
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

JESUS CHRIST SAVES: Everlasting Life ... Is Mine!

Jesus Christ Belongs To Us!
The Father God Gave Him To Us
- The Priceless Gift -
The Word Of The Eternal God
The Word Ever To Trust!

Jesus Christ Is Mine!
I Claim Him As My Own!
No One Can Take Him From Me
By Base Folly
I Can Ignore Him
Suffer For My Own Sin
For Which 
- By His Own Precious, Innocent, Blood -
He Did Atone!

Jesus Christ Is Mine!
I Claim Him As My Own!
No One Can Take Me From Him!
Not Death, Not Time
Not Circumstance
Not Principalities
Not Powers
And, For Certain Sure Not Satan The Bold
- The Base -
That Living Disgrace
Who Is Still Trying To Hurt Jesus
By Instigating Ways By Which
We Who Are Seeking To Get Home To The Father
May Fail The Way-To-Life Test!

But God Is Merciful ...

I Am To Be Obedient
Loving, Merciful
Trusting In The Living Word
Which Guides My Life
My Appointed Time
Wherein I Must Make The Call To Salvation
Accepting Christ As King
After Which I Must Do All That I Can
To Bless My Brethren!

From Me I Must Cast Away
Sin And Self!
I Must Uplift Sister And Brother!
I Must Tell Friend And Foe The Good News
Ignore The Stranger Danger!

I Must Live In The Light Of Life
Shed The Light Abroad
Not Hide It Under A Bushel
I'm Fearful Of The God-Fraud!

Hold The Almighty 
In Godly Fear ...

I Fear The Living God Holy!
I Deny The Wannabe!
I Have Placed My Hand In The Hand Of Christ Jesus
In Him, Praise The Almighty
I'm Free, Free, Free!

Days Have Rain!
Roses Have Thorns!
Jesus Christ Is My King
Because Of His Blood-Bought Promise
I Know I Am Not Forgotten
Nor Shall I Walk This Vale Of Tears
Hungry, Frightened And Alone!

Jesus Christ Saves ...

Jesus, Lovely Jesus
Walks Ahead, Beside And Behind Me!
Jesus Watches Over Me
This Same Jesus
Coming Back To Receive Me!

I Am Heading Home To Glory
To The Heavenly Father's House!
I Have Faith
Mercy And Grace
The Good Influence Of The Holy Angels
Compliments Of Him Who Is Holy Love
Who Reigns And Rules
In Heaven Above!


The Lord Be Praised!
Myriad Blessings I Enjoy!
I Have The Holy Spirit
The Spirit Of Truth
The Comforter Of The Soul Of Every Man
Who Desires ... By Right
To Walk Through His Appointed Gate
Into The Holy City
The Beautiful Beulah Land!

Until Then ...

I Have A Cross To Bear ... Not Wear!
I Have Burden To Share ... Not Forswear!
I Have A Message To Send ... Not Keep!
I Have A Life Of Love To Live
Even If I Weep!

Jesus Wept!

Jesus Cares!
Jesus Hears!
Jesus Desires My Unselfish Prayers!
He Desires My Gifts Of Love
For His Undying Love ... To Me
Who Caused His Death
Who Causes Him Pain
Who Regularly Puts His Name To Shame
By Wayward Thought, Word And Deed
The Lord Be Praised
I, Repentant
- Not Presumptuous -
Beloved Ever And Still
Am Welcome At The Throne Of Grace
I Shall One Day ... Soon
See That Lovely Face
Face To Face
My Faith Rewarded
Shall Have Removed Me From Being
A Cast Off
Cast Into Outer Darkness
Damned For All Eternity
Rebellious Disgrace!

By The Will Of God
I Have In Heaven A Prepared-By-Christ, Place!
By The Amazing Grace Of The Eternal God
I Shall Drink Of The Water Of
The River Of The Water Of Life
Not Bathe In The Lake That Burns With
Brimstone And Fire
Prepared For The Fallen Angels
And Satan The Father Liar!

For Me
For All Who Choose The Living Word To Believe
Jesus Christ The Divine
The Only One Righteous
The King Of Earth And Glory
Life ... Everlasting Life!
Jesus Christ Is Mine
And, Therefore Everlasting Life

One Day Coming Soon
I Shall Cross The Separating Line!

1 comment:

  1. Bless Me, Oh, Lord, And Fill Me For I Hunger And Thirst After Righteousness!


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