
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

CONVENIENCE vs NEED: Oh, To Be Rid Of Self!

Righteous Self-Denying Works 
Married To Christian Experience!
Their Marriage Is Not One Of Convenience!
It Is A Marriage Born Of Faith, Love 
Mercy, Grace 
Heart-Felt Need!

Their Hearts' Desire 
To Enduringly Walk To
Rightfully Enter Bliss Through The Open Door!

They Are Promised A Home
- A Forever Home -
In The Eternal City
To Live Forever In The Presence Of Shiloh
The Prince Of Peace
The Son Of God
The King Of Glory
The Hope Of Every Man!

You Should Be Made Aware ...

The Way To Their Wedding 
Had Not Been An Easy One!
Self Kept Interposing
Issuing Bilge Water And Bile
Attempting To Inspire Doubt
Regarding Deliverance From Sin, Self Himself
Satan, Sorrow
Death, Hell 
The Never-Satisfied, Cold, Lonely, Grave!

Be Ye Warned ...

The Bold, Base, Broad-Mouth, Rabid Sinner
Looks Like A Saint
Speaks As A Saint
Lives Undercover ... 
In The Shadows
And I
To All Intents And Purposes
A Leafy Green Fig Tree
No Good Fruit Expected!

If You Don't Understand
I'll Tell You Plainly:

Self Is A Barren Fig Tree!
He Is All Fronts And No Backs!
He Has Loads Of Foliage But No Fruit!
He Serves No Purpose To The Kingdom Of Light
He Is Cursed
He Will Not ... Cannot
The Good King
- By His Shiftless Service -

He Is Useless
Dried Up
He Will Burn Up
- Be Thoroughly Consumed -
To Become Ashes Under The Feet Of
Redeemed, Incorruptible
Saints Of God And Christ


Believe It Or Not
Self Does Not Care!

Self Cares For Numero Uno
Selfish Selfie Self
He Loves It Like That!
He Has Placed The Lord Christ On The What-Not
You Are Useless But Look Good On Display
For All The World To Oooh And Ahhh Over Shelf!

Self's Prideful Position ...

He Professes Righteousness:
He Does Not Practice Or Possess It!

To Him And His Kind
The Will Of God Is What Self Wants:
The Lord Must Yield Sovereignty!

Feeding The Lord's Sheep Is Of No Concern To Him:
Sheep Are Foolish, Smelly
Need Too Much Shepherding!
He Has A Picture Mirror To View!

Self Knows Not The Saving Power Of Saving Grace:
His Remarks On This Are Unprintable!

As Regards Thorough Conversion Aka Changing
Self Is Very Clear That He Changed His Clothing
That. Day.
He's A Real Lost Cause!

The Facts Remain ...
  • Self Is Not Earnest!
  • Self Sees No Profit In Emulating Jesus Christ's Life!
  • To Self, Prayers Speak Of Praise Of Himself!
  • To Self, Surrendered-Will Is A Curse Word!
  • To Self, Faith Is A Fraud Perpetrated Against The Gullible!
  • Self Works For The Doubt-Meister - Satan - The Wannabe God Who Engineered The Murder Of Jesus Christ The Lord!
  • Self Will Never Enjoy The Glory Of Almighty God!

Only Jesus Christ Saves!
Only Jesus Christ Heals!
Only Jesus Christ Seals!
Only Jesus Christ Reveals
The Way Of Hope
The Road To Surpassing Glory
All Who Hold Self Aloft
Will Pay The Ultimate, Unremittingly Harsh Cost!
Please Do Not Be Amongst The Unrepentant
Selfish Lost!

Jesus Christ Already Paid Our Price!
Only Fools Choose To Pay
Unnecessary Costs!

Those In Service Of The King
Must Sacrifice Self
To Rid Their Beings Of Love For Sin!
Only Then
Will The Race For Eternal Life
Be Considered
One That They're Winning!!!!


  1. Lord, I Thank You For Your Selfless Sacrifice To Save A Wretched Sinner Like Me: I, Repentant, Willingly Give Myself To You In Heartfelt Gratitude!

  2. Barbadollies: very good & enlightening Post.
    Word's for self-Examinations acknowledging the time we're living is no joke.I Give thanks & prayers to the ministry for continuing prosperity and excellence works.A place to come for comfort and peace.
    Thank you very much, May the Blessing of our Lord and Savior be always upon thee.
    Be Blessed.

    1. Thanks for your kind words and words of encouragement: The Lord Be Praised! I pray that all is well with you and with your family, and that your Faith holds firm! We really need to keep our eyes fixed and focused on The Lord Christ in these times! Blessings Be Upon You! Peace!


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