
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION: Dear Jesus, Please Draw Me Nearer!?!

Formed An Umbrella ... Called Vile Contempt
Over Christian
With Genius Being Inspired Evil
Sought To Have Christian
- True Christian -
From Living Life Made Exempt!

Many Were The Attempts Made
To End True Christian's Life
As Many As Were Successful
Just As Many Failed
Something Unexpected Happened
When A True Christian Died!

His Blood Became Seed
Even More Christians Sprung Up
Even Amongst Those Who, Previously
Had Sought Upon Christian Flesh And Blood To Feed!

True Christian Was Not Afraid To Die
Neither Was He Afraid For Living!
He Held His Maker In Godly Fear
Sought Valiantly In All Things
Ever To Please Him!

True Christian Was Hated For One Little Bitty Thing :
His Refusal To Bend To Tradition
To World Custom
His Rock Solid Stance Not To Turn The Holy God
Into A Fallen Man
Or ... Better Put
Raise To The Status Of The Living God
A Fallen Man
A Known-Fallen Angel
Now A Damned Demon!

He Walked Straight On The Path Narrow!
He Looked Up To The Hills!
He Knew From Whence His Help Came
He Wanted Nothing To Do With
Or Accepted Anything From
Any Who Did Not Accept Jesus Christ As Redeeming Savior
Reigning Lord
Almighty God
Lived By The Holy Faith
Not Known To Be Practiced
By The Agents Of Satan, King Fraud!

True Christian Knew That If It Was His Master's Will
He Could Escape Injury
Or Suffer A World Of Hurt
He Was Not Perturbed By What He Could Nor Foresee
He Was Living By Daily-Delivered Holy Faith
Compliments Of The God Of All Grace
His Father
His Comforter
His Elder Brother
Best Friend!

True Christian Was Holding Close The Promise
The Promise Of Eternal Life

A Prepared Home With His Lord Jesus Christ
It Was Driving The Adversaries Batty
Those Who Lived For
Loved Using, Utilizing
The Known-Demonic Device!

They Indulged Pride!
True Christian Indulged Prayer!

They Lifted Up Self!
He Lifted Up The Savior!

They Walked Wise In Their Own Eyes!
He Walked Wise In The Sight Of 
The One Who Created His Eyes!

They Lived To Hurt The Helpless!
He Lived To Help The Hurting
There Was No Way That They Could Walk Together
There Was Nothing Between Them
About Which They Could Walk In Accord
Or In Substance Agree!

There Was Not Going To Be A Peaceful End
Upon That You Can Surely Depend!

True Christian Knew
Knew Without A Doubt That
He Was Not Better Than His Lord
He Was Not Foolish Enough To Doubt
The Living Holy Word Of Truth!

Said He, Boldly And Cheerfully, Calmly:

Nothing Can Separate Me
From The Love Of Jesus:
Not Height, Not Depth
Not Principalities 
Not Powers
Not Angels Nor Demons
Not Life, Nor Death! 
Jesus Christ Is My Savior 
I Shall Not Be Moved!

And He Cried Out Fiercely:

I Am Thine, Oh, Lord! 
Draw Me Nearer!

Look Within ...

Can The Same Thing Be Said For Me, For You!?!
Are We Walking Wise
Or Are We Wearing The World's Fancy Shoes!?!
Do We Love The Lord
To The Exclusion Of Everything Else
Or Are We Going To Be As The Chaff Of
The Summer Threshing Floor
When The Lord Of Earth And Glory
Comes Through The Way To Eternity's Door!?!

Are You Getting Yourself Ready
- Truly Ready -
For What, For True Christians
Is Surely In Store!?!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Walk Truly In The Light Of Life! Please Help Me To Hold Fast My Profession Of Faith In The Eternal Jesus, Looking Neither To The Left Nor To The Right, But Walking Onward And Upward With Enduring Faith Unto The Glorious Kingdom, And Believing And Practicing Always: Not I, But Christ!


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