
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Repentance ... In Advance!?!

How Can You Be Sorry
For Doing Something That
You Have Not Yet Done!?!
Pray Tell Why Were You Offering Repentance Before-Hand

Then Committing Sin!?!

Did You Really Believe That The Living God Holy
Was, Is, Going To Accept Your Putrid Offering!?!

Look, Just In Case You Have Not Been Told
Nor Are You Aware
Your Pre-Performance Repentance For What Is Known Sin

The Sin Called Presumption
The God Of All Grace Will Not Accept
Your Not-A-Gift

You Will Have An Unrepented Of Sin On Your Record
In Your Hands!

That Was Extraordinarily Foolish!

It Sounded Cute!
I Thought It Was Cute!
I Wanted To Do My Own Thing
But I Didn't Want To Offend The Lord Outright
So I Decided To Go For The Two-For-One
You Know, The BOGO
Buy One Get One Free Or At A Great Discount ...!

... You Simply Cannot Be For Real!
You Have Surely Lost Your Mind!

Do You Really Believe That
You And The Living God Are Street-Hustling Partners
So That You Can Dishonor Him
With Your Philosophical Garbage

He'd Be Eternally Grateful 
For Your Smelly Contribution!?!
What Were You Thinking!?!

I Wasn't!

Do You Realize That You Could Have Died Out There
In One Fell Swoop
You Would Have Been Lost 
To The Kingdom Of Christ ... Forever!?!

I Wasn't Thinking ...!
... I Wanted To Be Just Like Everybody Else
One Last Time ...!

... You Were Almost A Corpse ... Like Nobody Else!

Please Don't Say That!

I Did, And It Stands!
Was Your Foray In Fun Really Worth This Outcome!?!
Look At Yourself!
Body Brace, Shoulder Brace
Elbow Braces, Wrist Braces
Knee Brace, Eye-Patch

All Just For A Cheap Thrill!?!

I Did It!
It's Done!

You Could Have Been Done
Almighty God Was Merciful To You!

Thank You, Father, For Saving Grace!
Thank You, Lord
He Still Has A Life In The To-Salvation Race! 
Thank You, Lord
For Not Letting Him Be Destroyed
And Be Lost To The Glorious Kingdom
Because Of Gross Folly
And Thank You For Relieving Satan
Of The Opportunity
Against Jesus Christ
To Be Vindictively Joyful And Happy!

Please, Tan, I Beseech You
Do Not Tempt The Lord Again!
You Are A Mortal

You Can Have Your Life Recalled!
Don't Be Presumptuous!
You Know That We're Trying To Get Out From Under
The Effects Of The Fall
So Don't Be Like The Very Foolish Strong-Man Samson
The Wittingly Presumptuous King Saul!

Lord, Forbid!
The Lord Knows That I Am Truly Sorry!
I've Learned My Lesson
And It's The Straight And Narrow Way For Me
From Hereon!

I Love You
The Lord Loves You The Best!
Do Not Ever Again Put Him To The Test!

I Sincerely Promise That I Won't Do That Again!

Let's Praise Jesus And Glorify Almighty God!


1 comment:

  1. Lord, I Commit My Way Unto You And Ask You To Help Me To Submit My Will To You Daily, Without Any Murmuring Or Complaining: I Desire That Your Will, Will Be Done In My Life!


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