
Friday, May 10, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Always Open Before God!?!

Every Thought
Every Purpose
Every Plan
Every Motive
- In Splendid Display -
Arrayed Before The Lord
If We, As Believers
Believe The Living Word Of The Holy God
We Will Choose To Walk Circumspectly
Choose To Decidedly Stand Firmly Against
The Base Machinations Of
Satan, The God-Fraud!

Having Our Lives Open
Laid Bare ... On Constant Display
Before The Eyes Of Almighty God
Should Make Every Child Of Adam And Eve
Every Child Of Righteous Noah
Tremble In Godly Fear 
As From Birth To Death They Grow
Because  They Live In The Presence
- In The Can't-Hide-From Sight -
By The Power Of The Lord Who Gives Life
Who Keeps Perfect Records Of 
Those Things "We Know"
Shall Never See The Daylight!

Go To Hell! God's There!

Go To Heaven! God's There!

Go To Depths Of The Ocean!
The Scariest Point Of The Highest Mount!
Sorry, My Brothers, My Sister
There Is No Escaping: God's There!

In That Case, All I Can Say Is:
I Tremble, And I Fear!

He Knows Every Single, Solitary
Passing, Considered, Deliberated
Thought, Word And Deed!?!

So Says The Living Word Which Cannot Lie!

Oh, Man!
I'm Doomed!

Not Like Me!
I Have Wayward Even Worthless Thoughts
Disgusting Even Devilish Words
Indulge Unchaste Even Corrupt Actions
Bitterness Hate
Filthy Desire
Dastardly Actions
Simulated Murder
Deceit Writ Large
Denial Of The Power Of God
Forays Into The Field Of The Fraud!
I Am Doooooomed!

Why So Melodramatic, My Friend!?!
Don't You Believe In The Power Of
The Best Friend
The Master
The Savior
The Lord
The King
The Redeemer
The Only Begotten Son Of
The Eternal God!?!

I Do! I Do ... But ...!?!

No Buts!

Man, You Can't See My Record!
It's Replete With Submissions
That Would Make "D" Day Loom Like A Failed Mission!

Whew! You Had Me Going There For A Moment!
I "Thought" You Were Going To Say That
Jesus Christ's Sacrifice For Us
Was A Failed Mission!

Oh, No!
Never That!

Jesus Christ Saves!
He Can Save You!
Submit Your Will To The Lord!
Depart The Ways Of The Fraud!
Invite The Holy Spirit With You To Abide
By Day By Day Walking
Working, Watching, Communing
With His Directing, Correction
On The Wings Of Eagles
In The Appointed Day
You Shall Surely Ride!

Night Is Coming ...

It's Time To Correct The Downward Spiral
The Damned-Man Slide!
It Is Time To Hang A Right To Heaven
Walk Right
By The Savior's Pierced Side!

Even Though We Sin
By Word, Thought, Deed
We May Arrest The Rot
When We On The Living Word Feed!

To Know That Someone Has Records Of My Life
That I Don't Have
And Can't Even Remember ...
This Causes Me To Think
That I Truly Need To Be Different!

Time To Use The Filter!


Huh!?! I Don't Get The Reference!

Oh, Sorry!
It's Means What Would Jesus Do!

I Like That!
If Jesus Wouldn't Do It
Then Neither Shall I!

WWJD ... FY ...

What Jesus Will Do For You
For Me
For Anybody
Willing To Work
To Watch
To Wait Faithfully Upon Him
Beyond Human Measure
Is Ours ... By Faithful Prayer
Just For The Asking!

Jesus Christ
Our Rock, Refuge
Strong Tower, Shelter, Shield
By Grace ... Extending Mercy
Out Of Love ... Giving Hope!

A One-Sentence Sermon!

You Haven't Heard Anything Yet!
I've Got Some Two-Word Sermons!

Share, My Brother! Share!!

Jesus Wept!
Don't Doubt!
Have Faith!
Walk Wisely!
Sowers Reap!
Liars Lose!

Got Any Three's!?!

Sure Do!
Believe, And Live!
Trust And Obey!
Sing His Praise!
Test The Spirits!
Confess ... And Repent!
Remember Thy Creator!

That's Pretty Good!

Of Course, My Best Sermon Is:

Heaven At Any Cost Is Dirt Cheap!

That Makes A Lot Of Sense!

Indeed It Does!
The Lord Is Not Here To Bash Us
To Make Us Pay!
He Wants Us To Come Home To Him
He's Asking Us From Sin And Self To Step Away!

The Lord Is Not The Mallet
We Are Not The Moles He Wacks!
He Had Made Glorious Provision For Us
We Need To Trust And Obey And Endure
The Time 
- Our Time -
In The School Of Hard Knocks
The Time In The Crucible Of Refining
The Purging-From-Sin Time
- By Jesus Christ's Daily-Dealt Holy Faith -
So That We May Escape The Adversary's Attacks!

We Must Walk Forward In Faith
Leaving The Old Ways Behind
Look To Him Who Is The Author
The Finisher
Of Our Faith!
He Will Never Fail
So Let Us Run Our Ships
Our Characters
Under His All-Encompassing Sail!
In His Service
Against Sin, Self And Satan
Unworthy Thoughts, Words And Deeds
We Shall Surely Prevail!

Let Us The Good King Hail!


1 comment:

  1. Earth Is My School And Hospital But Heaven With Jesus Christ Is My True Home!


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