
Monday, June 10, 2019

GO: The Marching Order!

Dear Christian Had Received A Plain Instruction:

Grow In Grace!
Grow In Faith!
Acquire A Greater Appreciation
The Love Of God
Acquire A Greater Knowledge Of 
The Will Of The Eternal God!

He Is To Watch Carefully 
Those With Whom He Will Form Associations:
Only Those Who Agree Walk Together!

He Is to Draw Nearer To The Stature Of
One Who Is Abiding In The Lord Christ!
He Is To Set Aside Self!
He Is To Exercise His Mind 
Upon The Things Of The Eternal God
Studiedly Leave Behind Those Things
Which Will Unprofitably Embroil Him In Carnal Strife!
After All ... He's Striving Diligently For Eternal Life!

The Pain ...

He Knows From Personal Experience That
Indulging In Sin Always Cuts Like A Sharp Knife!

The Marching Order ...

Walk Committedly to Zion Even If You Walk Alone!
Indulge Constant Communication With The King:
He Inhabits Heaven's Great White Throne!

Look Out For Others!
Let The Light In You Shine
Do Not Set Up Any False God Shrine!

Be Ready For Action:
There Is A Raging, Condemned, Enemy!

Study To Show Yourself Approved:
Dig Deep In The Living Word! The Word Of God Is A Sharp Sword!

Put Truth In The Inward Parts:
Share The Good News With Others!

Live For The Lord Of Life ... Alone
AndSurvive The Carnal Strife!

It Pays To Serve Jesus ...

Dear Christian Knew He Had To Be Bold
Forthright ... Not Unkind
The Heart Of The King To Delight!
No Favors For The Rich!
No Lest Counting The Poor:
Jesus Christ Is To All The Savior
The Presently Wide Open Door!

Dear Christian Could Identify The Weather
More Importantly
He Must Be Able To Discern The Signs Of The Times
Since It Is His Desire
On Mount Zion Forever To Live
He Must, He Must
He Must Sincerely Worship The Lord God Holy
Just, Faithful, True And Ever Kind!

Dear Christian Understood The Marching Order!
Dear Christian Acknowledged The Clear Instruction:
He Was Walking, Watching, Working, Waiting
By Faith ... Through Grace
For The Great Day
He Had No Intention ... Ever
For His Own Sin To Have To Pay!

His Lord Could Come Any Day
He Desperately Wants To Hear Him Say:

Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant!
Enter Into The Joy Of Thy Lord!

Dear Christian 
Looking With Love Of Him Who Paid His Price
To The Great Day Of Award!
Moment By Moment
Hour By Hour
Day By Day
- He Has No Hold On Tomorrow -
He Is Walking With His Lord ... In Accord!
He Has No Truck With The Damned Fraud!
He Genuinely Loves His Lord!

1 comment:

  1. By The Grace Of God Almighty, And As Long As I Shall Live, I Will Always Hasten To The Throne Of The Lord Of Life Because In Him Is My Hope And My Only Means Of Sure And Secure Soul Salvation! I Love The Lord Christ!


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