
Monday, May 13, 2019

DANGEROUS WORDS: Sin, Self, Deceit And Confusion

Deception Is A Strutting Peacock!
Smart, Witty, Worldly-Wise
Confusion Follows After Him
A Brown Peahen Believing Lies!

There Is No Explanation For Sin
No Excuse
Deception Is Found In Sin
The People Led Therein 
Become Very Confused!
Their Minds Are Being Abused!

Deception Is A C-Note Word
Covering The Concept Called Bold Lie
Confusion Is A $1.00 Bill
As The Leaves Of Autumn
Blowing On The Truth-Changing Winds!
For Them, People Are Going Out On Broken Limbs!

The Creator, The Father
The Spirit Of Truth
The Influencing Good Angels
All Are Pleading With Us
Providing Help To Us
Calling Us To Stand In The Truth
Whilst Refusing, Refusing
Refusing Time And Again
To Fall For The Convenience Of Lies That 
Against Common Sense And Faith
Do Daily Strain!
Oh, The Pain!

Brother, Dear Sister
Fellow Pilgrim
Friend Known, Unseen, Unknown
Please, I Beseech
Get Thee Unto The Lord's Great Throne
Where Truth Is Foundation
Where Light Enlightens Minds
Where in The Fellowship Of The Favored Ones
In Heartfelt Worship 
No One Hears Lies!

Believe And Be Blessed!
Turn Away From Sin
Do Not Let The Beautiful Bird
Preening, Preening, Strutting
Get You Bestirred
To Long For The Pretty, The Painted
The Life Of Sight Proud
Thereby Become Entangled, Entrapped
So That When He Chases You
You Have No Choice But In Confusion
In Knots Calamitous
To Fall Down!
The Performance Is All Claptrap!
Give Him Your Back!

These Are The Facts ...

Truth Is Not Always Pretty!
Pretty Is Not Perfect!
Perfection Cannot Exist Outside Of Truth
Whoever Stands For Truth
Will Always Gain The Perfect Win!
Forswear Sin!

Blessings Are Not Given In Sin
For Forsaking Self And Sin
- Which Lead To Deception's Deceit -
For Fellowship With The God Of Grace
For Faithful Service
To The Kingdom Of Light
Not For Living The Life Of
The Deceived-One Disgraced!
Forgiveness Is Free To All
Who Desire In Heaven 
To Inhabit A Prepared Place!

Those Who Satan Draws To Sin
Are Those Whom He Shall Drive To Despair! 
Those Whom He Now Fawns Over 
Are The Very Ones Upon Whom He Shall
Fly Upon Later! 
Let No Created Being Deceive You!

Let No Created Being Confuse You!
Let No Created Being Rob You Of Your Hope!
Get Off The Fast Track To Damnation
Get In The Good Ship Zion
Whose Captain Is The Savior Of Man
The Son Of God
Prince Shiloh, The Rock Of Ages
Upon Whom ... In Faith
Every Child Of God
Can Confidently Stand!

Prepare, I Beseech You
Unto Heaven To Go!
Remember The Covenant Rainbow
Do Not Be Deceived
By The Winds Of Change
To Constantly Stir Doubt
Do Tumultuously Blow!

1 comment:

  1. In Jesus Christ, The Lord, The Creator, The Holy God, The Righteous King, The Redeemer, My True Friend , I Am Complete!


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