
Sunday, May 12, 2019

DESIRE: Decision

Temporal Things 
Eternal Desires
Are Neither Family, Friends, Nor Enemies!
They Do Not Associate
They Cannot Commiserate
The Love Of One Or The Other Can Surely Dictate
Even Legislate
The Unrepentant Sinner
The Converted Saint's Fate!

Brethren, On This Grave Matter
We Must Needs Cogitate
And, That I Must Urgently Stress
Before It Is Time Too Late!

Who Wants
- Better Put -
Who Desires To Walk ... By Right
Through The Assigned-By-Perfected-Character
Pearl Gate
After Time Has Met Its Termination Date!?!

I Do! Do You!?!

What Have You Given Up
Set Aside
Put Away!?! 

What Are You Accepting

For What Do You Pray!?!

Are You Walking On The Upward Way
Or Running On Broadway!?! 

Are Praying
Or Preying!?! 

About Your Character Being Molded
What Will The Holy God Say!?!

In For A Penny!
In For A Pound!
Are You Walking To Heaven
Are You For Hell Falling Headlong!?!

Are You Grace And Faith
Plump Wheat Not Chaff
Are You Doubt And Disbelief
Grapes Of Wrath!?! 

Are You On The Lord's Side
Or Are You In Need Of A Balaam's Ass
To Check You In Your Folly!?! 
The Angel Of Death Is Armed!
He Will Not Let You Walk Blithely Past!

Think ... 
There's Hell Involved In Not Knowing The Savior!
There Is Heaven To Be Gained When Jesus Christ's Faith
In Your Nostrils
Of A Sweet Savor!

Do Not In Front Of Satan Quiver!
Jesus Christ Shall All His Chosen People
Spectacularly, Gloriously, Deliver!

Desire Dictates Decision!
On Whose Side Will Your Decision Fall!?!

Despise Sin And Self
Deny Satan, The God-Fraud
Fill Your Heart 
With The Sure Promises 
Love For
The Creator
The Eternal Holy God
Jesus Christ The Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Align My Desires With Your Holy Will So That I May Be Eternally Blessed!


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