
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

PRAYER: What Would I Do Without You, Father!?!

You Are In Heaven
And I Live Upon The Earth
And I Come Before You
Because I Believe That You Are God Almighty
That Your Word Is True
That You Always Answer The Prayer Of Faith
Because I Always Need Your Help!
You Have Asked That I Come Boldly
To The Throne Of Grace
In My Time Of Need
And I Shall Always Find Your Help!
You Are My Father!
Please Lead Me Day By Day
Along The Strait, Straight, And Narrow Way!

There Is Illness All Around, Dear Lord!
There Is Murder And Mayhem!
The Love Of Many Has Grown Cold
And Many For A Mess Of Red Bean Pottage
Are Selling Out Their Souls!

I Pray For Healing
For Body, Mind And Spirit!
I Pray For A Listening Ear
To Always Hear What You Have To Say
And A Willing Spirit That Does Not Indulge
In The Sin Called Gain-Say!

What Would I Do Without You, Father!?!
Where Could I Go Without You, Lord!?!
I Cannot Save Or Help Myself
And I'd Be Living Lost
And Living To Be Forever Lost
And I Do Not Ever Want To Approach That
Goal Post!
Help Me To Count The Costs!
Please Be In My Life The Only Boss!

I Need You This Hour, Today!
I Need You Wherever You Lead Me
Always, Forever, Moment By Moment
Each And Every Passing Day!

You've Said In The Living Word That
Tomorrow Is Not Promised
And, So, Dear Father
Help Me To Cooperate With You
While Life Shall Last:
In Christ's Faith
My Confidence Upon You
I Have Willingly, Wittingly, Cast!

I Have No Other God But You!
I Own No Other Master!
I Call None But You, Father
And I Do Not Choose The Things Of This World
To Wildly Run After!

Please Pity Me And My Kind, Dear Lord
In Our Daily Distresses!
Pity Us, I Beseech You, Please
And Help Us Clean Up Our Lived-Lives Messes!

Help Us To Confess And Repent Of Known Sin!
Help Us To Truly Turn Away From The Present World
And Look Longingly For The World To Come!
Help Us To Be Good Stewards Of Our Increase
And Bless Us To Bless Others Out Of Our Abundance
Providing For Them In Their Need
Not Because You Cannot Provide
But Because We Desire Your Bounty Upon Us
To - In Gratitude - Share!

Thank You For Green Pastures!
Thank You For Waters Still And Sweet!
Thank You For Daily Bread On The Table!
Thank You For Rest In You Ever Complete!

Heal A Body, Lord
According To Your Will 
And In Your Ever-Loving Way!
Save A Soul From The Second Death
For It Is Not Your Wish That Any Should Perish:
You've Already Paid The Price!
Help Us To See Jesus Christ As He Is
And Give Into Our Hands The Strength
To Call Upon That Worthy Name
So That We May Be Saved And Blessed!
Help Us, Father
To Pass The Heaven-Bound Trial!
Help Us To Pass The Christ-Character Test!

Lift Us Up So That We May Lift You Up
Let Your Name Be Glorified
And Jesus Christ Be Praised
For It Is In His Holy And Matchless Name
That We Humbly Pray And Importunately Plead!
I Love You, Lord!
Have Mercy And Bless!
Come Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Bless The Lord, Oh, My Soul, For All Of The Benefits, The Blessings, He Willingly Gives Moment By Moment Unto Me!


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