
Friday, June 7, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + PRAYER: Let The Happy Day Come, Father!

Oh, Father, Most Merciful
Have Mercy On Us Who Pray
And Look With Hope To The Soon Coming Great Day!
Pity Us who Live In Realm Of Time
Us Who You Have Given Leave
In Our Fallen, Sinful State
To Call You, Father
You Who Are Almighty, Holy, Divine!

We Do Not Love You As We Ought!
We Do Not Praise You As We Ought!
We Do Not Worship You
Completely Setting Aside Self
Blocking Out The World
And For This We Do Repent:
Help Us To Do And Be Better
Because We Do Sincerely Love You!
Help Us Not From Your Love To Relent!

Help Us To Speak With Words That Bless, That Edify
So That Our Service In The Holy Name 
Is Not Rendered A Lie!
Help Us To Provide Comfort And Aid 
To Those In Need With Gentle Hands
And A Tender Touch
Showing That We Are True Servants Of Him 
Who Sacrificed Himself
So That We May Receive The Holy Touch
The Heavenly Blessing
The Glorious Gift
The Life Of Him Who Loves Us So Very Much!

Help Us, Dear Father
To Walk In Faith 
Ever Looking Up To Him Alone
Who, Alone, Always Saves
And Humble Ourselves Because Of Love
And To Avail Ourselves Of Grace
The Unmerited Favor That Causes
Your Mercy To Fall On Everbody
Sinner And Saint!

Please, Lord
Remember Those Who Are Choosing
Life In And With Christ
Who Are Facing Rabid Opposition From
Family And Friends
And Even From The Very Ministers
Who Occupy Holy Office
And Declare That They Speak In Your Behalf!
Forgive Them
And Forgive Us Our Trespasses Against Your Dignity!

I Pray, Lord
For The Children
The Mommies, The Daddies
The Brothers, The Sisters
The Friends, The Relations
By Blood, By Faith, By Affection
The Well-Wishers, The Naysayers
The Rulers Of The Nations
The Leaders Of Business
The Poor And Homeless
The Widow, The Ophran
The Helpless, Hapless, The Hopeless
The Sad And The One Alone In The Crowd
The Soul Suffering From Suicidal Ideation
The Soul Murderously Angry At Self And Others
The Soul Looking To Leave The Earth 
In A Blaze Of Unprofitable Glory
And The Soul Who Will Die Today
In The Love And Faith Of Jesus
Having The Blessed Hope!
Remember Us In Mercy!

The Spirit Is Willing!
The Flesh Is Weak!
The Heart Is Looking Back
And We Are Walking On Weary, Wayward Feet!

Please, Father
Send Help!
May The Holy Spirit
Work In Us To Make All Wrong Things, Right!

May The Good Angels Influence Us 
To Do The Thing Which Will Your Heart Delight!
Heal Us, Lord, Of The Sin-Blight!
Help To Wage A Good Faith Fight
And Cleanse And Heal Our Benighted Sight!

In The Name Of Jesus Christ Who Saves
Please Save Us Utterly: Please Fulfill 
Your Blood-Bought, Written, Holy Promise!

Let Truth Be All To Us!
Let Grace Be Sufficient For Us!
Let Heaven Come: It Is Home For Us!
Please Come Soon And Redeem And Receive, Us!

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
And Lead Us To The One Who
Out Of Our Blessing
By Our Hand, From Our Heart
Shall Surely Be Fed!

Help Us, Father
To Deny Satan, The Base Liar Bold
So That We May, By Your Will
And In Your Way
Rob Him Of His Goal
Which Is The Damning Of 
Our Precious Souls Dearly Loved Of Him
Who For 30 Pieces Of Silver
By A False-Hearted Friend
Was Wickedly Sold!
Help Us To Heap Coals On His Known-Damned Head!

May Our Light Shine!
Let Not Sin Our Seeking Sight Blind!
Please Keep Us Attached To The Vine
So That We Will Be In The Line Of
Those Who Shall Safely Arrive At
And By Right Enter The Gate On Hill Zion
The Eternal Home!

Please Accept These Few Petitions
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name 
That I Humbly Pray And Plead!
Let Our Love For You Daily Grow
Let The Happy Day Come
So That We Shall Know Even As We Are Known!

1 comment:

  1. I Am Amazed, Truly Amazed, That Amazing Love Loves Me: Thank You, Jesus!


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