
Monday, April 8, 2019

SORRY! NOT SORRY: True Repentance!

Sorry! Not Sorry!
Does Not Work In The Economy Of The Living God
It Is Not Holy
Is A Primary Tenet
Raised High Banner Of The Kingdom Of Satan
The Known God-Fraud!

An Impudence
A Grossly Shameful Display
An Ingrate's Base Behavior
Against Him Who Is Mankind's Only Savior!
Don't Let This In Your Life Hold Sway!

You, Me, We Have Been Bold Sinners!
Let's Also Be Bold 
Humbly Repent Of 
All The Sins Done By Our Old Man!
Put Him Out! Cast Him Away!
Do Not Anymore Accept His Payment Of
Soul-House Rent!
Do The Right Thing, Brethren!
That Is
To The Holy, Faithful, God
See That You - With Contrite Heart - Repent!

Never Be Ashamed To Go Before The Father
In The Name Of The Beloved Son
Permitting The Holy Spirit
To Stop You From With Sin Having 
The Olde "Fun" Run!

Fall Willingly On The Rock 
Be Broken!
Don't Permit Yourself To Be Fallen Upon
Be Crushed To Oblivion
By The Angry Son
Who Gave And Paid All That He Had
So That You May Have
Abundant Life In The Glorious Land:
Unrepentant Sinners Will Have None!

Be Not Deceived!
Almighty God Is Not Mocked!
Turn Away From Self, Sin, And Satan
You Won't Have To The Rocks And Hills
For Inadequate Cover 
One Sad Day To Run!

The Lord Christ Calls:
The Lord Christ Blesses:
Accept A Share!
The Lord Christ Guides:
Follow Willingly!
The Lord Christ Loves You:
Accept That For You
He Sacrificially Cares
Reach For The Extended Hand
The Only Begotten
Holy Son Of God
The Soon-Returning Son Of Man
So That You May Forever Dwell
With Him
In Zion
The Heavenly Land!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Truly Repent Of My Known Sin So That They May Be Blotted Out When The Day Of Refreshing Comes From The Hand Of The Lord!


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