
Monday, June 24, 2019

THE SHIP: We Are Not Alone!

Look Up And Lift Up Have A Hope:
Their Redemption Is Drawing Nigh!

Look Up And Lift Up Have A Future
An Expected End
Jesus Christ The Righteous
The Lord Of Life
Their Shepherd
The Rock Of Their Salvation
Their Sure And Only Defence!

They Are Not Doubters!
They Do Not Ride The Fence!
They Are Renewed, Reformed
Converted Believers
Living Their Lives For Their Jesus
They Are Expecting 
A Placid-Sea Unexpected But Certain Storm!


Yes, Bawsee!

You Know That I Went To School Long
But Not Too Regular
And That What I Learnt I Learnt Real Good!


You Also Know That I Ain't Born After My Mother Dead
So Please Explain To Me
In Little Words If You Please
How Can One Expect The Unexpected!?!
How Can One Experience A Storm On A Calm Sea!?!

Bawsee, Are You A Christian!?!

Yes, Indeed, I Am!

Would You Consider Your Life A Ship!?!

Definitely ... I'm A Traveller! 

Are You Living For Jesus Christ!?!

Boldly! Like A Boss, See!

Yes, Bawsee! We've All Heard It Before!

Is Your Life All Smooth Sailing!?!

Absolutely Not!
One Minute I'm Enjoying The Peaceful Trade Winds
And The Next Minute
 I'm In The Midst Of The Atlantic Storm Season ...!

You've Stopped Talking!?!

Is Something Wrong!?!

Don't Play Smart With Me!
You Know Very Well That There's Something Wrong!

And, Pray Tell Us, What Would That Something Be!?!

That Something, Brethren
Is The Ship Called Reality!

Hot Diggedy Dog!

Is Jesus Christ Your Pilot
The Captain Of Your Ship
The Lord That Leads Your Life
The One Who Will See You Through The Mortal Strife
Then ...!

... Expect The Unexpected Storm In The Calm, Placid, Sea!

I Just Thought Of Something:
Jesus, Resting Peacefully, On The Pilot's Pillow
On A Calmly Rocking Boat
On The Glassy Sea That Is Galilee! 

Suddenly ... Unexpectedly
A Storm Of Wind
Turns The Placid To Raging
Filling The Boat With Water
Threatening To Sink It
And Kill All On Board!

How Comes Everybody Is Afraid
And One Person In Particular
Sleeps Through A Killer Hurricane At Sea!?!

It Happens When That One Person
Rests ... Peacefully
On The Word Of Their Father
Trusts In The Mighty, Loving, Hand Of 
Their Heavenly Father
- The Eternal God -
For Their Provision
For Their Peace
For Their Power
For Their Protection!

You Do Realize, Don't You
That Jesus, Unafraid
Stood Up ... Straight
On A Tossed Ship
In The Midst Of The Raging Storm
Rebuked ... Told Off ... The Wind
It Immediately Stopped Howling Like A Banshee
Not Finished
He Told The Sea:

Here Is Peace! 
Be Still!

The Sea Took A Nap
Or Better Yet
Went Back To Being Nice!?!

The Sea Recognized That Voice
The Voice Of His Creator
Who Told Him At His Genesis

So Far And No Farther!

Blessed Be The Ties That Bind ...

With Jesus In The Family
We Have A Happy Home!
With Jesus As Captain Of The Ship
We Shall Reach The Bound For And Safe Shore!
When You Hear The Holy Spirit Calling
Know That Jesus Is Knocking At Your Door
Make The Blessed Decision
- The Decision For Eternal Life -
Fling Open Your Heart's Door
Invite Jesus Christ To Enter In
To Take Total Control
To Pilot You Safely, Gently
To The Everlasting Shore!

Truth Frees The Soul ...

For Ever Raging Storm
Every Insurmountable Mountain
Every Deep, Dank, Dark, Valley
Every Tempestuous, Debilitating, Thought
Every Binding, Besetting, Sin
All Sickness And Wrenching Sorrow
Through Unmitigated Suffering ...!

... It Is Jesus! 
It Is And Has Always Been Jesus!

Only Jesus Christ Saves! 

Only Jesus Christ Satisfies!

Only Jesus Blesses
Comforts, Heals, Seals
Leads Us Into Perpetual Rest!

Jesus Christ Is Peace!

Look Up And Lift Up
Know And Have The Right:

Redemption Is Drawing Nigh!

Soon Jesus Shall Breach The Eastern Sky
To The Glorious Rest Home
- With The Saints Of All The Ages -
We Shall, Rejoicing, Fly!

What An Amazing Grace!

We Must Remember To Remember That
Jesus Christ Stands Up ... Straight
- Weight Of Problems Do Not Impact His Posture -
Controls Events
Speaks With Creative Power
Always, Always, In All Ways
Protects Those Who, By Sacrifice
In Covenant Love
Are Truly, Enduringly, His Very Own!

This Is Gospel Good News!
We Are Not Alone!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus, You Are My Chosen Captain: As My Only Savior, Please Pilot Me!


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