
Saturday, May 11, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Pray ... Just Because! + PRAYER: Help Us To Aspire To Our Value In Your Eyes, Father!

Why Worry ... When You Can Pray!?!
Why Worry ... When For Your Purchased Soul
The God Of Grace Cares!?!
Why Worry ... When You Face The Bold Enemy
When The Lord Of Angel Armies
The One Who Purchased Thee!?!

Pray In The Morning
The Evening, At Noon And At Night
For This, Brethren
Will The Heart Of The Lord Delight! 

Not Because You Believe
You're Telling The Lord Something New
But Because With Your Praying
You're Telling The Lord Of Life
That You Trust Him Completely
You Believe That He, Alone, Is God
That He Loves You
That He, Alone
Can Well And Truly Save You
He Sits On You Heart
The Universe's Throne!
He Did For Your Personal Sin Did Atone!


I'm Trusting You, Lord

For My Grace
For My Faith
For Direction, Protection
For Correction
When I Daily The Enemy Face!
I Cannot Help Myself
Except You Help Me
And I Cannot Be Blessed
Unless You Bless Me!
Father, I Need Thee!

Help Me Not To Be Presumptuous

Departing Holy Ground
And Thereby Incurring
What Is Your Stern Frown! 
Help Me Not To Love The World
More Than You Who Created It
For The World Is Set For A Burning
When In Judgment You Destroy It!

Help Me To Set My Mind On Things Above

Not On Things That Profit Not! 
Help Me To Walk Away From Those Things
That Will Cause My Name
From Your Book To Be Blotted Out! 
Help Me To Live
As Those Wise Hebrew Worthies
Who Chose Living Holy Grace
Over Fleeting Dying Man's Favor
So That In The Great Day Of Small Things
You Shall Look Upon Me
As Something Having A Blessed Savor!

Help Me, Lord, To Live For My Savior

Even When To Do Such Is Labeled A Sin! 
Bless Me With All Blessing So That In Me
For Heaven There Is A Win! 

Guide Me, Father, Gently
For I Am Of The Clan Flesh Weak
But Also Of The Sect Of The Saved
Who Will To Follow You As Those Blessed Meek!


I Give You My Unfeigned Praise
My Willing Worship
My Believing Man's Prayers!

I Give My Service As A Saint
Being Polished Day By Day
To Remove From My Character
The Fallen Man's Sin-Taint!

I Know And Accept
That To Faithfully Follow Christ
Will Come At A Price
But I Am Willing To Sacrifice For Him
Who Sacrificed For My Kind And Me
His Precious, Holy, Life!

I Cannot  Repay The Debt, Lord

But I Can Give My Love And
My Willing Obedience! 
I Cannot Take Back
The Cause For The Debt
But I Can Serve You
With Grace-Filled Endurance!

I Love You, Lord

I Truly Grateful And Thankful
For All That You Do
Have Done
Will Do In My Life! 

Please Help Me To Be Vigilant
Ever Observant To Obey
Your Holy Law In All Its Particulars
For It Is A Faithful Transcript
Your Holy Character!
Please Help Me To Rid Myself Of
My Known Flaws!

Mold Me To Be Like You!

Help Me To Follow You!
Guide Me Ever Away From Sin!
Lead Me So That 
Through The Appointed Pearl Gate 
I May By Right Walk In!

I Pray For The Living Truth In My Inward Parts! 

I Pray For The Garment Of Praise! 
I Pray For The Wisdom Of The Wise, My Father
I Pray To Praise And Worship You
However Long Is The Length Of My Days!
Help Me By The Things In My Eyesight
To Be Unfazed!

Bless Me To Tell Another The Good News
So That They May Get Off The Broad Way
Where The Roaring Lion Is Holding Court
And Is The Unwary Ones
Joyfully Stalking!

Remember The Brethren

The Strong, The Weak! 
Remember The Children
The Unwise
The Ones Whose Prospects Are Bleak!

Remember The Watchmen
On The Walls Of Zion
Bless Them To Give The Trumpet
That Certain Sound
That Alerts All To The Proximity
Of Satan, The Raging Lion!


Help Us To Practice The Presence Of Christ
So That We Will Be Instant, Constant, In Prayer
Believing That The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Our Only Comforter Is With Us
No Matter What We Go Through!

Thank You For The Love

For The Gifts Of Love
For The Ability To Pray
To Praise
To Worship
For The Hope Of
The Everlasting Home Above
For That Most Precious Gift Of All
The Life Of Christ
Who Is Ours For All Eternity!

Please Help Us To Aspire To Live Up
To The Value You Have Placed Upon Us
By The Giving Of Your Beloved Son's Dear Life
Which Gives Us New Life
For The Life Sinful And Old!
Please Help Us To Reach
Settle In
Stay In The Safe Fold!

Thanking You For Hearing
Answering Prayer!
In Love
By Faith
For Worship

I Offer Up These Few Petitions
In Jesus Christ's Matchless Holy Name!
Please Come Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I Acknowledge That I Sin Against You In Thought, In Word And In Deed, And I Confess And Repent Of My Transgressions: Please Cleanse Me Of The Guilt Of My Sin, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!


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