
Thursday, June 6, 2019

EXPECTING: Temptation!?!

Are You Expecting Visitors!?!

No! Why Do You Ask!?!

I Ask Because You Keep Looking At The Telephone
And Running To The Door
And You Keep Jumping At Every Noise!


Yes, Really!

Oh, Okay! I Didn't Realize That
That Is What I've Been Doing!

If You Say So
You Seem Very Distracted
Even Anxious!

Oh, Ferris! You Don't Know The Half Of It!

So, Are You Going To Tell Me What's Happening!?!
And Does It Have Anything To Do With This
Hyper-Vigilance That You Are Telescoping!?!

Yes, Yes, Yes!
I Am So Uneasy To The Point Of Being Afraid!

Afraid Of What!?!


Him, Who!?!

You Know ... HIM!

Girl, You're Speaking In Parables!
Speak Plainly So That I May Understand!

I Don't Want To Say His Name!
He's Always Listening!
He's Like An Ever-Ready Battery!
A Timex Watch!

Can You Spell His Name Instead!?!

I Don't Knooow ...!

Come On Already! Who Is This "Him!?!"

T E M P T A T I O N!


I Told You Not To Say That Name!!
He's Always Ready And Able To Jump You
When You Least Expect It!


How Do You Mean "And!?!"
That Person Is Evil, Evil, Evil!
He Takes Away Your Will!
He Makes You Walk On Disobedience Way!
He Forces You To Go Against Conscience!
He Corrals You Into Working With King Fraud!
He Encourages You To Disobey The Living God!

S M H!!


S M H! 
I'm Shaking My Head!

Why!?! What For!?! At Who!?!

I'm Shaking My Head At You
You're A Silly Goose
Who Seems To Have Forgotten That
She Is The Child, The Servant, The Student Of
Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Has Delivered Unto Us The Gift Of
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Given Into Our Hands The Power ...!

... I've Got The Power!?!

You've Got The Power
To Say "No!" To Temptation
So That You Do Not Do "The Thing!"


If You Yield To Temptation, Sweetie
You Are Committing Sin!
If You Walk Away From Temptation
Sin Can't Do You One Earthless Thing!

Jesus Christ Has Given The Promise That
We Shall Have Power
To Resist The Salvation Thief
To Stand In The Truth
To Live Triumphantly In The Sight Of 
The Holy, Eternal, Saving, Blessing Good God!

Know The Right ...

Looking For Temptation
Expecting Temptation
Making Provision For Temptation
Yielding To Temptation
Always, Always, Leads To Sin!

Know Your Enemy ...

Sin Comes Compliments Of The Fraud
That Very Fraud Called Satan
Who Stood Up ... Hopefully
To Try To Unseat Our Creator, Lord And Faithful God!

Oooh, Mama!
I'm Feeling Really Silly Now!
I Was Really, Really, Afraid
And Was Even Feeling Like I Was 
Wearing A Straight-Jacket That 
Had Been Cheaply Made!

Beloved, Our Jesus Christ Saves!
End Of Story!

Satan, Sin And Self Have An Appointed Grave!
Deny Self And You Deny Sin!
Deny Sin And You Deny That Gross Liar Satan!

See To It ... Truly
That You Deny Lying Satan
Intentionally Lift Up The Living Lord
Make It A Point Of Necessity
To Walk With The Holy One ... Always
In One Accord!

I Seem To Have Gotten Side-Tracked For A Moment!

You Surely Seemed To Have Done So!

Thanks For Being Here!
I Feel Much Better ... Now!
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Is My Lord And God!

Thank You For The Pep Talk!
From Here On In
By The Almighty's Available Grace
And Ever Free Mercy
I Shall Refuse To Let Temptation
My Life Constantly Stalk!

Amen, Amen, Amen!
With Jesus Christ
See That You Always Talk!

Indeed, And Amen!
You're A Good Friend!

1 comment:

  1. Every Word Of The Lord Is Pure! Every Word From Satan Is A Defiling Lie! I Believe The Word Of God!


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