
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

I Am Not Alone!

My Life Is No Movie-Handmaid's Tale!
My Life Is A Pilgrim's Journey
Through The Crucible Of Life
In The Valley Of Decision
Between Life And Death
Heaven And Hell
Commendation And Condemnation
Where I Am Intimately
- Unavoidably -
Involved In The Mortal Strife!

I Desire To Unpack 
The Purchased-Especially-For-Me Gift Of 
Christ's Eternal Life!

I Know Without A Doubt ...

The Lord Is My Shepherd!
The Lord Is My Light!
The Lord Is My Hope, My Help
My Sure Salvation
In Him My Heart Delights!
Heaven Is In My Eyesight!

Because Of Jesus Christ's Love
His Sacrifice
His Mercy
His Grace
His Provision
His Protection
His Correction
His Direction
His Forgiveness
From Sin, I Am Taking The Permanent Vacation!
Clean Before The Lord I Stand!

No Need To Fear ...

The Lord Is The Strength Of My Life
My Rock Of Refuge!
My Strong Tower!
I Put My Trust In Him
I Receive Daily-Living Power!
I Also Receive The Daily-Blessing Shower
Because Of The Gift Of Daily-Faith
I Will Not Before Raging Satan Cower!

 Look At Life ...

As The World Turns
I Could Say With The Never-Right Multitude That
"There Is No God!" But
I Won't ... I Can't:

I Would Be A Truly Depraved Liar
Accompanied By The Siren's Song On The Lyre
Be Just Like Satan, The Accuser ... Heart ColdAka Beelzebub The Bold
Headed For Unquenchable Hellfire!
I Have No Desire To Be Consumed!
With Jesus Christ's Faith
I Am Perfumed!

Cross, Crossed Up, Crossed Off ...

As Unremitting Sin Churns
My Longing For The Lord Christ
In Conflagration Burns
It Is To Him That I, Believing
Confessing, Repenting
Confidently Turn
For Sure Help
For Certain Comfort
For Right Aid
For Abundant Blessing
For Perfect Peace
For True Rest!
He Will Never My Humble Entreaties Spurn!

I Don't Wear The Cross: I Bear My Cross
I Willingly Follow After The Lord Christ!

The Facts Are Plain ...

Like The Moon
My Life Goes Through Phases
Because The Lord God Almighty 
On The Throne
- His Throne -
Just Like The Sun I Shall Keep Rising
Until I Walk And Talk With Him
Face To Face
In Heavenly Places!
I Am Not Alone!

Be Free!
Be Blessed!
Living For Jesus Christ
Living Life
A Real Success -
No Carnal Stress!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Exercise My Daily Ration Of Jesus Christ's Gift To Me Of Faith So That I Will Pray Always And Not Worry About Stuff!


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