Christ Is First
Is All
We Can Never By Self
- Into Sin -
Be Made To Fall!

Heed The Call!
Answer The Holy Spirit's Quiet Call
In The Appointed Time
We Shall ... In Triumph
With Jesus Christ 
The King Of The Living Kingdom
Escape The Condemned Blue Ball!

Don't Be Like 

Cain, Nimrod
Esau, Pharoah
Ahab, Jezebel, Athaliah
Judas Iscariot And King Saul!
Uncontrolled Self Will Cause You
Into Satan's Nefarious Plans
Ignominiously To Fall!

It Is Time To Turn To The Lord Christ
By His Holy Spirit Guiding Our Lives
Reverse The Fall!

Those Who Hope
In The Lord Jesus Christ
Will Obediently Heed
The Call To Eternal Life!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ Is Mighty To Save Those Who Believe That He Can And He Will!


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