
Thursday, June 13, 2019

DEAD: Dead-Dead Or Dead-Alive!?!

Why Are You Asking For That!?!
You Don't Eat Piggy Pork!

You Misunderstand!
My Request For BLT
Is For Me To Be Brave, Loyal 
True To The Lord Christ
So That I May Stand The Test
Pass It With Flying Colors
So That I May Be Eternally Blessed!

Okay, But What Has Brought This On!?!

Do You Remember When Desmond Was On Probation!?!

Sure Do!
He Always Had His Calendar Handy ...!

... And He Was Always Marking Off The Days Served
And Forever Counting The Days Left To Serve!

I Remember Vividly The End Of 
The Last Day Of His Probation!
He Was Hooting And Hollering
And Telling Every And Anybody That 

He Was Free, Free, Free
And That He Now Belonged
That He Was Now A Homer!
He Was Thrilled To Bits
And It Was Exciting To Watch!

The Reminiscing Is All Good
But What Does This Have To Do
With That BLT
Brave Loyal True Request You Made!?!

It Has Everything To Do With It And Nothing At All!

Okay, It's Official ... And I'm Confused!

Are Christians On Probation!?!

Is The World On Probation!?!

Are You On Probation!?!

How Do You Feel About It
What Are You Doing To Pass Successfully!?!

I Mind My Own Business
And I Keep My Nose Clean!
I Color Within The Lines!
Other Than That, I Don't Worry Or Think About It!

After This Conversation
You May Want To Change Your Attitude!


I Am On Probation
I Don't Know When My Probation Ends!
I'm Facing A Fearsome Foe
The King Of Life I Know!
I Sin By Thought, Word, And Deed
By Grace Through Faith
I Daily Grow!
I Live And Breathe And Have, By Christ, My Being
I Know Not The Day Nor The Hour
When By Giving Up The Mortal Coil
This World I Shall Be Leaving!

Tomorrow Is Promised To No One

When You Die
Effectively ... Your Probation Report Is Closed!

Are You Going To Heaven
Or Are You Going To Hell!?!
Will You Rise In The First Resurrection To Eternal Life
Or In The Second Resurrection To Condemnation
To Eternal Damnation
With Those Who Refused 

Jesus Christ's Holy, Immortal, Incorruptible
Everlasting Life!?!

I Don't Worry About Such Things!
After My Nan Died
She Visited Me One Night
And She Was Happy
And She Said That When It Is Time
For Me To Transition
She And The Rest Of The Family There
Will Come To Escort Me Paradise ...!

... Whatever You've Been Drinking
You Seriously Need To Stop
All Like Right Now!

Why!?! What On Earth Do You Mean!?!
My Nan Never Lied To Me When She Was Living
So She Would Not Lie To Me
Now That She's Dead!

Her Body Died By Her Soul Is Immortal!

Can You Even Hear Yourself!?!
Do You Believe Your "Dead" Nan's Word
Over The Word Of The Living God!?!

Only The Living God Is Immortal!

Do You Even Believe The Word Of God!?!

I Do Believe The Word Of God!
Some Of It Is Really Good Stuff!

He Just Said Some ...!?!

... Only Some!?!
Either It's All Good Or It's All Bad!
It Can't Be Good And Bad At One And The Same Time!

You Need To Get Modern!
Man Has Evolved!
People Know And Have Seen New Things
And Experienced Unbelievable Powers!

You Ain't Lying!
You've Been Parlaying With Evil Spirits
Who Are Desirous Of Damning Your Soul!
The Dead Know Nothing
See Nothing
Experience Nothing
Go Nowhere!

Says You!

Oh, No! Not Me!
Says The Living Holy Cutting Dividing 

Faithful True Eternal Word Of
The Almighty All-Seeing
All-Knowing, Ever-Present
Feeling All Things Creator Sustaining Forgiving
Redeeming Saving Soon Returning
Presently Interceding God!

You're Wrong!
I Saw, I Spoke To, I Heard Her Voice
I Smelt Her Favorite Perfume
And You Can't Prove That I Didn't!

If You Say So!

I Do, And You Still Can't Prove Otherwise!

Where's Your Bible!?!
We're Going To Settle Once And For All Time!

It's On The Shelf Right Behind You!

Would You Read This Text From Ecclesiastes For Me!?!


Don't You Understand What It Says!?!

Sure, But ...!

... And We're Off And Running! 

But, What!?!

The Dead Know Nothing
But My Nan Is Alive!

Lord, Preserve Us From Our Folly!
Darley, Your Nan Is Dead
Done, Finished
In Her Cold Dusty Bed Resting
Waiting ... Experiencing No Passage Of Time
- As She Remains Undisturbed -
For The Voice Of God
To Call Her Forth At Her Self-Determined Resurrection!

What Are You Saying!?!
Before She Died, My Nan Never Lied To Me ...!

... And She Didn't Now That She Is Dead!

But, But ...!?!

Deception, My Friend, Deception!

Very True!
Fallen Angels, Evil Spirits, Demons
Performing Lying Signs And Wonders
To Deceive ... If It Were Possible
The Very Elect Of God!

But, Why ... It Seemed So Real!
I Tell You It Was Real!

It Was Real Alright!
A Real Lie!

Do You Remember The Funeral Service
When The Pastor Said:
"Dust To Dust, Ashes To Ashes!?!"

Yes, I Do!

Well, Please Be So Kind As To Read Ecclesiastes 12:7!

Now Please Read Job 17:13!


And Then Job 14:21!
It Tells How Much A Man Knows About
His Family When He Dies!

And, For Good Measure
Please Read Psalm 6:5!

What Does Tha ... Lord Jesus, Save Me!
I Think I'm Going To Be Sick!
This Is Making My Skin Crawl!

It Should!

Demonic Activity Is For Real! 


Satan, The Prince Of The Power Of The Air
His Wicked Angels
Have But A Short Time To Perform
Deception Is Rampant Around The World Already!

The Word Of The Eternal God Is A Sure Word
Good To Teach The Mind
Good For Us To Adopt!

Trust Neither Your Feelings Nor Your Eyes!
Trust Jesus Christ The Lord
The Only One Loving, True
The Only One Who Will Not Deceive You!

The Dead Know Nothing!

No Matter How Compelling The Stimulus Is
No Matter How Overwhelming The Evidence Is
- Being Contrary To The Truth -
Our Response In This Matter Should Always Be:

The Lord Rebuke You, Satan!

1 comment:

  1. The Truth Of The Holy God Uplifts, Enlightens, Enlivens, And Escorts His Children To The Kingdom Of The Blessed! Lord, Please Help Me To Live Wisely ... In Your Truth, So That I May Safely Reach The Heavenly Land, The Home Of The Forever Blessed!


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